I ran a fresh install of 2024.7.4 on an Odroid N2+ and have spent hours scratching my head over the wildly wrong time it showed. I’m posting in the hope it helps someone else.
With a fresh flashed eMMC, it booted but would not run HA. After hours of searching and head scratching, I figured that the date was way off, causing cert checks to fail, thus no install etc. I set date manually which allowed me to boot, install and carry on. I was a bit puzzled at this, because I use DHCP for NTP and knew it was offering the local server which I use for all my gadgets, but the manual date set hack got me by.
A couple weeks later I picked up where I left off (migrating from RPi-4 - another story), and realised that the clock was off. Not a TZ issue, it was off by 33 minutes, and the Odroid has RTC (yes, battery inserted), so I concluded that it was drifting since I last set it (not very accurate) and not NTP synced after all.
That led me to find timedatectl (ssh as root on p22222), which refused to work ( “Failed to query server: Failed to read RTC…” ) until I ran ‘hwclock -w’ - I saw the hint elsewhere, no idea why this was needed. Then timedatectl worked and showed NTP not synced, and nothing I could try over the next 3 hours would get it to sync. Until I loaded Chrony (as above in this thread), which others indicated had solved an issue - and voila - instantly my NTP sync showed ‘yes’.
So thank you to the earlier posts in this thread - I’d still be going at it without the pointers. But now the question is why?! Chrony has a “Set system clock” option which is doubtless what saved me, but why do I need this; I don’t want another NTP server - why does the system not run synced to NTP, not boot without NTP or even a network, and not need another server add-on (which I don’t want) to make the system clock work?
If I can spend more time tinkering and figure out how, I’ll revise my post. In the meantime, it’s here because HA on Odroid N2+ with the standard image had NTP issues the moment I loaded it - others MUST be having the same issue…