Share your Floorplan

@tringler I like your design and mine is quite similar. I am struggling at showing the temperature of various rooms.
I have created Text (or rectangle) with the id similar to the id of my actual temperature sensor in Home Assistant. But the temperature is not reflected in the floor plan. Here is the portion of code in my ha-floorplan-card:

                    - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_bed_temperature
                      element: sensor.master_bedroom_bed_temperature
                      text_template: >-
                        ${entity.state ? Math.ceil(entity.state * 10) / 10 + "
                        °C"  : "unknown"}
                      class_template: ' var temp = parseFloat(entity.state.replace("°", "")); if (temp < 10) return "temp-low"; else if (temp < 30) return "temp-medium"; else return "temp-high"; '

Could you send me an example? Thanks in advance

@Ratsathome I have problem to make my fans spin. From your post I understand that a mdi icon is not enough? I should also create a transparent rectangle in which I will center the mdi icon?

Would you mind giving an example or describe the process? (I have been trying this since many days and I am still stuck).

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Can you send the examples of how you did to insert the weather cards and activate the popup cards?

@popsyann The example below shows how to implement a spinning fan using floorplan:

Every line, geometric shape or contour is done in Inkscape. Took some time, but if you are patient it will look nice. Also in Inkscape, the ”objects” have a dedicated ”ID” and a dedicated ”label”, you can access them by right-click any geometric shape and choose ”object properties”. You will reference those in your .css file (in which you adjust fading, among other settings) and .yaml file

Hi,what is the code for “Sunday, July 09”? I searched, but I only have . Thank you.

Hi, what is the code for “July24, 2017”? I searched, but I only have . Thank you.

I believe it was just a value template, give this a shot:

{{ now().strftime('%b %d, %Y') }} 
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Iphone 11 Max Pro screen floorplan

Still under construction but I am getting there :gear::grin:

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How do you integrate the floorplan on HA? Do you use or there is a native way to do this?

You can install it via HACS. Look in the front end section for it. If you don’t have HACS then alternate instructions are here

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My question was if you use that addon or something like this

There is a comparison between both methods?

See what other think but I find floor plan easier to use. Just create everything in the SVG and then use CSS classes to control the appearance of the plan.

If you look here you will see that with the elements card you have to define sizes and placement in the style section. That is harder for me than just placing and resizing images in the SVG and I think the picture elements card will be a way larger yaml file to achieve the same outcome.

Plus @pkozul has added some more powerful functionality lately such as functions.

According to here the general consensus is that floorplan is a more powerful version of what the picture elements card can do. If you are only doing something simple then the card may be fine for you…

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Right now I want to have a floorplan to show the temp & humidity in each division as I think this is the best way to see this kind of information but I don’t mind to add others features in the future like the door or window state.

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Hi @metropt

There are some great discussions over on the floorplan GitHub repo. You can see some examples and get some ideas. It’s the best way to get help in case you get stuck.


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Still under construction, is it never ending Story :grinning:


Looks great :+1: I ended up removing my little bulbs and just allowed a tap anywhere inside the room to turn on the lights. Just made it a little cleaner for me.

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If you don’t have any RGB lights, you would do the same thing with the white overlay only, checking for the brightness attribute of your light and adjusting the opacity filter accordingly. Here’s the example I followed.

Sorry for the delay in responding!