So I’m currently single, you could tell if seen some of my automation devices.
Here is my heating pipe sensor and heating relay, granted it’s in a kitchen cupboard:
Thought it would be interesting to see what frankenthings people have in their home relating to automation.
(As an aside I just bought a 3D printer to make cases as single or not, I have 5 or 6 ESPs hanging bare on USB leads around the house with multicoloured wires hanging out of them looking more like a small bomb than a temperature probe.)
This is my album about our heating system. The boiler works with RPI zero and NodeRed and controlled by PID. The radiators have thermal valves and they are controlled by generic thermostat with scheduler in home assistant. We save about 30% money compared with the old system system
Shelly switch to turn on/off the water heater. Too hot in there so leaving the lid open, 4 weeks now… Moving it to a contactor and esp temperature sensor.
Have been threatening to add alarm sensors from our alarm system to my ISY99, but never got around to it. After adding Home Assistant, I found out about the NodeMCU. needed 2 to get 4 doors, 1 window and 3 motions. White USB cable will disappear once I feed the boards with 5v.
Plan on another NodeMCU to monitor furnace, AC, humidifier.
Still working on the automation’s and such. So for now I just have a simple input slider that go from 0 to 900 steps. It’s able to cover boiler temperatures between 135 through 210 Fahrenheit -/+.
And before I attached it to the boiler. I made sure my fire insurance was up to date and will cover me if I burn my house down.