Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

no problem! many thanks to you for integrating all these Sinope products in HA :grinning:

I will test it and see what happens tomorrow. Actually this happens with my load controller too.

I’ve reverted, and in the test branch. You can test both three files

It’s working this morning. (4,96kwh for the water heater)
I replace and

Thank you for testing and sorry for the bug. I’ve set a new release 1.7.2 to fix this.
Also my PR for the G2 thermostats have been merged into sinope-zha quircks dev branch and should appear in next ZHA update in HA.


That’s ok, thanks for your work to integrate these devices with HA.

What I understand is that a value of zero is used as reference with this template.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a value that is constantly growing. For now, this implies having “null” for those attributes instead of 0 which is reported as “NaN” but only for 30 minutes after restart.

I should find a way to retreive those values when we restart HA.

Hi all
 I am considering changing to HA from ST and have a few questions about the zigbee Sinope thermos which is my main use of automation in the house. Do let me know if there is a document with all these types of information:

  • What functionality do I lose if I don’t have the sinope hub? I currently only have the tstats and ST hub
  • Is it possible to get power usage from tstats alone or how do the sinope hubs calculate this?
  • My main goal is to be able to automatically be aware of peak hour info from hydro quebec and act accordingly (pre-heat, etc). I can code so hopefully I can even share a solution if this is actually feasible.
  • What is the difference with these new G2 tstats? I got some and they’re not playing nice with ST hub
  • Is there a recommended HA hardware solution with zigbee and zwave? Seems like Pi with SD card is potentially problematic
 I guess no one makes a SBC with zigbee and zwave already nicely packaged up?

Million thanks!

I suggest a dedicated hardware like a tiny computer, chromebox (bios has to be flashed) or a NUC. It’s more reliable,simple and stable than a rPI or a vm. For the zigbee/z-wave part
 I have the huzusb-1 (nortek go-control) witch combine the zigbee and the the z-wave coordinator.

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Hi @bafonso, welcome to HA. There are many thing in your post. As I understand you have zigbee thermostats.
1- To use them in HA you have two choices. Use the GT130 from SinopĂ© et register your devices in Neviweb or buy a usb dongle like Dresden Combee II and connect your devices to it via ZHA in HA. You won’t lose functionality except the outside temperature that is sent by Neviweb. But it is possible to have an automation that will do the job locally.
2- As for the power usage it is supported directly in your device and reported via ZHA no problem. So via GT130 or a dongle and ZHA you will have all your power usage data
3- About the peak period you can easily automate it in HA. See my post #821 in this blog. You will have everything to catch Hydro peak email and automate the process.
if you go via the GT130 then it is all explained on how to catch signal from Neviweb to manage your devices in peak period.
4- The G2 thermotats are the second generation that will replace the TH1123ZB and TH1124ZB. They are supported in HA via my Sinope Neviweb130 custom component and will be added soon in next ZHA update.
5- I use a raspberry pi with Conbee II dongle and it work perfectly since many years. You can check HA Hardware – Home Assistant Yellow

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Hi @bafonso do you have a TH1124ZB-G2 ? I’m missing some info to make sure I fully support this one in HA

Hi @claudegel,

I have 3 TH1123ZB-G2. But I don’t have HA yet. Interestingly, I just forced smartthings to use the Sinope driver on the G2 tstats and it seems to work

Bonjour @claudegel,
Tout d’abord, j’ai utilisĂ© la toute derniĂšre version 1.7.2. Je viens de terminer mes tests et cela ne fonctionne pas. Je ne crois pas vous avoir mentionnĂ© que je n’avais pas de module 130 ou quelques choses de similaire. Comme il s’agit d’un thermostat wifi, j’utilise le portail web de Sinope, Neviweb. Donc, la connexion au portail ne se fait plus.

Pour information, la connexion avec le Neviweb et non le Neviweb130, donnait le résultat suivant dans le fichier log:

2022-11-02 20:19:52.184 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.neviweb] Login response: {'user': {'id': 20247, 'role': 'owner', 'email': '[email protected]', 'locale': 'fr', 'format': {'time': '24', 'temperature': 'c'}, 'initialized': 1, 'dataPolicyConsent': 1}, 'account': {'id': 20472, 'interface': 'neviweb', 'type': 'free', 'category': None, 'betaLevel': None}, 'iat': 1667434791702, 'permissionContext': 'userNeviwebOwner1', 'session': '7ff93689b9f0874c1a8e419f97c676c75d25d411be175cc1', 'refreshToken': '6b6e26af15e0b7da193461b0a606319e5d8eab543982dc30da1fc53083e88de02004975a552aee5d6b92d83658607d10'}
2022-11-02 20:19:52.184 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.neviweb] Successfully logged in to: 20472
2022-11-02 20:19:52.282 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.neviweb] Number of networks found on Neviweb: 1
2022-11-02 20:19:52.283 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.neviweb] networks: [{'id': 23828, 'account$id': 20472, 'location$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'name': 'Maison', 'postalCode': 'G2B4R3', 'address': None, 'mode': 'home', 'icon': 1, 'type': None, 'kwhCost': 0.0885, 'deviceListUpdate': '2022-10-21 00:14:34', 'modified': '2021-01-16 04:06:21', 'created': '2020-10-31 21:43:00'}]
2022-11-02 20:19:52.283 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.neviweb] Selecting Maison network among: [{'id': 23828, 'account$id': 20472, 'location$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'name': 'Maison', 'postalCode': 'G2B4R3', 'address': None, 'mode': 'home', 'icon': 1, 'type': None, 'kwhCost': 0.0885, 'deviceListUpdate': '2022-10-21 00:14:34', 'modified': '2021-01-16 04:06:21', 'created': '2020-10-31 21:43:00'}]
2022-11-02 20:19:52.384 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.neviweb] Received gateway data: [{'id': 135653, 'identifier': '246f28fffecd631c', 'name': 'TH1124WF', 'family': '1124-WF', 'signature': {'model': 1510, 'modelCfg': 1, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 2, 'middle': 4, 'minor': 8}, 'hardRev': 0}, 'location$id': 23828, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': 130792, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1124WF', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': None, 'url_fr': None}]
2022-11-02 20:19:52.385 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.neviweb] Gateway_data : [{'id': 135653, 'identifier': '246f28fffecd631c', 'name': 'TH1124WF', 'family': '1124-WF', 'signature': {'model': 1510, 'modelCfg': 1, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 2, 'middle': 4, 'minor': 8}, 'hardRev': 0}, 'location$id': 23828, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': 130792, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1124WF', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': None, 'url_fr': None}]
2022-11-02 20:19:52.463 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.neviweb] Setting scan interval to: 0:05:00

Bonjour @rikray02 ,
Les thermostats wifi sont supportĂ©s via neviweb130. Vous n’avez pas besoin de la passerelle gt130.
sinope-Neviweb130 se connecte directement Ă  l’API Neviweb pour rĂ©cupĂ©rer les infos des appareils et par la suite les configurer dans HA.
Installez sinope-neviweb130 et mettez les mĂȘme configurations que vous avez utilisĂ© pour le custom_component sinope-Neviweb. Vos thermostats seront reconnus si ce sont des wifi. Vous pouvez enlever le sinope-neviweb si vous n’avez pas de GT125.
Neviweb130 supporte les appareils zigbee et wifi.

Bonjour @claudegel,
Tout d’abord, un immense merci pour le temps que vous nous partagez non seulement Ă  dĂ©velopper des trucs pour HA mais aussi Ă  nous supporter lorsque nous avons un problĂšme.
Je tenais à vous informer que tout fonctionne parfaitement. Les statistiques se cumulent parfaitement bien. J’ai pris un peu de temps à comprendre que la ligne suivante:
{{ state_attr("climate.neviweb130_climate_plancher_cuisin","hourly_kwh") }}
faisait rĂ©fĂ©rence au nom de mon appareil dĂ©fini dans Newiweb. C’est principalement dĂ» Ă  mon inexpĂ©rience dans HA. Maintenant que c’est compris, tout fonctionne parfaitement bien!
Merci encore pour votre disponibilité et votre générosité.

Merci @rikray02 il y a encore plein de dĂ©veloppement qui s’en vient.

Salut @ValMarDav , j’ai voulu l’essayer mais pas moyen de le faire marcher. Ce serait quoi le minimum à faire pour que ce soit fonctionnel ?


Moi j’ai utilisĂ© la mĂ©thode hybride pour installer Swiss Army Knife. J’ai utilisĂ© HACS pour installer la carte. Puis j’ai fait l’étape 2 de l’installation qui consiste Ă  crĂ©er le rĂ©pertoire lovelace et y copier les fichiers.

Faire aussi l’autre Ă©tape 2 qui installe les thĂšmes

Il faut copier la template sak_layout_thermostats_sinope dans le répertoire /config/lovelace/sak_templates/templates/layouts/sak_layout_thermostats_sinope.yaml.

Redémarrer HA.

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C’est bien ce que j’ai fait Ă©galement. J’ai ce message :

VĂ©rifier bien les entitĂ©s que vous avez indiquĂ© pour voir s’il n’y a pas une erreur dans les noms. La carte ne fonctionne pas s’il y a un erreur. De plus vous ne devez changer l’ordre des entitĂ©s car elle sont traiter avec des index dans la template.