Sensorpush humidity and temperature sensors

Based on error, looks like you may have provided an incorrect user/password combo OR the SensorPush cloud service is not reachable from your host. I’ve added additional error check to make this clearer in the future.

Didn’t even think about connection from the container. I haven’t had any other issues with outside connections yet, but I’ll look further tonight and update. Appreciate the response.


Thanks for the help. I ended up getting this working. To anyone else: my problem (I believe) was that I hadn’t logged into the gateway via the web ( and “finished” setup. Once I did this, I rebooted HA and my errors went away. I now have them on cards in lovelace.

Also, SensorPush had an issue with their authentication system yesterday so that may have been the issue:

“We notice that some users are having trouble logging into the apps. We’re checking into the problem now and will have an update for you once we know what the issue might be. Until your apps can log into the cloud again, your Gateways might register as offline. Apologies for any inconvenience. (7:24PM EST Jan 22)”

Upgrading to 0.109.0b2, on startup I see these errors:

Apr 25 17:02:11 ultra hass[4896]: 2020-04-25 17:02:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.util.async_] Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for sensorpush doing I/O at custom_components/sensorpush/, line 44: LOG.debug(f"Setting up SensorPush sensors: {sensorpush_service.sensors}")
Apr 25 17:02:11 ultra hass[4896]: 2020-04-25 17:02:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.util.async_] Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for sensorpush doing I/O at custom_components/sensorpush/, line 44: LOG.debug(f"Setting up SensorPush sensors: {sensorpush_service.sensors}")
Apr 25 17:02:11 ultra hass[4896]: 2020-04-25 17:02:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.util.async_] Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for sensorpush doing I/O at custom_components/sensorpush/, line 44: LOG.debug(f"Setting up SensorPush sensors: {sensorpush_service.sensors}")

Hi all,
I just picked this kit up myself and the discussion here helped me through a few of my initial issues (thanks!). I also ran into the misconfiguration of ‘sensors’ instead of ‘sensor’ as that is what I cut and paste from the installation guide.

I’m running 0.109.3 as also seeing a triple set of those three event loop warning messages.

I’m trying to setup SensorPush integration, but clearly I’m doing something wrong! I have a working sensor and G1 bridge, which seems to be reporting nicely and I’m logged into the app.

I’ve verified that my login credentials are correct by logging out of the SensorPush app and logging back in - that all appears to work nicely. I can also log into

Here’s what I have in my configuration.yaml

# SensorPush setup
  username: [MY_EMAIL]
  password: [PASSWORD]

  - platform: sensorpush

This results in a notification:

Invalid config

The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:

Please check your config.

What am I doing wrong? Any help or direction towards logs that may help would be much appriciated!

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You’re configuration looks correct to me.

A foundational question: have you installed HACS (Community Store) and the sensorpush integration?

Always worth checking the basic stuff! I’ve checked and yes, it’s installed (via HACS) and if I look in the ‘custom components’ folder, I can see the sensorpush folder which has code inside it.

I have a couple other components installed and working that way for Shelly and Lightwave.

OK, further to this… it appears I’ve figured it out.

I had another ‘sensor:’ entry further down my configuration.yaml file. I guess the second had overridden the first. So I need to combine them presumably.

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Hello! Better Documentation for the Configuration would be nice and I have a problem: “Could not authenticate to SensorPush service with and password” but the Login Informations are right.

Yes, I am having the same problem with “Could not authenticate to SensorPush service with xxxxx and password”.
I can login at without problem.
At, I can login, but there isn’t an account token displayed. It is blank. Not sure if that is normal.
What do other people see? @toemsel1 were you able to fix your password problem?

Hello bule i update Home Assistant and HACS and everthinmg elsen now i have no errors more. But i have some Problems to display Graphs. I wrote all in the configuration.yaml and then over the Dashbord i whant to add the graphs to my page but that doesnt work. what did i doe wrong?

I haven’t gotten around yet to doing graphs yet, I can’t help you with that.

However, I did fix my problem. I had missed in the directions above you have to email support to turn on the API, doh… I did and they enabled within a couple of hours. It works now.

Ok thanks. when you did it with the graph please write it here. i need help with that. ':slight_smile:

WOW nice job

is there a way to have from the sensor push the information " Last Reading" would be nice to see when the update was done :slight_smile:
…Or any other alternative

tks again

new sensor are now available on the cloud, so no data for Home Assistan

Anyone having issues to connect to the SensPush Cloud

see error message

Logger: custom_components.sensorpush
Source: custom_components/sensorpush/
Integration: SensorPush (documentation)
First occurred: 4:51:35 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:51:35 PM

Unable to fetch latest samples from SensorPush cloud

Anyone having issues to connect to the SensPush Cloud

see error message

Logger: custom_components.sensorpush
Source: custom_components/sensorpush/ init .py:110
Integration: SensorPush (documentation)
First occurred: 4:51:35 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:51:35 PM

Unable to fetch latest samples from SensorPush cloud

I have everything setup and running with the gateway, but I get delays in the reading sometimes I have to wait over a min for a updated reading. How can I increase how often data gets sent to HA?

I wasn’t certain if I should start a new thread or not, and this was one of the few threads I found for this integration. I’m very new to Home Assistant, and struggling with this one.

Does everything go in the configuration.yaml - or should I put some of this in other files?
I do have some other sensors configured in my configuration.yaml so I’m guessing I need to somehow combine all of them?

At the moment - I can only add the username/password section. the minute i try to add any of the sensor information i get a syntax error.

also, how do you know the name of the sensors? is it just exactly what you already have named the sensors in the SensorPush system?

Thank you.