Hi everybody,
do any of you have a simple stopwatch script that I could borrow? I’d like to
- start keeping track of time once <state change from/to> happens
- stop tracking once happens
- have the amount of time that has passed in an
entity (or similar)
This way, I could display the amount of time our vacuum took for the last cleaning cycle in Home Assistant. My current work around is
Each of these entities gets the current timestamp written to when the device starts/stops. I am currently trying to create a template
sensor that will display the time difference input_datetime.llh_sheena_stoptime - input_datetime.llh_sheena_starttime
(but haven’t quite figured it out yet).
But perhaps there is a simpler way that I just have not found yet…?
Thank you in advance for your ideas
UPDATE: the time difference could be determined like this, but I still think it is a bit too complicated {{ ((state_attr('input_datetime.llh_sheena_stoptime', 'timestamp')) - (state_attr('input_datetime.llh_sheena_starttime', 'timestamp'))) | timestamp_custom("%H:%M:%S", True) }}