Should I change my Zigbee Channel

So i just found out that my Sonoff Zha zigbee coordinator is using channel 11.

My wifi analyser is is saying my 2.4ghz wifi channels range from 5-13.

Should i change my zigbee channel to 15?

Just trying to decide this myself. I use channel 15 right now but sometimes have connection issues. My mesh runs on 1, 6 and 11, so was thinking channel 25 for z2m. Any advice or experience would be useful.


if yes you will mite have to relink everything :frowning:

Yes doing it right the 3rd time makes it heaps better

Due to the repairing misery … I changed the wifi channel, much easier and works fine (with me)

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Guys, please keep in mind that Zigbee channel 11 has nothing to do with 2.4GHz Wifi channel 11!

(See Wifi and Zigbee channels)


No. Zigbee ch11 is below wifi ch5.

You should however be using wifi channels 1, 6 and/or 11.

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I have read all about the wifi channels and zigbee channels and understand the issues Which is why I ask if it will make difference to my zigbee dropouts.

I have a mesh network in bridge mode. This uses 3 different wifi channels 1, 6 and 11. Zigbee (z2m) is set to channel 15 sometimes some of my sonoff plugs and sensors just fail to connect, or drop off the network over night.

Can I use channel 26?

I don’t recommend using Zigbee channel 26 as there are some vendors only supporting their devices up to Zigbee channel 25 but not 26.

Zigbee channel 15 is exactly between wifi channels 1 and 6 (still affected slightly by the sideband lobes). You say your Wifi mesh is using wifi channels 1, 6, 11 so make sure the Wifi access point closest to the Zigbee coordinator should be set to Wifi channel 11 for least interference with your Zigbee network running on Zigbee channel 15.

Thanks that may be my problem, wifi channel by the coordinator, I had been thinking it was for the whole network, but make sense it will affect the coordinator most

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It will of course also affect single devices nearby but yes, it will have the biggest impact on the coordinator.

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I have swapped 2 mesh nodes round now the nearest mode is running channel 11 it was running channel 6. All good for the last hour or so. Now populates the map in seconds. It used to take a minute or so with lots of errors. Hopefully it will prove to be the answer.

I’ve also been having connectivity issues with my zigbee network. Currently have my main router on channel 1, AP on channel 6 and zigbee on channel 15. Been pretty frustrating since nothing I’ve tried so far has improved it. Going to try setting my main router to channel 11 since it’s right next to my coordinator.

The devices I have the most issues with are the Sengled light bulbs. All other zigbee devices are fine. Anyone else have problems with Sengled?

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With WiFi on 1 and 6 you should bring your Zigbee channel to 20+ for least interference.

Zigbee 15 sits exactly in the middle of WiFi 1 and 6 so a lot of interference from both sides of the spectrum.

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Little update on my zigbee network. Moving the mesh node worked a treat. Not had an issue for 10 days now. So if you have a spread of wifi channels like I have make sure the nearest one to the coordinator is at the other end of of the channel scale to the coordinator.

Thanks for giving feedback.
Good to hear removing the WiFi/Zigbee spectrum interference has resolved the issues for you!

Hi All,
Just got a new Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Stick.
I planned to place it on channel 25 (no Wi-Fi there).
I use ZHA, but cannot find how/where I can set/change the channel.


Hey, if you search Home Assistant Zigbee channel, you will get heaps of links. This is the official HA link
Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant.

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Did use this after your help:

      channel: 25

Has worked fine.

Updated HA to 2022.9.0 yesterday.
After this my HA/ZHA think it found a new Radio on Channel 15 and want to migrate.

Others with the same issue?
Seems like the above configuration does not work anymore, but it was not mentioned in “Breaking Changes”


So is this s new fresh install.

What I found was you need to whip the ZigBee stick by flashing it

It took me a couple of goes to get that channel to work.

Have you updated the firmware on the stick?

Hi Apples,
The stick is flashed with firmware from Z-Stack-firmware/coordinator/Z-Stack_3.x.0/bin at master · Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware · GitHub

If the stick realy was on Channel 25 in 2022.8 versions of HA i dont know, but it is now with versions 2022.9.0 and 2022.9.1 I get this info.

But the stick still works.
