Short impulse to tilt venetian blinds (KNX/Warema)

Hi all,

I’m rather new to HA. We are using KNX and Homeserver, but since I started to work with HA, I’m getting addicted. So now I’m migrating our house to HA, which ist mostly an exiting journey. :smirk:

To my actual issue: I want to tilt the slats of my venetian blinds. With the current setup, I can drive them up and down. I’m used to send a kind of short impulse when I just push the up- or down-button shortly.

I see, that the group addresses I’m using are ok, since the tilt works with the sliders.

What is missing is the option to do this with a short tap … tap … tap on the arrow buttons of the integration.

I’m running HA on a RPi

  • Core 2023.11.2
  • Supervisor 2023.11.0
  • Operating System 11.1
  • Frontend 20231030.2

The Warema Zetra slat venetian blinds are driven by an MDT actor (JAL-0410.01).

The corresponding part of my KNX.yaml is

  - name: "raffstore.ug_arbeitszimmer_festglas"

    device_class: shutter

    move_long_address: "1/2/10"
    move_short_address: "1/2/11"
    stop_address: "1/2/11"

    angle_address: "1/2/13"
    angle_state_address: "1/2/15"

    position_address: "1/2/12"
    position_state_address: "1/2/14"
    travelling_time_down: 54
    travelling_time_up: 56

and I am using the standard entities card of lovelace.

If someone could give me a hint, I would really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Thanks and best regards,

These buttons are intended to fully open / close the tilt. They are not “stepwise move” buttons.

You may configure a button entity or use a service (maybe with template cover or a custom card) to achieve what you are looking for.

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Ok, thanks for the quick feedback. I will figure that out.

Hi @knxguy , did you resolve your tilting issue? and do you have a link to your MDT?
