Share you HA setup

I im starting to plan a big renovate and how thing about how to make it nice, and found this:


I like this kind of post, is very inspiration to see, and i can get some nice idees on what i can do, and take some part on different to create my own nice setup

So pleas share you set up, or link them in this i can put it all on the top.


Man those people are tidy. I could photograph mine, but only as an example of what not to do.

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Why not just putting one bigger server into rack, and run everything on it - VMs (HA), NAS, …
I don’t really get the point of rack-mounting several devices that could easily be migrated into one. But that is just me.

i what likte you… all in one nice rack, just need to figuer it all out:P

Ah. Brings back memories from my old cabling job. Good o times.

nice rack

I’ve heard this phrase used elsewhere. :thinking:


I’m a complete HA noob… set up HA a couple weeks ago because I wanted better control over lighting in an old house, but I already have a number of smart devices and was interested in seeing if I can get them all connected and automate some specific items.

My HA app is running in a docker container on my OpenWRT Internet Router… located in an enclosure in my basement (too far for a pic but I keep a spare router handy in case the first fails - here’s the spare):

(CM3 on a DFRobot board, awesome little package)

The router is cabled to the 2.5G wired backhaul of my Asus Zen AX Mesh network, which currently has 5 nodes to cover about 4000sf in the house (plus the unfinished basement) with high speed wireless.

I’ve already integrated a number of TP-Link smart switches and power controllers. The only automations I have right now are using the switch for one set of lights to turn on and off other lights (for instance… for some reason there is one switch to turn on the lights on the stairs to the basement… then another for the lights IN the basement… now the first switch controls both).

I’ve added smarter smart devices like my Ring devices and Sense power monitoring but need to look for things to do with them… and I’m trying to figure out if I can add other devices like my Moen sump pump monitor (doesn’t look like there’s an integration for it yet).

All in all… a very nice interface, easy to use, powerful and yet compact (runs well in a container on a Pi CM3… that’s pretty impressive). It was super easy to install (took 5 minutes) and other than the automatic discovery not working I’ve not had any issues (and manual setup is pretty easy).

Sadly, I don’t have a rack… the whole setup is in a cabinet in my basement and includes that tiny pi router, an 8 port hub, Synology NAS and a UPS… and the UPS is bigger than all the other devices combined.

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Sadly, I don’t have a rack

I don’t either. All my telecom equipment are shared with my shoes inside a shoe closet.