💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights

@Blacky - alright, thank you very much for your quick replies and the help :blush:

One last question, since I can’t find anything about it (or overread it).
Is it possible to use a boolean helper (in my case for a night mode) to prevent the motion sensor activation?


Welcome to the community.

It is because you are on a older version of Home Assistant.

:warning:You must be on Home Assistant Version 2024.6 or later.

Please update HA if you can. Probably best to do it now before HA release the next update in 2 days as normally there are a few bugs in the first release of the month.

Blacky :smiley:


Welcome to the community.

  1. It is probably because you are using devices. Please see this FAQ Click Here.

  2. If you would like to assign different light levels then you will need to use scenes or scripts.

  3. You will could use a scripts. This BP has 2 set of light that I call Normal lights and night lights. Scripts can turn on different lights depending on what you ask it to do when the motion sensor is activated. I do have an add on blueprint for Movie lights that will disable this one and control another set of lights. For lights that just come on with sun, ambient, time, state then look at my Smart Light Blueprint. I also have a Manual Light and a Closet… light BP and they all do different things. All the links are in the first post.

Blacky :smiley:


The only way to disable the motion sensor is to use the bypass… but if you create a template binary sensor that works with your boolean helper then group your motion sensor with the template sensor and use that group as your trigger. Then when you turn ON your boolean helper it will turn on the motion and night lights keeping them ON until you turn OFF your boolean helper.

Blacky :smiley:

I have another idea or requirement for the bypass function. If the light is already switched on before the trigger for the motion detector is activated, then the light should remain switched on. I cannot use the bypass function as it is at the moment because there are too many switches that could have already switched the light on. At the moment I have solved it with a simple automation that only works when the light is switched off. I would like a function like this for this blueprint.


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Thank you. I will try that now

I did read the FAQ and considered how can I chose something that’s maybe a device. But the textbox does the filtering, these are the only motion detectors I can select from, there is not a visible ‘device’ and ‘entity’ level.
Also to me it seems these are not devices, I can find this in the entity list in HA
Is there any other way I can check this?
Thank you very much

Dear Blacky,

Huge shoutout and heartfelt thanks for your ingenious blueprint for lighting control! :bulb::sparkles: It’s truly impressive and has revolutionized our home lighting. The “Woman Acceptance Factor” has skyrocketed thanks to your innovation! :sparkling_heart::raised_hands: Thanks again for your brilliance and for making our lives brighter! :star2:

hmm, I have deleted the automation, selected the same one, and same sensor as in the picture, and now it works…but if I set the color to anything other than ‘none’, it only flickers once. I’ll investigate further.

Does anybody use this BP with Fibaro RGBW lights? the RGBW light is exposed as 5 different entities (among others), one for each channel, and one overall. I targeted the overall, given I want RGBW control, I assume this is the correct way.

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Since a recent update, (I believe v7) the automation seems to turn off a light entity while there is still motion activity in the room. Additional motion activity after this point also does not turn on the light.

I deleted the automation and re-created it from scratch (now on v7.1) and I am still experiencing this issue. Anyone else seeing this?


Thanks for your suggestion, I will put it on the list.

Blacky :smiley:


Thanks for your kind words it nice to get these ones :heart:

Blacky :smiley:

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Sound like you may have more than one trigger (motion sensor)… if so please group them. The link on how to do this is in the blueprint next to trigger input.

If that is not the case could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:

Thank you. In short, I only have one sensor; and here is the code:

alias: Master bathroom lights on Motion
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.multisensor_7_master_bath_motion_detection
      entity_id: light.master_bathroom
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Thanks for your YAML. This is the most basic setup you can have.

I have done a lot of testing here and it should work, so let’s assume the BP works.

I 100% believe you in what you are saying so lets try and resolve it.

Your motion sensor… in the wording it says multisensor so lets explore that.

Is this sensor a PIR and a mm-Wave sensor? or is it something that also works of LUX? We need to see if this entity is effected buy another sensor. The sensor in HA should go from OFF (clear) to ON (Detected). It can’t go from unavailable to ON. We also need to make sure it not effected by another sensor as I have had other community with the same problem. Look in the device and see what sensors you have. Add the entity into a dashboard and look at the state changes. Then let us know what you find even a screen shot will help.

Blacky :smiley:

(first post, go easy!)

This looks awesome, but I’m having a couple of issues trying to get it to setup how I would like.

Let me explain what I’m after, and then the issues I’m encountering.

I have two motion sensors (cameras) grouped together on my drive way that I would like to use as the sensors. I have a dimmer switch that controls the lightning on the drive way. I would like to use the “Night Lights” functionality to turn these lights on based on the sun elevation, essentially setting the dim level to 50% at dusk, and then off at dawn. I would like to use the “sensor” functionality to turn the dim level to 100% when motion is detected during “night time” (as defined by the sun elevation in night lights), and then back to 50% (the value set by night lights) when there is no motion.

I believe I have everything configured correctly, the lights come on/off based on the sun elevation, and the lights are triggered based on the motion sensors. I’m seeing two issues though:

  1. When the motion is cleared by the sensor group, the dimmer is turned off completely rather than reverting to the value specified by the “Night Lights” functionality.

  2. When the motion sensor is cleared, the lighting is turned off which seems to trigger another motion sensor event, repeating the process indefinitely. Is there a way to ignore motion changes for a couple of seconds (ideally the “Light Control: Transition - OFF” setting plus a second or two) while the lightning changes?

Here is a snippet from the Logbook last night:
Sensor Group turned off triggered by state of Camera Motion cleared (no motion detected)
10:19:29 PM

Dimmer turned on triggered by automation Sensor Light triggered by state of Sensor Group
10:19:26 PM

Sensor Group turned on triggered by state of Camera Motion detected motion
10:19:26 PM

Dimmer turned off triggered by automation Sensor Light triggered by state of Sensor Group
10:19:25 PM

Sensor Group turned off triggered by state of Camera Motion cleared (no motion detected)
10:14:25 PM

Dimmer turned on triggered by automation Sensor Light triggered by state of Sensor Group
10:14:22 PM

Sensor Group turned on triggered by state of Camera Motion detected motion
10:14:22 PM

(I have set the time delay for 5 minutes)
This went on and on until after the sun was above the value defined in “Sun Elevation”.

Any ideas on how to get this to work with this blueprint, or should I start tinkering on my own?

@Blacky - that’s an idea, but wouldn’t it be much easier and straight forward to have the option to use helpers as condition? Is that something you would maybe implement?

Hi! Blacky will likely have a better solution for you, but the way I think about it, you don’t need to use the night lights section. Here’s something you could try.

  1. Create two scenes - one for lights at 50% and one for lights at 100%
  2. Create a schedule helper for the duration you want the sensors to trigger lights (a few hours before sunset to a few hours after sunrise)
  3. Add the schedule helper as a trigger (along with your existing motion trigger)
  4. Choose your 100% scene in the Lights section and the 50% scene in the “Scenes - Scripts to turn OFF” (follow the faq to create a toggle helper that will be required when using scenes)
  5. Keep your sun elevation settings as is.


Hi Josh, welcome to the community.

Looks like you close but I will walk you through how to do this.
You have two options:

  1. Using this Blueprint (Sensor Light): This option doesn’t include a delay feature. In this case, the light will immediately dim from 100% to 50% as soon as the motion sensor clears, without any delay. If your motion sensor has a built-in delay, you can set that delay to wait before it sends a “clear” signal to Home Assistant. You can also create a template binary sensor that will have a delay for you motion sensor. If you need help just let us know.

  2. Using the Smart Light Blueprint: This option doesn’t include a delay feature, but it removes the need to create a schedule helper. In this case, the light will immediately dim from 100% to 50% as soon as the motion sensor clears, without any delay. If your motion sensor has a built-in delay, you can set that delay to wait before it sends a “clear” signal to Home Assistant. You can also create a template binary sensor that will have a delay for you motion sensor. If you need help just let us know.

Using this Sensor Light BP.

  1. Create a schedule and add it into the trigger. Set the time in the schedule to be well before sunset and well after sunrise. Example 4:00pm to 10am.

    How to create a schedule helper our a time of the day sensor helper.

    • Go to settings / Devices and Services / click on the helper tab at the top, then click create helper.
    • Then click “Schedule” or “Time of the day” and input your settings as required.
  2. Add your lights into Light. Use entities only. Then set up your Light Control for 50%.

  3. Use the Sun Elevation condition (Not in night light the main one). Set it up as required.

  4. Enable night lights in Night Lights Settings and use the state condition by Enable entity state option. Then enter in your motion sensor into Night Lights - Entity State

  5. Add your lights into Night Lights.

  6. In Night Light Control set your brightness to 100%. Set the Night Lights - Transition - OFF (this can help you on how long it takes to go from 100% to 50%). Make sure you select If lights are ON, adjust the lights when crossing over.

Your done.

Using this Smart Light BP.

:high_brightness: Smart Light - Entity - Sun Elevation - Ambient & Time Triggers

  1. Use the Sun Elevation trigger (Not in night light the main one). Set it up as required.
  2. Add your lights into Light. Use entities only. Then set up your Light Control for 50%.
  3. Enable night lights in Night Lights Settings and use the state condition by Enable entity state option. Then enter in your motion sensor into Night Lights - Entity State
  4. Add your lights into Night Lights.
  5. In Night Light Control set your brightness to 100%. Set the Night Lights - Transition - OFF (this can help you on how long it takes to go from 100% to 50%). Make sure you select If lights are ON, adjust the lights when crossing over.

Your done

Hope this helps you, let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

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Can you explain why would would like this feature? Your use case.

Blacky :smiley: