Simple Scheduler Addon

After updating to 2.x, I see a huge increase in the Home Assistant backup. I unpacked one backupfile, and found that SimpleScheduler takes about 150mb.

Is it really that huge?

Check the file simplescheduler.log in the samba share.
You could safely delete it. It will be recreated.
Also, be sure to disable the debug mode. The log file could easily become huge.

Dear Allessandro, I had to roll back to version 0.65 to make the integration work again.
The newest versions (based on Python) don’t work at all in my case.
Do you have any idea why?

I’ll be glad to help you, but you should give me more details about the problem.
If you just say “don’t work”, I really don’t know how to help you…

I have multiple bulbs - for instance the BW-LT27 from Blitzwolf - working in HA with Tuya integration and included in your add on. Since the automatic update to the newer versions, none of the sheduled actions work anymore. I had to rollback to version 0.65 and then the sheduled actions are working perfect as before. Also the case with the Blitzwolf smart socket BW-SHP6 flashed with Tasmota and working in HA with the Tasmota integration stopped working with the simple scheduler addon. So I want to show you that it is not the underlying integration that controls the lamp (Tuya) or the socket (Tasmota). Neither bulbs nor smart plugs want to work with the latest version(s) of Simple Scheduler addon. That was not a problem before. If I go back to an old version it is solved. The latest versions refuse to work here. By the way, my home assistant is up to date.Hopefully this will give you more information to analyze the problem.Thank you in advance !

So you are able to load the interface and see the scheduler, but they are not executed?

Sadly, no.
If you decide in the future to update again, it will be useful to analyze the addon log.
Even better if you enable the debug mode in the addon options and you post the log here.

So you are able to load the interface and see the scheduler, but they are not executed?

Indeed, but non of them are executed.

If I update again, I will post the addon log + I will enable the debug mode.


Would be great if you can add a bulk enable and disable. I left town for a week and needed to turn off all my automations. had to go through each one individually.

Just stop the addon

Heard great words about your scheduler. Got one problem… It wont start :-/
installed the addon and when I click start. nothing happens. When I go to the scheduler in the sidebar it also says it’s not running. Hopefully you or someone can help me out!

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc…exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms…exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes…
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts…
[cont-init.d] executing…

Add-on: Simple Scheduler
Simple timer on weekly base

Add-on version: 2.0.50
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 9.5 (amd64 / qemux86-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2023.1.4
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.01.1

I am running HA in a proxmox VM on an intel Nuc.

I can’t figure out if the log is incomplete or if there is some other problem…
This is what you should get:

Do you miss some rows?

Restarted everything again today for something else and now it just works. Thanks anyway!

Hi there, I wanted to try out this great addon as it is exactly what I am searching for to automate my shades.
But unfortunately when I try to install it, it tells me that the docker image does not exist. I went the way of installing it via the supervisor → add the repository → and hit the install button

here the message:

Image 00185a40/aarch64-addon-simplescheduler:2.0.50 does not exist for addon_00185a40_simplescheduler

OK got it now. I’ve rebooted Homeassistant then it was working.

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As MQTT is now used it should be nice to be able to use MQTT variable in fields in the same way than SUNSET / SUNRISE to modify programatically the schedules.

I would like to use your scheduler to control my irrigation system because your scheduler have the best WAF :slight_smile:

The purpose is to be able to define a recuring schedule with a start date/time, a watering time, a wating time, and a programatically configurable repeat of this sequence watering/waiting.

Actually it’s possible to do with your recuring schedule except there is no way to programatically configure the number of repeat because there is no way to programatically change end time of recuring schedule.

Is it possible to integrate this in a future version ?



Awesom addon, appreciate your work! As Thierry34 wrote above, I’d like to create a watering plan for our garden too - turning on and off the sprinkling.
With a daily plan it is easily to do. But what I don’t understand: How can I create an periodically plan for every 2nd or 3rd day. Since the week has 7 days it is not possible to set it up with fix weekdays.
Is it possible to make a plan like this cron 0 5 */2 * * (every even day at 05:00)

2023-03-18 05:00:00
2023-03-20 05:00:00
2023-03-22 05:00:00
2023-03-24 05:00:00 
2023-03-26 05:00:00

Greets Flo

Have you also tried this one?

Because of the core logic of the addon, this is not possible.
My addon “simply” check every minute if one or more schedule triggers at that moment and on that day of week.
So it would require a deep modification.
I will keep that in mind because it is actually a useful feature.
Thank you for your suggestions.


Is it possible to change end time in a recurring schedule?
maybe directly alter the json file in the share directory?
Don’t knowhow to do this from home assistant automation thought.

No, it is not possible.
Modify JSON (at your risk!) could work for other types of schedulers, but not for the recurring ones.
This is because the recurring is calculated in the form, so you won’t find in the JSON the actual start and stop time, but the result list of the calculated times.
So if you want to change it, you need to recalculate it again.

No, the only thing you could do from an automation is to enable/disable schedulers. You cannot modify them.