Shelly Core Integration Flavors and Door / Window Sensor with Temp / Lux

My first trials with HA were using the docker image running on synology nas, no supervisor

|Installation Type|Home Assistant Container|

With this setup when I added a shelly door window sensor to my network (and shelly cloud) HA discovered it and added each device as it own seperate integration as shown here (2 door sensors)

Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 5.48.01 AM

If I drill down to one of these it looks like this

Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 5.48.11 AM

Because I need to use an insteon USB PLM I am moving my HA to a PI running Hass OS

|Installation Type|Home Assistant OS|

On this version the core shelly integration shows as one integration with multiple devices (2 of them are the same door window sensors

Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 5.51.36 AM

On the HA that is not supervised the door and window sensors each have 4 entities (Battery, Luminosity, Sensor and Temp) but on the HA that is supervised the same devices only show the Sensor.

Why is this?

My goal is to shutdown the 1st one and keep the supervised hass OS one but I would like to have the extra 3 entities from the shelly sensors.

Shelly smart home is a title from ShellyForHass integration, not core integration.

so on the supervised one I appear to have the Hass one running, I removed that but apparently it did not go away.

So is the core integration the go forward path? pro and cons of core vs hass with Shelly?

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I don’t know. I’ve never used ShellyForHass, but I know the core Shelly integration is a very good piece of code. We work hard to make it happen :wink:

when I go to add Shelly from the core Configuration page the title I get is “Shelly smart home”, is this not the core Shelly integration?

Shelly smart home is a ShellyForHass integration. You have to remove all entries configured via this integration from Configuration >> Integrations, remove shelly folder from /config/custom_components/ and restart HA.

I do still see a Shelly folder under custom_components

You have to remove it and restart HA.

done and I now see the “Shelly” integration, after I click to add it I get an untitled required prompt that I cannot seem to get past

Screen Shot 2021-04-15 at 4.11.59 AM

then this prompt

Screen Shot 2021-04-15 at 4.12.18 AM

You have to clear web browser cache to fix this.

And read this Shelly - Home Assistant before configuration.

was trying in incognito and I get this now

Screen Shot 2021-04-15 at 4.15.03 AM

it this prompt asking me for IP address of battery powered devices?

Yes, you have to provide IP address/hostname of the device you want to configure.

Thank you very much, I got the 1st device re-added, its a 1PM, nice to see more attributes available.

Do I have to wait for other devices to be discovered or is there a way to run the same prompt to add another device ?

That is your choice. You can add devices manually (you have to wake them up if they battery powered) or wait for discovery.

Remember to configure CoIoT peer in the devices’ web panel, it’s very important.

I can’t seem to find how to manually add a shelly device, is there some way to get that prompt for host to appear again?

To manually add Shelly device, go to Configuration >> Integrations, click Add integration, select Shelly from the list and enter the IP address/hostname of the device. AC powered devices will be discovered after HA restart (if they not ignored), battery powered devices will be discovered upn wake up.

Thanks again, that worked.

I was looking in the current integration for some way to add another device but it looks like each device is technically its own separate “integration” of type “Shelly”

If the IP address of the shelly device ever changes do these steps have to be repeated?