Share your HADashboard setups

with most widgets you dont need to edit the css.
you can edit the css in the dashboard with commands like:
widget_style: “any valid css”
icon_style: “any valid css”
slider_style: “any valid css”

but it can be that you couldnt set some styleelements, and i didnt document it, because its default dashboard.

I really like it. Do you mind sharing it?

you can install appdaemon v3.0.1 or install v2.1.12 with My-Appdaemon(

1 Like

what is the line !important in reference too?

That’s css, !important makes this override other rules that may be taking precedence. More:


I really liked this dashboard , do you mind sharing the code , as I want something very similar for my setup too.


Developed a few widgets, best efforts on my side I hope someone finds them useful.

hey guys you are doing realy an awesome job. I like it!

Could someone share is widget/config where i can see how you get the times from last changed?

I try to setup a Washing Status and would like to show since when it ist running or finished -like ReneTode has in one of his dashboards aswell.

thank you!

Hi @Rohit_Soni, most of what makes my dashboard look the way it does is custom css. Below is my latest code, it will take quite a bit of manual work for you to get it looking similar for your own dashboard, but this will at least show you how I did it all.

Here is my most recent dashboard.dash:

## Main Config
title: House
widget_dimensions: [24, 25]
widget_size: [1, 1]
widget_margins: [0, 0]
columns: 42
rows: 30
    use_comma: 0
    precision: 1
    use_hass_icon: 1
    namespace: default


    - spotify_album_cover(12x12),                                                                                       av_stereo(6x6),                                     living_room_lights(6x5),                                                          top_deck_string(6x5),           bitcoin(3x2),                 clock(9x6)
    -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         spx(3x2)
    -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         nasdaq(3x2)
    -                                                                                                                                                                       living_room_party(2x2), living_room_relaxed(2x2), living_room_bright(2x2),        lower_deck_string(6x5)
    -                                                                                                                   av_house(6x6),                                                                                                                                                        temperature_outside(6x3),     temperature_inside(6x3)
    -                                                                                                                                                                       dining_lights(6x5)
    -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         forecast_0(6x3),              air_conditioner(3x5), heater(3x5)
    -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         spa_lights(6x5)
    - spotify_player(12x11),                                                                                            av_ps4(6x6),                                        dining_room_party(2x2), dining_room_relaxed(2x2), dining_room_bright(2x2),                                        forecast_1(6x3)
    -                                                                                                                                                                       kitchen_lights(6x5),                                                                                                                            living_room_blinds_open(6x5)
    -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         lasers(6x4),                    forecast_2(6x3)
    -                                                                                                                   av_ps4_stereo(3x3),av_bedroom(3x3),                                                                                                                                   forecast_3(6x3)
    -                                                                                                                                                                       kitchen_party(2x2), kitchen_relaxed(2x2), kitchen_bright(2x2),                    top_deck_leds(6x4),                                           living_room_blinds_close(6x5)
    -                                                                                                                   av_plug(3x3),av_xbox(3x3),                          dining_pendants(6x5),                                                                                             forecast_4(6x3)
    - living_volume_up(3x2),      kitchen_volume_up(3x2),     bedroom_volume_up(3x2),       deck_volume_up(3x2),                                                                                                                                              lower_deck_overhead(6x4)
    -                                                                                                                   projector_daytime(3x6), projector_nighttime(3x6),                                                                                                                     forecast_5(6x3),              front_door(3x3), garage(3x3)
    - living_stereo_toggle(3x3),  kitchen_stereo_toggle(3x3), bedroom_stereo_toggle(3x3),   deck_stereo_toggle(3x3)
    -                                                                                                                                                                       reading_light(6x4)
    -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         lower_deck_heater(6x3),         forecast_6(6x3),              reload(3x3)
    - living_volume_down(3x2),    kitchen_volume_down(3x2),   bedroom_volume_down(3x2),     deck_volume_down(3x2)

## Misc

    widget_type: reload

    widget_type: weather_summary
    entity: sensor.dark_sky_summary

    widget_type: clock

    widget_type: reload

    title: "BTC"
    widget_type: sensor
    entity: sensor.exchange_rate_1_btc
    shorten: 1
    units: ""
    precision: 2

    title: "NASDAQ"
    widget_type: sensor
    entity: sensor.nasdaq
    shorten: 1
    units: ""
    precision: 2

    title: "S&P"
    widget_type: sensor
    entity: sensor.sp
    shorten: 1
    units: ""
    precision: 2

## Media

    entity: media_player.spotify
    widget_type: media_player
    title: "Spotify"

    widget_type: camera
    entity_picture: [redacted]
    refresh: 10

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.projector_day
    title: Daytime Video
    icon_on: mdi-weather-sunny
    icon_off: mdi-weather-sunny

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.projector_night
    title: Nighttime Video
    icon_on: mdi-weather-night
    icon_off: mdi-weather-night

## Lights

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    title: Living Room Lights
    icon_on: mdi-sofa
    icon_off: mdi-sofa

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    title: Kitchen Lights
    icon_on: mdi-fridge
    icon_off: mdi-fridge

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    entity: light.dining
    title: Dining Room Lights
    icon_on: fa-cutlery
    icon_off: fa-cutlery

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    entity: light.dining_pendants
    title: Pendant Lights
    icon_on: mdi-ceiling-light
    icon_off: mdi-ceiling-light
    MaxValue: 100

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    entity: light.reading_light
    title: Reading Light
    icon_on: mdi-lamp
    icon_off: mdi-lamp
    MaxValue: 100

## Light States

## Dining Room #########################################################################################################

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_dining_room_party
#    title: Party
    icon_on: fa-glass
    icon_off: fa-glass
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_dining_room_relaxed
#    title: Relaxed
    icon_on: mdi-brightness-6
    icon_off: mdi-brightness-6
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_dining_room_bright
#    title: Bright
    icon_on: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_off: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

## Living Room #########################################################################################################

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_living_room_party
#    title: Party
    icon_on: fa-glass
    icon_off: fa-glass
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_living_room_relaxed
#    title: Relaxed
    icon_on: mdi-brightness-6
    icon_off: mdi-brightness-6
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_living_room_bright
#    title: Bright
    icon_on: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_off: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_living_room_dim
#    title: Bright
    icon_on: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_off: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

## Kitchen #########################################################################################################

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_kitchen_party
#    title: Party
    icon_on: fa-glass
    icon_off: fa-glass
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_kitchen_relaxed
#    title: Relaxed
    icon_on: mdi-brightness-6
    icon_off: mdi-brightness-6
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.scene_kitchen_bright
#    title: Bright
    icon_on: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_off: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_style_inactive: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px;"
    icon_style_active: "color: #96DCE4; font-size: 22px; bottom: auto; top: 10px; text-shadow: none;"

## Outside

## Top Deck ############################################################################################################

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.top_deck_leds
    title: Upper LEDs
    icon_on: mdi-led-on
    icon_off: mdi-led-on

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    entity: light.top_deck_string_lights
    title: Upper String Lights
    MaxValue: 100
## Lower Deck ############################################################################################################

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.lower_deck_heater
    title: Deck Heater
    icon_style_active: "color: red"
    icon_on: mdi-fire
    icon_off: mdi-fire
    widget_style: ""

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    entity: light.lower_deck_overhead_light
    title: Lower Overhead Light
    icon_on: mdi-ceiling-light
    icon_off: mdi-ceiling-light
    MaxValue: 100

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    entity: light.lower_deck_string_lights
    title: Lower String Lights
    MaxValue: 100

## Spa #################################################################################################################

    widget_type: light_with_brightness
    entity: light.spa_string_lights
    title: Spa String Lights
    MaxValue: 100

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.lasers
    title: Lasers
#    icon_style_active: "color: yellow"
    icon_on: mdi-flash
    icon_off: mdi-flash
#    widget_style: "border-top: 1px #222 solid;"

## Sound

## Modes ###############################################################################################################

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.listen_in_living_area
    title: Stereo
    icon_on: mdi-music-note
    icon_off: mdi-music-note

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.listen_in_whole_house
    title: Whole House
    icon_on: fa-music
    icon_off: fa-music

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.listen_in_bedroom
    title: Bedroom
    icon_on: mdi-hotel
    icon_off: mdi-hotel

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.play_ps4
    title: PS4
    icon_on: mdi-playstation
    icon_off: mdi-playstation

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.playstation_and_listen
    title: PS4+Stereo
    icon_on: mdi-playstation
    icon_off: mdi-playstation

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.play_xbox
    title: XBOX
    icon_on: mdi-xbox
    icon_off: mdi-xbox

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.listen_to_phone
    title: Plug
    icon_on: mdi-cellphone-iphone
    icon_off: mdi-cellphone-iphone

## Theater #############################################################################################################
    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.living_toggle
    title: Theater
    icon_on: mdi-sofa
    icon_off: mdi-sofa

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.living_up
    icon_on: mdi-chevron-up
    icon_off: mdi-chevron-up

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.living_down
    icon_on: mdi-chevron-down
    icon_off: mdi-chevron-down

## Kitchen #############################################################################################################
    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.kitchen_toggle
    title: Kitchen
    icon_on: mdi-fridge
    icon_off: mdi-fridge

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.kitchen_up
#    title: Volume Up
    icon_on: mdi-chevron-up
    icon_off: mdi-chevron-up

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.kitchen_down
#    title: Volume Down
    icon_on: mdi-chevron-down
    icon_off: mdi-chevron-down
#    widget_style: "border-top: 1px #222 solid;"

## Bedroom #############################################################################################################
    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.bedroom_toggle
    title: Bedroom
    icon_on: mdi-hotel
    icon_off: mdi-hotel
    icon_style_active: "color: white"
#    widget_style: "border-top: 1px #222 solid;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.bedroom_up
#    title: Volume Up
    icon_on: mdi-chevron-up
    icon_off: mdi-chevron-up
    icon_style_active: "color: white"
#    widget_style: "border-top: 1px #222 solid;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.bedroom_down
#    title: Volume Down
    icon_on: mdi-chevron-down
    icon_off: mdi-chevron-down
    icon_style_active: "color: white"
#    widget_style: "border-top: 1px #222 solid;"

## Deck ################################################################################################################

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.deck_toggle
    title: Deck
    icon_on: mdi-pine-tree
    icon_off: mdi-pine-tree
    icon_style_active: "color: white"
#    widget_style: "border-top: 1px #222 solid;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.deck_up
#    title: Volume Up
    icon_on: mdi-chevron-up
    icon_off: mdi-chevron-up
    icon_style_active: "color: white"
#    widget_style: "border-top: 1px #222 solid;"

    widget_type: switch
    entity: script.deck_down
#    title: Volume Down
    icon_on: mdi-chevron-down
    icon_off: mdi-chevron-down
    icon_style_active: "color: white"
#    widget_style: "border-top: 1px #222 solid;"

## Weather Summary

    widget_type: weather_summary
    entity: sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary

    widget_type: day_forecast
    entity: sensor.forecast_0

    widget_type: day_forecast
    entity: sensor.forecast_1

    widget_type: day_forecast
    entity: sensor.forecast_2

    widget_type: day_forecast
    entity: sensor.forecast_3

    widget_type: day_forecast
    entity: sensor.forecast_4

    widget_type: day_forecast
    entity: sensor.forecast_5

    widget_type: day_forecast
    entity: sensor.forecast_6


    title: "Inside"
    widget_type: sensor
    entity: sensor.house_temperature

    title: "Outside"
    widget_type: sensor
    entity: sensor.dark_sky_temperature

    title: "A/C"
    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.hvac_air_conditioner
    icon_on: mdi-fan
    icon_off: mdi-fan

    title: "Heater"
    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.hvac_heater
    icon_on: mdi-fire
    icon_off: mdi-fire

## Doors

    title: "Front"
    widget_type: sensor_with_icon
    entity: sensor.front_door
    icon_on: mdi-door-open
    icon_off: mdi-door

    title: "Garage"
    widget_type: sensor_with_icon
    entity: sensor.garage
    icon_on: mdi-garage-open
    icon_off: mdi-garage

## Blinds

    title: "Blinds"
    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.open_blinds
    icon_on: mdi-weather-sunset-down
    icon_off: mdi-weather-sunset-down

    title: "Blinds"
    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.close_blinds
    icon_on: mdi-weather-sunset-up
    icon_off: mdi-weather-sunset-up
1 Like

And, because I hit the post size limit, here is my most recent dashboard.css

html {
    font-size: 100%;
    -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
    -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
    padding: 0;

body {
    margin: 0;
    background-color: #000;
    font-size: 13px;
    color: #fff;
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    /*font-family: 'Marvel', sans-serif;*/
    /*font-family: 'Avenir Next Condensed', serif;*/
    font-family: 'Asap Condensed', serif;
    font-weight: 400;
    /*-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;*/
    /*text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;*/


b, strong {
    font-weight: bold;

a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: inherit;

img {
    border: 0;
    -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
    vertical-align: middle;

img, object {
    max-width: 100%;
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    border-radius: 5px;}

iframe {
    max-width: 100%;

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    border-spacing: 0;
    width: 100%;

td {
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ul, ol {
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h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, p {
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h1 {
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    font-weight: bold;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    z-index: 2;
h2 {
    font-size: 300%;
    font-weight: 400;
    color: #fff;
h3 {
    font-size: 125%;
    font-weight: 300;
    color: #fff;

input {
    background-color: #444;
    border: none;

.dashboard_main {
    margin: 0px auto;

.gridster {
    margin: 0px auto;

    height: 40px;
    font-size: 35px;
    line-height: 40px;
    top: 50% !important;
    margin-top: -20px;


This code can make full width icons...I didn't like it though

    position: absolute;
    font-size: 35px;
    line-height: 100%;
    text-align: center;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100% !important;
    top: 0 !important;
    z-index: 0;

h2.icon i{
    height: 40px;
    top: 50% !important;
    margin-top: -20px;
    width: 100%;
    text-align: center;

.icon-background {
    pointer-events: none;
    width: 100%!important;
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    opacity: 0.1;
    font-size: 1375%;
    text-align: center;
    margin-top: 52px;

.list-nostyle {
    list-style: none;

.gridster ul {
    list-style: none;

.gs-w {
    width: 100%;
    display: table;
    cursor: pointer;
    z-index: auto !important;

.iframe {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
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    border-radius: 5px;}

.widget {
    padding: 0px 0px;
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    display: table-cell;
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.title {
    color: #fff;
    opacity: .6;
    font-weight: 400 !important;

#container {
    padding-top: 0;

.modalDialog {
    position: fixed;
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.modalDialogOpen {
    pointer-events: auto;

.modalDialogClose {
    pointer-events: none;

.modalDialog > div {
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.modalDialogCloseButton {
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.modalDialogCloseButton:hover { background: #444; }


/* Media Left Column **************************************************************************************************/

    background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.1) 100%);
    background-blend-mode: overlay;

    background-color: #0a7679 !important;
    vertical-align: top;
    background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.1) 100%);

#default-spotify-player h1.album,
#default-spotify-player h1.title{
    display: none;
#default-spotify-player h1.artist{
    font-size: 36px;
    position: relative;
    top: auto;
    padding-top: 15px;
    color: #fff !important;
    font-weight: 400;
#default-spotify-player h1.media_title{
    top: auto;
    font-size: 22px;
    font-style: italic;
    position: relative;
    font-weight: 400;


#default-spotify-player h2#play,
#default-spotify-player h2#previous,
#default-spotify-player h2#next{
    color: #96DCE4 !important;
    font-size: 60px;

#default-spotify-player h2#play i.fa-pause{
    color: #ffe000 !important;
    text-shadow: 0 0 12px RGBA(255,255,0,.75);
    font-size: 60px;

#default-spotify-player .secondary-icon{
    bottom: 20px !important;

#default-spotify-player div.levelunit{
    font-size: 120%;
    color: #96DCE4 !important;
    bottom: 26px !important;

#default-spotify-player p.minus i,
#default-spotify-player i{
    font-size: 30px;
    color: #96DCE4 !important;

    background-color: #0b716c !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.05) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.05) 100%);

    background-color: #0c6165 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.05) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.05) 100%);

    background-color: #015965 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.05) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.05) 100%);

    background-color: #054954 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.05) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.05) 100%);

#default-living-stereo-toggle .icon,
#default-kitchen-stereo-toggle .icon,
#default-bedroom-stereo-toggle .icon,
#default-deck-stereo-toggle .icon{
    margin-top: -10px;

/* Harmony Mode Column ************************************************************************************************/
    background-color: #0e5d79 !important;
#default-av-stereo .icon{
    font-size: 59px;

    background-color: #155e79 !important;
#default-av-house .icon{
    font-size: 50px;

    background-color: #065971 !important;
#default-av-ps4 .icon{
    font-size: 69px;

    background-color: #195e7d !important;

    background-color: #0d5079 !important;

    background-color: #154b79 !important;

    background-color: #175c79 !important;

    background-color: #155e79 !important;

    background-color: #124b70 !important;

/* House Lights Column ************************************************************************************************/

    background-color: #1e5270 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 100%);
    background-color: #1e5270 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0.1) 100%);
#default-living-room-lights .icon{
    font-size: 60px;

    background-color: #174470 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 100%);
    background-color: #174470 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.1) 100%);

#default-dining-lights .icon{
    font-size: 50px;

    background-color: #003770 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 100%);
    background-color: #003770 !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.1) 100%);

#default-kitchen-lights .icon{
    font-size: 55px;

    background-color: #054170 !important;

#default-dining-pendants .icon{
    font-size: 50px;

    background-color: #154570 !important;

/* Outdoor Lights Column ************************************************************************************************/

    background-color: #1a3970 !important;
#default-top-deck-string .icon {
    transform: rotate(180deg);
    background-color: #183d70 !important;
    background-color: #0a3070 !important;
#default-lower-deck-string .icon {
    transform: rotate(180deg);
    background-color: #183970 !important;
    background-color: #011c70 !important;
#default-spa-lights .icon {
    transform: rotate(180deg);
    background-color: #123070 !important;
    background-color: #0b3070 !important;

/* Weather  Column ************************************************************************************************/

    background-color: #142670 !important;
    background-color: #171e70 !important;
    background-color: #152c70 !important;

#default-bitcoin h2.value,
#default-nasdaq h2.value,
#default-spx h2.value{
    padding-top: 12px;
    font-size: 200% !important;

    background-color: #0f2470 !important;
    background-color: #111f70 !important;
    background-color: #0f2f70 !important;
    background-color: #0f2470 !important;
    background-color: #172170 !important;
    background-color: #051370 !important;
    background-color: #042570 !important;
    background-color: #141670 !important;

/* Sensor Column ************************************************************************************************/

    background-color: #3a1770 !important;
#default-clock h2.time{
    font-size: 450%;
    /*font-weight: 600;*/
    /*color: #ffe000 !important;*/
    font-size: 200%;
    font-weight: 400;

    background-color: #2e1b70 !important;
    background-color: #191470 !important;
    background-color: #270d70 !important;

    background-color: #1d1270 !important;

    background-color: #2d0970 !important;

    background-color: #3a0970 !important;

    background-color: #230a67 !important;

#default-living-room-blinds-open .icon,
#default-living-room-blinds-close .icon{
    font-size: 58px;

    background-color: #400a70 !important;

i never had last changed in my dashboards that i know of.

but last_changed is an attribute and at the moment there are 2 ways to show that in a dashboard.

from a sensor you can show an attribute as sub entity.

from all other entity types you can create a template sensor in HA and then use a sensor widget to show it.

1 Like

Hey Rene, thank you for your answere. Actualy I tried to enable the last_changed attribute via

show_last_changed: true

and it work within homeassitant.
But, i dont get the value into the Dashboard, because the attributes I can see in the Entities is just show_last_changed: true; but not the timestamp when it was changed.

If you have a simple example, it would me help so much.


you just did show the atrribute in homeassistant.
it made it clear that the entity is an imput boolean.

the way to go in that case is creating a template sensor in HA.
something like:

        friendly_name: anything
        value_template: '{states.input_boolean.something.last_changed}'
          - input_boolean.something

the template is probably not right, but gives an idea.
then you create a sensor widget that show that newly created sensor.

forget my last post. that is a way to do it, but it is an old way and there is a new way that i didnt use untill now and just got reminded off.

you dont need to create a template sensor anymore to show an atrribute. the sensor widget is capable off more nowadays.

in your dashboard you can use:

  widget_type: sensor
  entity: input_boolean.your_boolean.last_changed

Hey @ReneTode

This was on my list of things to ask you as well. I have a few sensors that I would like to get the time they were last trigged on HADashboard, see picture,

They are binary sensors, here is the code for them in HAD

    widget_type: binary_sensor
    title: Downstairs Motion
    icon_on: mdi-eye-outline
    icon_off: mdi-eye-off-outline
    entity: sensor.downstairs_motion_motion_sensor

    widget_type: binary_sensor
    title: Hallway Motion
    icon_on: mdi-eye-outline
    icon_off: mdi-eye-off-outline
    entity: sensor.hallway_motion_motion_sensor

    widget_type: binary_sensor
    title: Front Door
    icon_on: mdi-door-open
    icon_off: mdi-door
    icon_style_inactive: "color: green"
    icon_style_active: "color: red"
    entity: binary_sensor.front_door
    state_text: 1
      "on": Open
      "off": Closed

    widget_type: binary_sensor
    title: Garage Door
    icon_on: mdi-door-open
    icon_off: mdi-door
    icon_style_inactive: "color: green"
    icon_style_active: "color: red"
    entity: binary_sensor.garage_door
    state_text: 1
      "on": Open
      "off": Closed

So can I add a sub_entity to display the last triggered state in the same tile ? I tried,

    widget_type: binary_sensor
    title: Hallway Motion
    icon_on: mdi-eye-outline
    icon_off: mdi-eye-off-outline
    entity: sensor.hallway_motion_motion_sensor
    sub_entity: sensor.hallway_motion_motion_sensor.last_changed

But it didn’t seem to do anything. I am sure it’s something simple I am probably missing.

this is exactly what I was expecting and tried out, but unfortunatly does not work for me

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I know @ReneTode is a busy man at the moment, but I am sure he will help us out when he gets some free time :+1:

If I recall correctly, sub entity is only supported in the Sensor Widget and not the binary_sensor widget.

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Thank you for the reply @aimc Do you know if there would be an easy way to get the time last changed into a binary sensor widget at all ?

your right andrew. the subentity is only inside the sensor widget.
@cee you could use the “normal” sensor widget, but the you get the state (on/off) instead of an icon.

only other option at the moment is create a custom widget. for that you need to compare the javascript from the sensor widget with the binary sensor widget and implement the sub entity part.

@Stiff04 it will work in a sensor widget, but you dont have an icon in that.
you would need to use it like i showed.

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