Setup failed for tado

Yup, same here.

I’m running Hassio on a Pi, so I don’t think I can get access to the source directories to modify it?

Yes, that worked for me as well! Thanks!

Thanks this worked as a quick fix :+1:

Where to put those two files after making the changes? I run hassbian

Same here. Looks like a global problem. Your workaround solution works! You’re great!
Hope next updates will fix this.

Hello, this is solution for docker users:

1.- Access by ssh to the host and execute docker ps to get the code from the docker container:

5a4353db1768        homeassistant/home-assistant:latest

2.- Now copy the file: /config/deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyTado/ to a folder inside the host:

docker cp 5a4353db1768:/config/deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyTado/ /media/

3.- Modify the file the row 115 and 140 of the file change by (thanks @Macs)

4.- Now copy the file from the host to the container:

docker cp /media/ 5a4353db1768:/config/deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyTado/

5.- Restart Homeassistant docker container :slight_smile:

Thanks @diplix

the solution by @diplix did also work for me. I simply put the SD card of my HASSIO into my PC and searched for files. I modified all Tado related files accordingly and now it is working again!

Thanks again for the super fast solution

Thanks this worked for me using virtual python environment on ubuntu 18.04

though found it in /homeassistant/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PyTado/

Thanks for the workaround :+1:

Same problem here.
But on Hassio any idea where to find the to edit?

i cannot find it in deps/lib/python/site-packages/PyTado/


On my docker (Home Assistant version 0.89.1) the path was :usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyTado/

But it’s now working again :slight_smile:

The string “” appears in several places, should it always be updated? Tnx

For the life of me I can’t find on my Hassio set up. I have connected to it via SFTP and have searched for it but can’t find it anywhere, I have access to root. Anyone have any suggestions, I have checked the two locations listed above and also tried putting the SD card into a PC but I don’t see an there either?

I have found/config/deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ but it is not in there either.

same for me. No way to find tado py file in hassio. Waiting for update of hassio

no. only lines 115 and 140.

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Didn’t work for me changing only lines 115 and 140. No way… Home Assistant 0.89.2

Me too, didn’t work Hassio on Ubuntu Server :frowning:

@diplix I’m currently using… but I’m not that expert I figure how to access with docker ps command but then I don’t know how to go on
is there anyone that can provide a step to step tutorial?
TIA guys

Getting access to the docker filesystem doesn’t help much - the directory structure that I see when I access the docker filesystem is the same as that seen in the configurator. There is no pyTado folder in site-packages and I cannot find it anywhere else…

same problem here