Setting up Google Actions for Assistant

did you solve?

WHich error you get?

was it giving you succesfully linked (even if it was not linking?)

Anyone know if the new “Implicit discovery” feature announced by Google will improve the integration with HASS, or is it not relevant?

I received that too, after a second try, it says SUCCESSFUL LINKED, but it will not look link anything

can I use it now, or is not possible?

Will this REFRESH add new devices, and before do a “forget devices”?

I ask this because I have a weird problem, and I am not the only one. If I unlink and relink GH will add ONLY new devices, and the OLD devices (previously linked) will not be added anymore; hence they DISAPPEAR, and cannot be called. The only way to have them back is by renaming the entity ID or adding aliases (ALL THE TIME A NEW ALIAS).

Just want to say I don’t have this issue. I unlinked and relinked several times when adding new things and always it relinks everything (that I configured in Hass) again.

It was for me the same until yesterday. But yesterday I installed the new GH app (the apk).

But cannot be sure its that, it was a long time that I did not unlink and relink

Add the fix in custom_components


Since my ISP does not let me do port forwarding I went with Tor Oninon Configuration ( Since this in reality has end to end encryption do I need to a SSL Certificate in order to have this work with google home?


Trying to setup google_assistant component.
HASS version 0.57.3. I can see that component is present at /dist-packages/homeassistant/components/google_assistant
Used configuration:

project_id: homeassistant-cb4f5
client_id: clitoken
access_token: accesstoken
expose_by_default: true
- switch
- light
- group

There is no error in configuration check:
hass --script check_config

The problem is that I am getting 404 error page from HASS when try to open https://[my hass url]/api/google_assistant from my browser. It is HASS “404: Not Found” message not browsers 404 error page.
In HASS log file, I can not find any clue that component google_assistant have event tried to start.
I have tried to change place in configration.yaml for google_assistant configuration, but no luck.

Any idea?

I am getting the same when I enter

comes back 404 also app in home can access everything else but google is 404 not found and no errors

any thoughts

Thank You

It looks like google_assistant component is not activated at startup time. But no configuration or runtime error at any time. IFTTT and dialogflow API calls running without any issue. It is strange that there is no error in log file when 404 error returned.

Ohhh, it was my stuping mistake. The system did not apply my config change.
I have noticed that configuration.yaml was not changed after one reboot of RPi.
Now /api/google_assistant is served.

Yes, If I understand this correctly it would allow custom Dialogflow invocations instead of ‘talk to <appname>’. That would be really awesome!

Has anyone gotten both Google Assistant and Dialogflow working at the same time?

edit: can’t seem to get dialogflow working with multiple invocations. Only have ‘talk to’ working…

I have this same issue, everything works when i set my phone to English-US, but when I have it in Italian I can’t find the Home Control in the Google Assistant settings. Also, when using the simulator @, after i switch language to italian i get the “App cannot be tested because it does not yet support ‘it-IT’ as a locale” message.

You have Google Assistant in Italian language?

I still don’t have it

Yes it has been released a few days ago

I have it in English, if I change phone language to Italian all menus are greyed out.

Do you have a Google Home? Did you try to change language to Italian?

Google Home is not yet available in italian afaik