💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights

I will PM you

Blacky :smiley:

Updated my post with some more info!


Hi Fred, thanks for the information. The reason why it is doing this is because when you trigger it again the automation see the light is ON because the end scene set it at 10%.

The way we can make this work is to create another scene with the lights at 100%. Then remove the light from “Lights - Switches - Scenes - Scripts” and enter in the scene of 100%.

It should then work.

More work is being done with scenes and scripts, so keep an eye out for any updates.

Blacky :smiley:

Is there a solution to the following. I recently swapped some Hue warm white/white bulbs for Ikea Tradfri Color bulbs in two rooms. Since the change, they have no brightness gradient when switched on and every time a movement is detected, the light dims briefly and then brightens again.

What I’ve found out so far is what happens when Dynamic Lightning is activated. If I deactivate Dynamic lightning, everything works again with the Ikea bulbs. If “Use The Light Control Options (Optional)” is deactivated with “transition”, which would otherwise be activated, then the duration of the darkening and brightening during movement will also be shorter when the light is on.

Why is that? What is different about Dynamic Lightning when it is activated? I use the “5”.

In the hallway I have the identical configuration but with Hue bulbs, so these problems don’t exist there. So it must also be hardware related? But as soon as Dynamic Lightning is deactivated it works with the Tradfri without these problems.

I would like to continue to have different brightness and color settings throughout the day, ideally without any problems. So far it’s been working great with the position of the sun


When we use dynamic lighting the “Use The Light Control Options (Optional)” can still be active depending on your selection. If your lights don’t like transition then dont enable it in “Use The Light Control Options (Optional)” when using dynamic lighting.

Q: Can you provide more information on how dynamic lighting works?

A: Please Click Here.

Blacky :smiley:

I am still struggling with the by-pass options.
I want to have a manual override to switch the light on and off in my room using a physical smart switch with two buttons (on and off button) in case it is too dark in the room while the sunset setting condition and/or time option is not met (e.g on a cloudy day or in the middle of the night). When the last manual light switch condition is off button, the motion sensor and the sunset condition setting must take over the light on task.
From what I understand is that checking any by-pass option all automations stops working.
The automations must be on hold as long the light has manually been switched on and get active when the light is manually switched off.
Hope this better explains what I try to achieve.

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This works indeed, thanks!

Looking forward to the next updates

Hoping to get some help with an automation I’d like to setup and am struggling with :pray:

My living room is split into two areas - Lounge and Dining. I have a motion sensor and a mmwave presence sensor (grouped by a helper) check if anyone comes in/out and remains in the room.

Essentially what I’m trying to create is an automation that turns on the lights in both sections when someone walks into the room and follows the Dynamic Lighting Option from this blueprint. However, I would then like the light in each section to follow different logic, like so:

  • Before sunset, lights in Lounge and Dining follow Dynamic Lighting
  • After sunset, Dining lights are triggered by a specific Presence zone sensor (Dining Table) that raises the brightness of the lights to whatever the Dynamic Lighting is at when someone walks near the dining table and then dims them to 15% when no presence is detected for that sensor
  • If presence is still detected in the Living Room, then the Dining area will continue to keep lights at 15% until the Dining Table sensor is triggered again
  • Then, when no presence/motion is detected in the Living Room after 15 mins, lights in both areas turn off completely after sunset.

I suppose this needs to be a series of different automation (maybe with scenes?), but I’m struggling to get my head around how to automate the presence in the Dining area while still having it follow the Dynamic Lighting Opiton in step with the Lounge area.

Any ideas anyone?


All the by-pass options (1, 2 or 3) will allow manual control of your light and disable the triggers / conditions. Each option only relates to what happens when you turn the by-pass ON (what would you like to do). When you turn it OFF the automation is enabled allowing the triggers / conditions to trigger the automation.

You don’t need 2 buttons. You can use one button to turn the by-pass ON and OFF.

Hope this helps.

Blacky :smiley:


Nice one thanks for letting us know.

Blacky :smiley:

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You could try and use a script and enter it in the “Scenes - Scripts To Turn OFF” as everything you are asking is related to the OFF part. Example for your OFF script.

  1. When it is between sunrise and sunset lights OFF.
  2. When it is between sunset and sunrise and no presence detected in dining room the set light to 15% for 15min then turn OFF if no detection in living room.
  3. When it is between sunset and sunrise no detection in living room and dining room then lights OFF.

I did this logic realy fast so my logic could be wrong but hopefully you get the idea.

Blacky :smiley:

ahh i didn’t even consider using a script! what a good idea - thank you! I will give it a go and see what i can figure out.

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Could this been enhanced to events as an trigger? Since CarPlay is supported, this would allow me to trigger this blueprint when a CarPlay button is pressed:)


If HA can see your CarPlay button then you can trigger it with a binary template sensor. Just create a binary template sensor that toggles ON / OFF when you press the button then add the binary template sensor to the trigger. You may need to create a trigger template binary sensor and maybe also include a auto off as I assuming you would like this for a garage light. Click Here for some examples and if you need help just ask.

Blacky :smiley:

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This is the script that i’m proposing (am not home right now so no chance to try it out yet)

alias: Living Room | Motion Lights Off
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: sun.sun
            state: above_horizon
          - service: light.turn_off
            data: {}
                - light.dimmer_2_9
                - light.living_room_lounge_2
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: sun.sun
            state: below_horizon
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.presence_sensor_fp2_8dcd_presence_sensor_5
            state: "off"
              hours: 0
              minutes: 5
              seconds: 0
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.presence_sensor_fp2_8dcd_presence_sensor_1
            state: "off"
          - service: light.turn_off
            data: {}
                - light.dimmer_2_9
                - light.living_room_lounge_2
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: sun.sun
            state: below_horizon
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.presence_sensor_fp2_8dcd_presence_sensor_1
            state: "off"
          - service: light.turn_on
              brightness_pct: 15
              transition: 65
              entity_id: light.dimmer_2_9
          - delay:
              minutes: 15
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              'off') }}
          - service: light.turn_off
            data: {}
                - light.living_room_lounge_2
                - light.dimmer_2_9
mode: single
icon: mdi:lightbulb

but on further consideration… with this script won’t the Dynamic Lighting for the dining table constantly be re-triggered every time there’s motion in the living room so that 15% brightness won’t stick?


Actually this is an idea but not what i want to archive.

Actions | Home Assistant Companion Docs This is what i wanna use and its using events. Would be really nice to add events (advanced config) as trigger.

do you see a chance that input_boolean helper can be used as trigger or used as bypass switch?
I can enter the input_boolean in yaml mode but it is not recognized, e.g. with a trigger.


Is there a way to check the automation is trigger the second time and so the condition “brightness under 20” will switch off or a simlilar logic ??

Is this possible? This is actually required if you use e.g mmWave sensors in your office and want to turn on lights based on the actual brightness in the room without activating motion again.

On my current automations where I have this use case I added the illuminance sensor as a trigger, which seems not to work with Sensor light.

Hi, I am still a newbie in regards to the by-pass options. And I hope I could get some help here :pray:
My challenge: In the bathroom the lights around the mirror shouldn’t be switched on automatically triggered by the motion sensor. Instead they will be switched on manually when needed.
They should be switched off when there is no motion in the room for 5min. Means, they are automatically switched off if someones forgets to switch them off manually.

i can confirm that this script did not work. just plunged my living room into darkness with two people sitting in it :sweat_smile: