💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights

I think your solution will work for me, after posting I’d been thinking of an approach something along those lines but thought i was possibly making something complex to solve an apparently simple problem. Thanks!!

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Anyone have an answer?


Normally I check in every day just depends but I try and answer everyone.

All good, better to ask the question as sometime it gives me ideas. Wow we are at 600 :+1: But we only have 90 likes. Maybe we need more people hitting the like :heart: in the top post :blush:

Love your question, realy easy to understand :+1:

So all good here.

We will need to have another automation to do the rest. So you will have 2 in total. 1 for your shower and fan and the other one as shown below. To set this up try this.

  1. Have you sensor in the main part of the bathroom as the trigger.
  2. Select your main bathroom light in “Lights - Switches - Scenes”
  3. Set up any light control you like.
  4. Note: Do not use the time options here as we would like the automation to run 24 / 7.
  5. Now in night lights we will need to enable it.
  6. Enter your shower light in “Night Lights”.
  7. In the “Night Lights - Use The Light Control Options” select brightness and set the “Night Lights - Brightness” level to 20%
  8. In “Night Lights Conditions” enable time.
  9. Set your start time to 12:00 am and your end time to 6:00 am.
  10. Save the automation.

Your all done it should work for you :wink: :+1:

That seems strange. I have a very similar set up here and it has been working. If you would like to test it during the day then try changing the night light time. So say it is 5pm now and your delay is 2 min. For the test change the delays to 1 min (both delays) then set the night lights start time to 5:05pm and the end time to 5:10pm. Now walk in and out at 5:01pm and your main light should go ON and OFF (test 1). Then wait until 5:06pm then walk in and out and your shower light should come ON and go to 20% and then OFF (test 2). Then again walk in and out at 5:11pm and you main light should come ON and OFF. If it all works then you all good. Now just change back your settings. :+1:

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

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Thanks Blacky for the response. I try to be clear always, but I think you’ve missed what I’m trying to do with the night light. The main bathroom light is not dimmable, and besides, the shower light is out of my line of sight so it’s softer indirect light at 3am. But the instructions you gave me for the nightlight pasted below:

  1. Have you sensor in the main part of the bathroom as the trigger.
  2. Select your main bathroom light in “Lights - Switches - Scenes”
  3. Set up any light control you like.
  4. Note: Do not use the time options here as we would like the automation to run 24 / 7.
  5. Now in night lights we will need to enable it.
  6. Enter your shower light in “Night Lights”.
  7. In the “Night Lights - Use The Light Control Options” select brightness and set the “Night Lights - Brightness” level to 20%
  8. In “Night Lights Conditions” enable time.
  9. Set your start time to 12:00 am and your end time to 6:00 am.
  10. Save the automation.

Turns on the main bathroom light to 20%. In fact, that fixture is not even dimmable. I’m assuming the instructions above are correct except I should be substituting the entity guest_bath_shower_light_light_2 instead of guest_bathroom_light_2?

Thanks so much.

Once again I want to encourage people to make a small donation to Blacky. He doesn’t go out of his way to promote his donation link, in fact he hides it. His work has been so helpful to me as a beginner. If everyone here gave $10, that’s s chunk of money.

Blacky’s Hidden Donation Link


This is strange. For the main bathroom light to dim to 20% when it not even dimmable… well

guest_bath_shower_light_light_2 = This is your shower light entity?
guest_bathroom_light_2 = This is your main bathroom light?

If this is correct then step 2 (Lights - Switches - Scenes *) = guest_bathroom_light_2, and step 7 (Night Lights) = guest_bath_shower_light_light_2

So the night light (Shower Light) should only turn ON between 12:00 am to 6:00 am

If that is not how it is working then maybe check your light with the entity name as they could be crossed over. I think 12:00 am is correct but to be safe your could try 12:01am like you originally had.

If you need to check your home assistant time you can copy and paste this code below into developer tools / templates.

{{ now().strftime('Your HA time is %H:%M:%S and the Date is %d-%h-%Y ') }}

I thought this was your shower light that you could dim.

Anyway, looks like you may have worked it out, but if you are still unsure please let us know.

Yeah, we are not communicating. Not your fault. It is the guest bathroom shower light I’m trying to dim between 12 and 6, as the main light in the guest bathroom is not dimmable. I probably messed up my words.

OK, I will ask it in a simpler way.

If I want to have a stand-alone automation for the guest bathroom shower light to go on during the wee hours of the night based on the guest bathroom sensor group (main area plus shower sensors) being the trigger, do I use the global timing option and create the brightness and time settings, or do I leave that blank and just use the night-light section, or is it some combination of both.


So if you would like a stand alone automation to run your shower light at night between a set time period then you would just use the time option and set your lights in "Lights - Switches - Scenes”. No need to use the night lights.

Blacky :smiley:

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Since i update you script to 4.2, when i come to the area of the motion sensor, the light goes on an after 15 seconds it will go out.
But the time delay stand on 5 Minutes. what can i do?


Well that is not good. It is all working here so it must be in a setting.

If you can remember could you let us know what version you upgraded from?

Could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

From this I will be able to assist further.


Blacky :smiley:

i think it was 3.4.

alias: SensorFlurOG
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.sensorflurog_occupancy
      entity_id: light.flurog
    include_light_control: use_brightness
      - use_night_brightness
      - use_brightness
    night_lights_after_time: "22:00:00"
    night_lights_before_time: "08:00:00"
    ambient_light_sensor: sensor.sensorflurog_illuminance_lux
    light_brightness: 25
    include_ambient: ambient_enabled
    include_night_lights: night_lights_enabled
      entity_id: light.flurog
    ambient_light_value: 5
    night_light_brightness: 10
      - time_enabled
    light_transition_on: 0
    light_transition_off: 0
    night_time_delay: 4
    night_light_transition_on: 0
    night_light_transition_off: 0


Something is not right as you have a old setting hanging around (your a long term user :+1:). If possible could you delete the automation (not the blueprint) and add it again. It will probably be the fastest way to get it working again.

Let us know if this fixes it.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hallo, I delete the automation and make it new, but it dont work.

alias: SensorFlurOG
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.sensorflurog_occupancy
      - use_brightness
    light_brightness: 25
    include_ambient: ambient_enabled
    ambient_light_sensor: sensor.sensorflurog_illuminance_lux
    ambient_light_value: 5
    include_night_lights: night_lights_enabled
      entity_id: light.flurog
    night_time_delay: 3.5
      - use_brightness
    night_light_brightness: 10
      - time_enabled
    night_lights_after_time: "22:00:00"
    night_lights_before_time: "08:00:00"
      entity_id: light.flurog

Thank you for the automation! It would be awesome if you could add options to toggle a input boolean when lights turn on and off. Use case: I have some Ikea light which sometimes does not turn off by the automation even though HA detects it as off. With the input boolean I can periodically check the status and automatically trigger a off signal when the input boolean is off



Is your ambient light sensor effected by the lights? If you can you select “Yes” in site conditions, see below.


Fi that doesn’t work can you select 6 min in your time delay and save then select 5 min and save and then test it.

If that doesn’t work can you give me a screen shot of your traces when if faults. To do this go into the automation, top right “traces” then I need to see the path of the orange line.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hi Daniell, firstly welcome to the community :wave:

Personally if the Ikea lights don’t work I would replace them or try and fix them so the are accurate rather than trying to find a work around.

If you would like to keep them and you would like to do something as you suggested then you could create a template sensor and include it into the automation. Then it will turn ON and OFF with the automation and you will know it works, then use that for what your trying to do.

Hope this helps

Blacky :smiley:

Hello! I have a Garage door which doesnt provide a binary sensor that says if it is opened or not, but my door itself shows the status if it is opened or not. How can I do there?

i think, that fix the prolbem, i try this, with an other automation, and then we will see.


Hi Moises,

What you could do is create a template binary sensor mimicking your garage door. To do this you will need to put the code in your “configuration.yaml” file.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Garage Door"
        device_class: door
        icon_template: mdi:garage-open-variant
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('switch.your_garage_door_sensor_here', 'opened') }}
  • The "garage_door_binary_sensor_template” change to your liking.
  • The "friendly_name: “Garage Door” change to your liking.
  • The Icon change to your liking.
  • You will need to replace the “switch.your_garage_door_sensor_here” to your actual garage door entity name and make sure the state '‘opened’ is correct.

Once done you will then need to restart HA for the sensor to take affect. Then add your new sensor into the trigger :tada:

Hope this help, and if you have any question please ask.

Blacky :smiley:

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What was the thing that fixed it?

  1. Ambient Site conditions.
  2. Changing the minutes.