To control your devices there are many ways to do it. I personnaly add some file in my automatiion folder where are all my automations. I have automations to control temperature during week days and other for weekend. I also have automations for temperature control in away mode. For Hydro I don’t use the Eco Sinopé because it is not enough agressive. I completely cut my heating after doing a pre-heating of one 45 minutes before the peak and revert to normal heating after the peak. I prefert to have a button on my main overview pannel that when clicked, deactivate many automations and activate other that are used during peak period. For example:
# activer mode pointe energie d'hydro Québec
- id: pointe active on
alias: pointe active on
initial_state: true
platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.avis_hydro
to: 'on'
- service: automation.turn_on
- automation.coupe_courant
- automation.allume_courant
- automation.pre_chauffe_thermo
- automation.pre_chauffe_plainte
- automation.pre_chauffe_plancher
- automation.plainte_off
- automation.thermo_off
- automation.plainte_on
- automation.thermo_on
- automation.rechauffe_plancher
- automation.stop_plancher
- automation.plainte_nuit_on
- automation.thermo_nuit_on
- service: automation.turn_off
- automation.augmenter_chauffage_salon_le_matin
- automation.baisser_chauffage_chambres_le_matin
- automation.chauffe_cuisine_matin
- automation.chauffe_cuisine_soir
- automation.chauffe_cuisine_weekend
- automation.chauffe_bain_matin
- automation.chauffe_bain_soir
- automation.chauffe_bain_matin_weekend
- automation.chauffe_bain_soir_weekend
- automation.chauffe_solarium_matin
- automation.chauffe_solarium_soir
- automation.chauffe_solarium_weekend
- automation.gestion_lumiere_noel
- automation.gestion_prise_ext_en_semaine
- automation.gestion_prise_ext_fin_de_semaine_2
- automation.arrive_claude
- service: switch.turn_off
- switch.schedule_chauffe_bureau_weekend
- switch.schedule_chauffe_bureau_semaine
- switch.schedule_chauffe_salle_de_lavage
- switch.schedule_chauffe_salle_a_diner
- switch.schedule_chauffe_salon
- switch.schedule_chauffe_chambre_1
- switch.schedule_chauffage_visite
- service: switch.turn_on
- switch.schedule_chauffage_salon_pointe
- switch.schedule_chauffage_salle_a_diner_pointe
- switch.schedule_chauffe_salle_de_lavage_pointe
- switch.schedule_chauffe_chambre_1_pointe
I have created a input_boolean.avis_hydro in configuration.yaml
name: Avis_hydro
initial: off
icon: mdi:signal-variant
Then created a button like this in my ui-lovelace.yaml:
- type: "custom:button-card"
color_type: card
color: rgb(223, 255, 97)
entity: input_boolean.avis_hydro
icon: mdi:thermometer
name: Hydro
- value: "on"
color: red
icon: mdi:alert
- animation: blink 2s ease infinite
- operator: default
color: green
icon: mdi:shield-check
- font-size: 12px
- font-weight: bold
When I clic the button it switch all my automation from normal operation to peak period automation and when I click again it revert everything to normal. So when I receive the email from Hydro Quebec I wait after 8 pm and click my hydro button. Automations are taking care of everything for morning and night peak period. When it is finished I just clic the button again to revert to normal operation until next peak period.
My next step is to use IMAP Email Content component to catch email received from Hydro Quebec to do the switch automatically. I’ve changed my email at Hydro to send peak message to a specific adress that my raspberry pi is monitoring. I just need to finish setup of IMAP email content so it can catch if it is a morning or night peak period or both. Lot of fun