Set instalation of HA in docker on Synology

I installed HA without “–privileged”. What does it mean?

I don’t know if it’s related, but I’m having problems with some devices (battery shelly motion) not updating their states.
I tried installing wireshark in docker but I can’t see HA communication in it at all. I wanted to check if COAP messages appear there. Can the docker settings be changed (I mean “–privileged”)? Alternatively, what do I need to do to see the communication in wireshark, or better yet, to make communication between HA and devices work flawlessly? Do I have to allow any ports somewhere?

I don’t believe in running privileged containers but do use it short term in rare case when required for testing basically. When I use synology I remember the system block many functions and never give user full access.

Likely if wireshark can’t see communication you are looking at wrong interface. Docker creates its in virtual interfaces so you may need to look at those.

You need to rebuild container adding this change. Portainer makes this easy…

Step 2 in Tutorial - Install Home Assistant on Docker
Portainer is in DSM 7. I have DSM 6.2.
If I rebuild I lost all HA settings, isn’t it?

If build ha correct no

HA config should be in permanent folder on system and will be unchanged when make new container.

This is purpose of bind mounts

Ok, I can build another HA, and origin HA stopped in docker and origin stay like backup when I do not build new one correct?
It will solve my problem or it is not related?

If I understand you correctly yes. It will not be backup however. New docker container will use same data and folders of original.

Not using privilege container may be related to your problem. I not sure.

It is completely unrelated to wireshark issues

The priviledged flag is only needed if running something like zha and you need to connect a usb/zigbee stick to home assistant. Alternatively, you can use the device flag (i agree with tmjpugh on avoiding priviledged).

I posted about priviledged before here

This article also explains why it’s a bad idea

As far as your home assistant config, there should be a volume folder somewhere, specified with -v or “volumes” in a run/compose command, that “persists” the home assistant config. This allows you to delete, update, or reinstall the docker container while preserving your config and settings for home assistant. To clarify, if you need to change docker container settings, like volumes, priviledged, or network settings, you need to delete and re-add the container with the new docker settings in the run command. Again, the home assistant config stays in tact if the volume was setup properly.

I do believe the shellys need “host networking” mode to work right. I would make sure you setup home assistant to use host networking mode.

Thanks for advices. Problem was that port 5683 UDP was not allowed