Siemens RDS110.R Smart Thermostat Wireless

Has anyone successfully paired Siemens RDS110.R thermostat to Home Assistant. I’m moving to a new house (Europe) and looking for a smart floor thermostat options that could be paired to Home Assistant. You can also propose another good options. Thermostat can have it own cloud service but connection to Home Assistant is required.

I would be actually interested in the Siemens RDS Integration for home assistant… There is already something (not tested by me) for Openhab…

That sounds great. I will be moving in after six weeks and most likely get these Siemens RDS thermostats. They seem to be very powerful and together with home assistant even better. I will update the status here as soon I know more.

There is no Alexa integration, which is a bit disappointment…

Great to see others looking into the integration of the RDS110 thermostats. We are currently building a new house and plan to have 2 of these controlling the hydronic underfloor heating. I did notice the binding for OpenHAB, and hoped that there is a way to make it work in HA. Once the build is complete I will be able to spend more time working on a solution.

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I have three of them and integration would be very welcome.

I have purchased an Siemens RDS110 and I am really excited. Lot of features, money saver, etc. Home assistant integration will be awesome.

Anyone could get this work based on the Openhab solution in HA?

I finally started installing these thermostats. Data can be easily accessed from Siemens Climatix IC cloud so let see how much work it would require to get the data to home assistant.

Hi, how easy is to get this supported by hass since it’s already supported by the openhab?

if anybody is interested to give this a shot i found the following:

climatix site where you login with your siemens rds credentials and you are able to view details/dashboards/statistics for your devices:
for example:

additionally there’s this site where you can request for an API:

but it needed a different login and i am not sure if it can fetch your details. i didn’t manage to get a token and use the api. anybody can assist?


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Ah great to see others are keen on this - about to put one in here too.

i have setup an openhab and i intend to do mqtt sync between OH and HA just for this specific component that OH has already support. THe problem is that the “thing” of OH requires API key from climatics IC. THere’s no way to generate that. i sent them an email and i am waiting…

Strange…if I’m not mistaken there were some more detailed description on the openhab thing integration page on how to get the API key…but I can’t see it now.

This mqtt sync looks interesting. I don’t have my thermostat(s) yet installed.
Maybe if you succeed with this approach can you share some how-to on it?

how to get the API key

… in OpenHAB I just opened a Pull Request to improve the binding documentation …

Hello to all,

Someone found a way to integrate Siemens RDS110 in Home Assistant?

In my new house I’ll have one and it would be great if it works in HA.
