Just spent the last few days constructing a new dashboard to take over from the old one. I can’t believe there is no way of making a specific dashboard the default globally!!! How frustrating. I’ve no idea how to get around this now
I can’t believe that after 3 years of this conversation, it is still not possible to predetermine a panel for a user, or even easier, a specific panel for all users… Please, I think it’s something basic so that “non-technical” people, that they don’t have to be rummaging through a menu, on a totally black page when you enter Home Assistant and see everything empty (because I’m not interested in them seeing the summary)… and even less, having to be looking in options such as putting your main panel as default…
If this is too difficult, it may be easier to allow the configuration to be saved by user and not by device, so that the administrator can enter with that user and leave the panel configured and ready for when the “user” really enters…
I think part of the reason that this hasn’t been done is that no one has stepped up to create it and submit it for inclusion in Home Assistant. Also, I suspect that many people realize that there already is a default dashboard for everyone, but few people are willing to take control of it and customize it for each Home user themselves.
You may be right about that. However, the vast majority of HA users are probably YAML-challenged as it is (me included) so creating it is out of question
Just reread your original comment. You said “no one has stepped up to create it and submit it for inclusion in Home Assistant.” My response was that most people can hardly use YAML so you can’t expect them to code and submit actual HA code. Surely Home Assistant itself is not developed using it’s own UI?
You also mention that there already is a default dashboard for everyone. Care to elaborate? I think the whole point of this topic is that people are willing to setup dashboards manually but then cannot use them as default for all users.
The Overview dashboard is, by default, available to all users. What isn’t yet possible is to make buttons on that available only to certain people in the home, as well as dedicated dashboards that are only available to the administrator and certain people.
I think not only the dashboard but also the sidebar menu. In general, the option of setting on constantly default appearances would be useful - such that would remain after removing the cache.
It is not only a great way to force the right dashboard to all users. There is a (cookie-)bug that once in a while resets and presents the overview dashboard for everyone.
Which is not a great way for roommates to accept home automation!
Until this is supported natively, I would like to let you know that Custom Sidebar has a new option to set the default URL path every time that Home Assistant loads or gets refreshed. It is possible to set up a default URL for all the users and create exceptions for the admins without this option so Home Assistant will behave as per default for these users:
# Default URL path for every user
default_path: '/some/dashboard'
- user:
- Some Admin
- Another Admin
# ... other options
# As there is no default_path option
# Home Assistant will behave normally and open the configured dashboard
Note: You need to be aware that this option changes the default behaviour, so if you are in a dashboard and you hit the refresh button, then the default URL path will be loaded instead of the page being refreshed.
What happens is that this setting is stored in the local storage, so if this local storage gets wipe, then the overview dashboard will be the default one (together with other options like the sidebar order).
If this is the front-end cache, then it gets lost quite often due to updates from hacs integrations.
Why not store it in the user preferences? Optionally with a device name so you can have a different dashboard per device.
On a weekly basis I get the overview dashboard 2 or 3 times, usually random. And somehow it takes a while to go to my default dashboard when I click it.
It is not the front-end cache, it is the browser local storage. Normally it gets wiped if one logs out, but it doesn’t have an expiration like session storage or cookies, but it is possible to clean it from a JavaScript code though.
That is the best solution, something similar to this. There are many settings that should be stored in the database instead of in the local storage.
This seems to be an issue with the code that retrieves it from the local storage. If you get it sometimes, then the default dashboard entry is not deleted from the local storage, but it is failing to be retrieved instead.
I don’t use that feature so I have not experienced that issue, but if it occurs it should be a bug in Home Assistant frontend.
I really don’t know. But if it loads sometimes and sometimes not it should not be because the data is lost and recovered, it should be because the process of retrieving the data is failing for some reason.