i just had a little time to get into this because it is not that complicated.
to get the time from the last updated below a switch, input_boolean or binary sensor do the following:
- in the config dir from appdaemon (where appdaemon.yaml is) create a subdir called custom_widgets (if it doesnt exists already)
- in that dir create a subdir called baseswitch
- in that dir place the files that you can download or copy here: https://github.com/home-assistant/appdaemon/tree/dev/appdaemon/widgets/baseswitch
- edit the js file and replace it with this code:
function baseswitch(widget_id, url, skin, parameters)
// Will be using "self" throughout for the various flavors of "this"
// so for consistency ...
self = this;
// Initialization
self.widget_id = widget_id;
// Store on brightness or fallback to a default
// Parameters may come in useful later on
self.parameters = parameters;
// Toggle needs to be referenced from self for the timeout function
self.toggle = toggle;
// Define callbacks for on click events
// They are defined as functions below and can be any name as long as the
// 'self'variables match the callbacks array below
// We need to add them into the object for later reference
self.OnButtonClick = OnButtonClick;
if ("enable" in self.parameters && self.parameters.enable == 1)
var callbacks =
{"selector": '#' + widget_id + ' > span', "action": "click", "callback": self.OnButtonClick},
var callbacks = []
// Define callbacks for entities - this model allows a widget to monitor multiple entities if needed
// Initial will be called when the dashboard loads and state has been gathered for the entity
// Update will be called every time an update occurs for that entity
self.OnStateAvailable = OnStateAvailable
self.OnStateUpdate = OnStateUpdate
var monitored_entities =
{"entity": parameters.entity, "initial": self.OnStateAvailable, "update": self.OnStateUpdate},
// Finally, call the parent constructor to get things moving
WidgetBase.call(self, widget_id, url, skin, parameters, monitored_entities, callbacks)
// Function Definitions
// The StateAvailable function will be called when
// self.state[<entity>] has valid information for the requested entity
// state is the initial state
function OnStateAvailable(self, state)
self.state = state.state;
self.full_state = state
set_view(self, self.state)
// The OnStateUpdate function will be called when the specific entity
// receives a state update - it's new values will be available
// in self.state[<entity>] and returned in the state parameter
function OnStateUpdate(self, state)
if (!("ignore_state" in self.parameters) || self.parameters.ignore_state == 0)
self.state = state.state;
self.full_state = state
set_view(self, self.state)
function OnButtonClick(self)
if (self.state == self.parameters.state_active)
args = self.parameters.post_service_inactive
args = self.parameters.post_service_active
self.call_service(self, args);
if ("momentary" in self.parameters)
setTimeout(function() { self.toggle(self) }, self.parameters["momentary"])
function toggle(self)
if (self.state == self.parameters.state_active)
self.state = self.parameters.state_inactive;
self.state = self.parameters.state_active;
set_view(self, self.state)
// Set view is a helper function to set all aspects of the widget to its
// current state - it is called by widget code when an update occurs
// or some other event that requires a an update of the view
function set_view(self, state, level)
if (state == self.parameters.state_active || ("active_map" in self.parameters && self.parameters.active_map.includes(state)))
self.set_icon(self, "icon", self.icons.icon_on);
self.set_field(self, "icon_style", self.css.icon_style_active)
self.set_icon(self, "icon", self.icons.icon_off);
self.set_field(self, "icon_style", self.css.icon_style_inactive)
if ("state_text" in self.parameters && self.parameters.state_text == 1)
self.set_field(self, "state_text", self.map_state(self, state))
if ("state_text" in self.parameters && self.parameters.state_text == 2)
datetimestr = self.full_state["last_changed"]
timestr = datetimestr.substr(11, 8)
self.set_field(self, "state_text", self.map_state(self,timestr))
now you can use the option
state_text: 2
in the binary sensor widget and in the switch and input_boolean widgets.