💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights

Hi and thanks for this great blueprint!
Now I am having a light with a pir and a physical button.
The physical button is connected to an esp with esphome and toggles an input_boolean when it is pressed (another one for long click, doubleclick and so on).
Now, the PIR should trigger the light, but when clicking the button, the light should toggle (and auto-off should happen if the button turns the light on).
(How) can this be achieved using the blueprint?
Additionally… As this is the light of the toilet, I added a time based rule so the lights are darker during night hours. Can the button also handle this (lets say: if the binary_input for clicked happens it should be darker during night hours, if the binary_input for doubleclick happens, the light should be set to full brightness, no matter what time it is). And maybe (additionally) if the binary_input for longpress occurs, no auto-off occurs (for cleaning or so)
Best regards and thanks in advance,


First, great blueprint. I love it and it is one of the core blueprints in my home automation. Thank you very much for all the work you put in there.

I try to get the Dynamic Lighting to work, but when ever I turn it on, the automation wont work anymore. It would not even turn on the lights any more.

When I use the automation without a Dynamic Lighting option selected, it works perfectly. For example I can select Light Control Options and the lights would switch on in exactly the colour and brightness I defined.

I created a new automation just for testing the Dynamic Lighting. Please see bellow.

alias: DG.Sensor Light
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.dg_m_bewegungsmelder_bewegung
        - light.dg_l_spot_1_licht
        - light.dg_l_spot_2_licht_2
        - light.dg_l_spot_3_licht
    time_delay: 1
    include_dynamic_lighting: enable_sun_elevation_colour_brightness

What am I doing wrong or what could I check to find out why its not working?

Thank you very much.
Best Regards

1 Like

Hi Blacky,

I’ve been using this for a few days and works great. Lots of good options. I noticed when using the night light option that the following option seemed to be enabled even though the d not selected it:

If lights are ON, adjust the lights when crossing over

Maybe the code defaults to it on and that’s out of synch initially with the template?

I turned it on and off and saved and that seemed to sort it.



I am searching for something to improve my motion sensors at home.
Are there any possibilities to do following:

1) Music:
In bathroom and maybe also in other rooms I like to play music or to continue audio of TV while being there. Light should turn on only when it is dark. Music should turn on all day. I assume I need a second automation for this or is there any way to combine both?

2) Exit Criteria:
Sitting on the couch I am not moving heavily. To avoid that light switches off, I saw some time ago the idea that only if another zone/motion sensor was triggered, the light switches off - same question - any idea how to consider this?

This was the blog where I found it :wink:

I am curious for your suggestions and feedback =)


Im using a camera that detects motion to trigger this the problem I am having is the light turning off triggers motion again and it turns right back on any ideas on a work around to get it to function properly?

Hi Blacky, I’ve manged to get to part 4 above i think but now to part 5 I’m lost a bit, a lot really.
5, What do you mean by enable your night lights? Is this meaning I create another version of your Blueprint?
8, Can’t find ‘If lights are ON’ option…
In the ‘Use Light Control Options’ There are only three tick boxes, I ticked two, Brightness and Transition on, and four sliders - I used Brightness (100) and Transition On (500 seconds). I left Colour Temp as is and set the Transition OFF to (30 Seconds).
I tried the ‘Run’ option at the top but I’m guessing it’s now waiting for both triggers to trigger.

Again any help will be much appreciated…



Hi Blacky,

If I used my eyes it might help - I think I’ve managed to follow your instruction and have set all as above.

I’ll see what happens this evening.

Regards again and again thanks for your help.

Robert (Bob)…

this button entity shows only as “Reception dine button Action”

which is any action

how to use it for single (which is single click) or rotate right (to increase brightess for example)


I think you will be looking at the bypass options for this.

It is easier to just use night lights and have it time based condition for lower brightness, This is primary what it was developed for.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks a lot! I will play around with it.
Your blueprint is already that complex that one needs really lots of time and experiments to understand it…
Best regards and thanks in again,


Firstly welcome to the community :wave:

Nice one, glad you like it and thanks for your kind words.

Can you provide the YAML of this automation so I can see what is going on.

That is good we know that your lights can handle it :+1:

In the ‘Dynamic Lighting - Heartbeat’ can you adjust it down to the minimum as this will speed it up and you will see the reaction faster.

I have been flat out here getting a project out but in the next few days I will test this setting live during the day and get back to you. Hopefully you can provide more information and I will look at it.

Blacky :smiley:



The default should not select anything but I will have a look at it, thanks for reaching out.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like


Not sure what you are trying to achieve. Persistence sensor can break it down into zones and you can automate anything you like… it is Home Assistant.

Sorry I not a big help here.

Blacky :smiley:


Cameras can be tricky to set up. You will have to go through your camera settings as it is detecting the light as motion. You may be able to use a template sensor that just may help you through this problem. Have a look at my template examples (click here) and look at REF - TS-2. Having the delay may help you, it is worth a try.

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:


Nice one Bobie, let us know how you get on.

Blacky :smiley:


Not sure what you are trying to do or if it relates to this blueprint.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks again and sorry for disturbing.
I am having an esphome device which sends an event when a button is clicked (or double, long and so on).
Now I created a switch helper and an automation to toggle that as soon as an event arrives.
Somehow I seem to be too stupid for this blueprint, as my lights do not switch when the helper switch is toggled.
This is my configuration:

alias: klovorne_licht_mit_nachtlich
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.klo_vorne_pir
        - e23746d0bb729f528172091f6340b430
        - cbe2b80aa720a456d5937b921a41c295
        - c75274895e5e10c31ec73937422e18dd
    time_delay: 1
      - use_brightness
      - use_transition
      - bypass_enabled_turn_on
      - input_boolean.klovorne_taster_links_klick_schalter
      - input_boolean.klovorne_taster_links_klick_schalter
    bypass_time_delay: 0
      - bypass_auto_off_enabled_on
    bypass_auto_off_delay: 2
    include_time: time_disabled
    include_night_lights: night_lights_disabled
      entity_id: light.klovorne_links
      - use_brightness
    night_lights_after_time: "22:00:00"
    night_lights_before_time: "04:30:00"
    light_colour_temperature: 2000

What I would like to achive is:

  • Switch goes to ON, lights are off → lights should turn on (and be automatically turned off after the delay set)
  • Switch goes to ON, lights are on → lights should turn off

Right now, my automation is not even triggering when the switch changes states?
I think, I am a little bit lost :frowning:

There is a lot in there to take in. Try and break it down into setions or read ‘The Settings & Best Practice Guidelines’.

If you have any question I am more than happy to help.

Blacky :smiley:


You are using devices in ‘Lights - Switches - Scenes - Scripts’ and they are not supported. Please expand down to entities as shown here

Blacky :smiley:

at least this is working now!
thanks again for your work and your really fast support :slight_smile: