Shutdown vlan/wifi on schedule

Is there a good/easy way to get an HA automation to kill vlan/wifi on schedule?
The kids needs to get off their devices one in a while. But as soon we aren’t looking they grab them again. So far I have been using schedule that kill connection for their MAC. But now they figured out, their apple devices uses a new MAC for each time they forget the wifi and then reconnects… And then they are back online.
So now I would like to kill their wifi or vlan (they have one each) on schedule. But I can’t seem to find an easy way to do that. Any suggestions? Or better yet, any good tourials?

Does Apple have anything equivalent to Tasker?
If yes then you can use HA to send a notification to the device when screen is on, and the notification could be a trigger to switch off the screen.

It works great on our android tablets, and it works even if they are not connected to the home wifi.
They don’t have any 3/4/5G, but it would work with that too.

If you’re running ubiquity gear, you can set a schedule per Wifi network from the controller software.

I do have ubiquity. But isn’t it possible to do it via an automation in HA so I don’t have to do the settings mulible places. (they also have computers connected via ehernet that need to be disabled as well (therefor perhaps killing the vlan).

It’s only when their are here they need to get off their devices. At their moms house they can use their devices for all I care. And they probably just would Uninstall the app.
And future devices also need the setup…

Not trying to be on the kids side (I don’t have kids and I’m happy I didn’t have to deal with myself as a kid), but if you’re saying they can just unistall the app when they are at their mom’s, then why would they reinstall the app when they are with you.

Speaking from my own experience: I wouldn’t have done that ever.
If you want kids off their devices: provide alternative entertainment.

This topic may give you some ideas though: Stop internet to certain devices

Just sharing my experience on this.

Couple of key components I used to control wifi device internet access:

  1. DHCP/dynamic MAC/Static IP
    You need something to identify the device to control it, i.e. device MAC, static IP. Dynamic MAC or random MAC on a lot of device wifi modems make it difficult, if not impossible. So either lock down the device to only use device MAC to connect, or lock down the wifi router to only accept the device MAC, i.e. whitelist MAC.

  2. automation/schedule
    In order to do HA automation, you need a router HA can communicate directly or indirectly to change internet access.

My setup started with getting a list of device MAC and whitelist them in the router where I can use the router scheduling or control the connection from HA.

My AC68 had parental control - time scheduling in combination with MAC whitelist works to control internet access (devices still connect to the router and lan but no internet access). I also have python script to control the parental control settings from HA.

Hope that helps.

Mine just started to use the gsm side of things, difficult to block that unless you install parenting-software on the mobiles themselves.
Locally, your network router probably allows to block on mac-address and time(slot)…I guess this was already mentioned above

Just a quick alternative maybe.
You could setup your DHCP service for that VLAN to distribute your HA instance as a DNS-server.
HA has a DNS service available and then it would just require you to shutdown the DNS service to interrupt the internet usage. It is possible to set up other DNS services, but its not easy and they need to figure out that that is the solution.
This does still not prevent mobile data access.

For cellular data, we use Family Link app from Google which controls total screen time and individual app time. That can also control or get notification on what app is installed on the phones.
I have not find a way to automated Family Link though.

Pi-Hole is another way to DNS blocking/filtering, I found DNS server easily bypassed by changing to another DNS service or using options like security DNS in browsers. Kids are resourceful :slight_smile:

And I would not want to see it other ways. … I am not shutting them down but call on their sense of responsibility and to not try to find limits with me … works reasonably well so far (12+16)

Cellular use is not an issue as long as they are here - there are simply so pore reception.

Probably you have seen this one …is still ‘just’ the wifi/net
Kids Chore List (Finish Them or No Internet! :wink:) - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (

Thx for sharing this.

TLDR on my project linked above: Uses Ubiquiti Integration along with Chores (Input Booleans), Groups and Automations to turn on/off kids wifi access (also Google Cast to display / interface on a touchscreen tablet). On top of that we use Disney Circle device to manage times of day/amount of time per day the kid’s devices are allowed to access the internet. My kids are 11 & 13 and this works great for them - along w/ having to keep their cell phones downstairs and not being allowed to use those as ‘entertainment’ devices.