Shellies Discovery Script

They do. Here is a url that has a guide that I was following in case it may help.

Nie znałem tego rozwiązania. Nie znam żadnej karty frontendowej, która pokazywałaby taką konfigurację.

I don’t know what is wrong?

I put this to configuration.yaml:

    homeassistant.components.python_script: debug


Now I run both automation manualy in automation and there is a log file:


Still nothing. You can’t run shellies_discovery script manually. Change logger default level to warning because the log is totally unreadable! Look at the troubleshooting checklist. Check if automations are turned on. Is there a service mqtt.publish in the developer options?

Changed loger default setings to warning and now it is only this in LOG file:

2020-04-06 16:02:19 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Data in your configuration entry is going to override your configuration.yaml: {‘broker’: ‘core-mosquitto’, ‘discovery’: False, ‘password’: ‘rei5Ieg0QuaeRien2pe1ThooBei5woh2oolo9phai0teag4Jie3Aethaetheefie’, ‘port’: 1883, ‘protocol’: ‘3.1.1’, ‘username’: ‘homeassistant’}
2020-04-06 16:02:30 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Setup of switch platform rest is taking over 10 seconds.
2020-04-06 16:02:30 ERROR (MainThread) [] No route to resource/endpoint:

I checked everything in troubleshooting list and everything is as writen.
Automation in ON at both Shellies Anounce and Shellies discovery.
mqtt.publish is in developer options.

In LOG file I see this “‘broker’: ‘core-mosquitto’, ‘discovery’: False”. Is this a problem?

I have this configuration and discovery is included:

    port: 1883
    discovery: true
    discovery_prefix: homeassistant

  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.python_script: debug

Yes, discovery is required.

Continuing the discussion from Shellies Discovery Script:

Is it possible to change on the HT battery with external power supply? I have two USB powered ones but I see 100% grace

I will remove from the script the battery sensor for H&T with the external power supply.

Question… I have problem that I added resource of Shellies Discovery to lovelace as it’s seen on instruction:


But the problem is that:

## Podrobnosti dnevnika (ERROR)

Logger: hacs
Source: custom_components/hacs/
First occurred: 21:51:41 (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:50:06

Tried to serve up '/config/www/community/ha-shellies-discovery/' but it does not exist

So, do I need to delete this resource, because I do not have any such kind of .ZIP file… But Shellies Discovery is working just normal…

I figer it our, that it was doubled - already have all set in configuration file… I just deleted resources… but then in HACS is marked as red… so where do I find this “.ZIP” file?

Please read the open post because you’re doing very strange things.

And what would that be?

In instructions there is:

Regarding configuration… I was mistake - configuration is for ShellyForHASS… so where do I find this .ZIP file so that I can add it so that error would be gone?

Shellies Discovery was installed via HACS…
And resources as in instruction…

Shellies Discovery is a python_script not a JavaScript module for frontend. How did you install it in this way???

I just added via HACS… Then I added folder and file for python … make 2 restarts of HA and that’s it… so script is working normaly, just producing notification “error” in log file…

Do you have Shellies Discovery in python script category in HACS?

If HACS correctly installs the script, you don’t have to add any folder or file.

Nop, I do not have shellies here:

So, how to add it here?

It’s there by default Your HACS configuration is broken somehow.

I will try to delete shellies and clear cache of HACS and try again… thank you for your help…

Thank you…

after strugling how to remove and after editing “hacs.repositories” I could install via “python menu in HACS”.
Now it looks like:

So thank you for your help…