Share your Themes

I posted an example of my Lovelace theme over on my website and social media and got a fair bit of interest in it and people wondering how I achieved it. I thought I might post a link to my article on how it was achieved here and show you what I have done. Many thanks to the people on this community forum for the inspiration.

EDIT: Website seems to be hacked!! Should be back up soon.
EDIT: Website is back up and running and safe. Apologies to anyone who faced this. Lesson to selfā€¦ strengthen the heck out of your password!!


WOW, this is the best! :+1:

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The link in above post re-directs to nasty stuff. I think you side has been hacked

GOSH!!! Thank you for the heads up!!!

Can you share your theme ?

I still am re-directed

Something wrong with the websiteā€¦

Apologies yet again @krovachek @Tyfoon this is just getting ridiculous!! The website is back up again and Iā€™ve now added extra security so fingers crossed this doesnā€™t happen again!!

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Dear how to make this font clearly readeable

and also when i open
theme changes to default
how to make it pmnmononight look

Works now. Thanks. Implemented this and overall really looks nice. Theme copied 1:1, only made the round corners a bit less round

This was also the first time I used the custom header.

My only issues is that I donā€™t get the custom header to be transparent and/or have the same colour as the theme. It always stays the same colour blue (the default one).

background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/background.jpg") fixed
  - badges: []
      - type: 'custom:compact-custom-header'
        main_config: true
        background_image: true
        background_color: 'rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.2)'
        menu: show
        options: show
        voice: show
        notifications: clock
        clock_format: '24'
        clock_date: true
        disable: false


Glad you got it all working :slight_smile: Looks greatā€¦ I was actually thinking myself to soften the radius of the cards and after seeing yours I think it has convinced me.

As for the custom header not being transparent, Iā€™m not 100% sure why it would be doing that. As you have a few options set for the header, one of them may be overriding it. Try not adding the background_image option and see if that fixes it.

@akkaria Hi, looks great :slight_smile:
Iā€™ve search your site but I cannot find link to your github. Can you please post your githublink?

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background_image and background_color were replaced with just background:

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@mayker that did it.Thanks!


Here is a link to my GitHub

It is in the article but funny enough, it seems I need to update the theme on my website :roll_eyes: The colour of the links doesnā€™t quite stand out enough, hence people not seeing the link so Iā€™ll try and update it shortly.


@Tyfoon Would you be able to share how you did all those lovely temperature graphs, especially the one comparing inside and outside temps and and also humidity? Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m looking for and Iā€™m unable to do it on my own. Thanks!

Hi, this is the custom mini-graph card (here)

  - entity: sensor.vocht_kelder_216
    name: Garage
  - entity: sensor.vochtigheid_buiten_48
    name: Outside
icon: 'mdi:water-percent'
name: Humidity
  fill: false
  labels: true
type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'


What is that weather card picture? Isnā€™t buienradar it? havent seen it like that before and would like to give it a go too.

would be willing to share the setup of that?

Had to look that one up! Was along time agoā€¦

Add below to your cameras.yaml (assuming you have one) and then add a lovelace camera card.

- platform: generic
  name: Weerkaart_NL

thanks! missed knmi completely, how silly of meā€¦ duh. The rain and idle overlay are made in a picture_entity card then?