Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

@claudegel I just ordered the new Calypso water heater controller. I’ll give you all the info you need once it’s installed.

Thank you @EtienneMD I just bought one also but it will be shipped only first week of December. If you can help for the neviweb130 support I’ll focus on ZHA integration with mine.
RM3500ZB is already supported in neviweb130 but still need the part for Éco Sinopé and probably a little bit of fine tuning. I need to validate the model number first.

Hi, I recently bought few thermostat TH1123ZB-G2 connected directly to homeassistant using ZHA. I’m trying to understand how I can enrich my thermostat with more preset_modes

My goal is to be able to define variables containing preset temperature for every zone.

Any good tips, direction to take would be appreciated I spent a lot of time reading and trying to find good exemple and for now it’s not as simple as I thought …

Hi @cyrielrct preset are related to zigbee cluster and we cannot add other preset if there are no cluster that the thermostat will understand.
But you can easily create input_boolean which can be switched on / off. Then few simple automation will trigger specific temperature according to those input_boolean

    name: extreme temperature
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:temperature-celsius

when you turn on that input_boolean it will stop some automation (automation.turn_off) and start other (automation.turn_on) that will manage the temperature setpoint of your thermostats. For example when it is On the heat pump is stopped and the setpoint of your thermostat is raised to 22oC. When it is Off, heat-pump start and thermostats setpoint goes to 18oC.

This way you can set any «preset» like home, away, etc by setting input_boolean and automation for each preset.

I’m afraid you would need to create a PR into ZHA for this.

What you could do is use Input Select to create a list of your desired presets and then use that as trigger for an automation that would set the appropriate temperature using variables.

Hello @claudegel,

Thank you very much for all this work!

I have 15 thermostats & line controllers at a remote location (with ZHA).

My understanding is that, in order to update a device’s firmware, the process is to:

  • purchase a GT130 (or rent yours :laughing:)
  • drive to the remote location and be ready to stay there until the firmware updates complete
  • unpair each device from ZHA
  • pair each device to GT130
  • wait 24h to get a firmware update
  • unpair from GT130
  • pair to ZHA
  • double-check/edit/correct all automations/scripts/views/etc using these devices
  • repeat the whole process for the next update

Would you be aware of a smarter way to do so?
Any news from or hope that Sinope would provide a way to update their devices’ firmware without a GT130?

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Also what Claude suggested could work in your situation.

Here’s what I had in mind.

    name: Thermostat Mode
      - "home"
      - "away"
      - "vacation"
    icon: mdi:target
- alias: Thermostat presets
  id: thermostat_presets
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.thermostat_presets
    presets: #List your presets here
      away: 18
      home: 19
      vacation: 15
    - service: climate.set_temperature
        entity_id: # List your thermostats here
          - climate.dining_room
        temperature: "{{ presets[trigger.to_state.state] }}"
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Wow awesome guys Thank you @EtienneMD and @claudegel you gave me a really good direction to start something. I’m really at the beginning and I haven’t started yet to play with input_select and that kind of configuration. Then I know what to do tonight :stuck_out_tongue:
I’ll be back to you soon with some updates (or maybe others questions hehe )

Unfortunately this is like this. The Sinopé devices are updated for there firmware when connected to Neviweb. Sinopé never published there firmware. But there devices don’t get updated frequently for the firmware. So if you do one update you should be good to go for long time.

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Where do you populate the away temp value ?

The zigbee thermostat cannot store other temperature then setpoint temperature. If you want to set a different temperature when your away or when it 's a peak period etc, then you simply do it via automation. Above @EtienneMD posted a good example of different setpoint temperature according to different options; home, away, vacation etc.
So simply set a device tracker that will follow your cell phone and with an automation it is easy to switch your thermostat setpoint to the away temperature when your not home and switch back to normal temperature when your back home.
The temperature values are stored in the automations.

Bonjour @Khay, Voici l’automatisation que j’ai fait (quelqu’un m’a aidé) pour prendre une donnée de température d’une sonde extérieur et l’afficher sur mes thermostats Zigbee de Sinope. Je dois préciser que je n’utilise pas une passerelle GT130 ou autre de Sinope. J’utilise une passerelle Zigbee de Sonoff et ZHA:

- alias : Chaleur - OutdoorTemp déclencheur : - plate-forme : état entity_id : sensor.spot_erable_si7021_temperature variables : thermostats : - 50:0b:91:40:00:02:9c:c9 - 50:0b:91:40:00:02:9a:91 - 50:0b:91:40:00:02:be:02 action : - répéter : count: '{{thermostats|length}}' séquence : - service : zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute données : ieee: '{{ thermostats[repeat.index-1] }}' endpoint_id : 1 cluster_id : 65281 cluster_type: in attribut : 16 valeur : '{{ ( trigger.to_state.state|float * 100 ) |int }}'

Ma sonde extérieur: sensor.spot_erable_si7021_temperature
La liste (équivalent des mac address) de mes thermostat zigbee sur lesquels je pousse la donnée de température:

  • 50:0b:91:40:00:02:9c:c9
  • 50:0b:91:40:00:02:9a:91
  • 50:0b:91:40:00:02:be

Bonne Chance!

Oups !
Erreur de collage de code!

- alias: Heat - OutdoorTemp
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.spot_erable_si7021_temperature
    - 50:0b:91:40:00:02:9c:c9
    - 50:0b:91:40:00:02:9a:91
    - 50:0b:91:40:00:02:be:02
  - repeat:
      count: '{{thermostats|length}}'
      - service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
          ieee: '{{ thermostats[repeat.index-1] }}'
          endpoint_id: 1
          cluster_id: 65281
          cluster_type: in
          attribute: 16
          value: '{{ ( trigger.to_state.state|float * 100 ) |int }}'

If you want to find out all clusters used by Sinopé zigbee devices see my sinope-zha git

You will find lot of documentation about clusters and example of automation for your zigbee thermostats

Hello All,
Currently I don’t have the Gateway GT130, all my thermostat are connected directly to my hass with ZHA.
But I like Sinope product and I’m thinking of buying some light switch and also the RM3500ZB for water tank.

But question remain in me, do you think that buying the Gateway GT130 could help me automate everything like having a part done by Neviweb and integrated with hass for external action ?

any feedback / experiences are welcome to enlighten me thanks :wink:

Hi @cyrielrct all Sinopé light and dimmer are supported in ZHA. RM3500ZB will be supported in ZHA as soon as I receive mine. Sinopé should ship first week of December.
Everything you can do in Neviweb as for automation can be done in HA. I own a GT130 and have created the neviweb130 custom_components. But I can say that the devices setuped in HA via ZHA are responding faster and you are protected from an internet failure.
Both ZHA and GT130 can be used at the same time in HA but your devices can be connected to only one gateway, not both, at the same time.
Having a GT130 can help you to perform firmware update of your devices as the update are not available for your devices connected to ZHA. Presently there are great rebate on for black friday.


Perhaps someone can help me with some very “beginner” questions.

Is Neviweb just an app, or is it also a cloud service? When I read here that the Sinope WiFi thermostats don’t need a gateway, does that simply mean they’re talking directly to the cloud (which the Zigbee devices can’t do)? Or are they simply connecting to an app? (The app might then connect to the cloud, but that’s different than the thermostat connecting to the cloud.)

Second – I understand that this is a Home Assistant forum, but: is Home Assistant necessary to communicate with the Sinope WiFi thermostats, or is it possible to do simple operations (e.g. get current temperature, set current setpoint) by simply using http, with curl, for instance? I guess what I really want to know is if the protocol is protected by a session key, in which case I assume part of what HA does is manage that session key.

As background, I’ve been running my own, simple (in some ways) DIY home automation system for 30 years. There’s no real central server, it’s mostly driven by linux shell scripts and cron jobs, along with a few special purpose daemons (speech synthesis, IR remote receiver, temperature and power logging, etc). I’d rather not introduce an entire OS image (Home Assistant) simply to talk to a new thermostat. (My current thermostat, which is failing, is very simple: an X10 command selects either a high or low setpoint.) So perhaps those of you that better understand the underlying protocols can help me understand whether I need to run Home Assistant or not.


I’ll try to answer you based on what I know. Your first question is more related to “protocole” where Wifi is different than Zigbee.

Most of devices connected by wifi will be dependant on cloud, probably because it’s more convenient for most of the people. Some Wifi devices can be used locally natively or can be flashed when they are ESP Based (with ESP Home or Tasmota) but Zigbee as it’s an open protocole can necessary be used locally (from my knowledge at least).

Personnally I’m trying to focus as much as I can on zigbee as all devices mesh between them and more devices I have more my zigbee network is powered.

Your second question is Home Assistant is needed or not to use Synopé Thermostat. Absolutely not. Actually Sinopé doesn’t provide any support related to Hass. It’s hope to you to use it and I believe that Claude did a really good job to implement Neviweb with HomeAssistant. The part I don’t know it’s if we can use Sinopé Wifi devices directly with Hass without Neviweb :face_with_monocle:

Last think I want to tell you. Think about it carrefuly before starting you home assistant you could become very addict and spend a lot of time on it :stuck_out_tongue: :sweat_smile: Believe me

LOL! Thanks for the warning!

But now that you’ve mentioned it: what’s Hass?

[ Edit: Never mind. Should have googled before asking. ]

Hi @pgf , welcome to HA
From Sinopé there are three communication protocoles
1- Old devices called MIWI use a proprietary protocole from Sinopé and need a GT125 gateway to communicate with Sinopé had released that protocole so it is possible to connect directly to the GT125 gateway via my sinope custom_components (HACS, it is sinope GT125) without the need of You can also keep the devices on and use my neviweb custom_components (HACS sinope neviweb) to communicate with for the miwi devices.
2- Then Sinopé switch to a new protocol called Zigbee. All zigbee devices from Sinopé can be used with the GT130 gateway to connect to or they can be used locally with any zigbee gateway like the Conbee II usb dongle. In that case no need to use Neviweb. The zigbee devices cannot be connected to two network at the same time. It is the GT130 or another zigbee gateway. In HA you can use my neviweb130 custom_components (HACS, sinope neviweb130), or ZHA with a Conbee II or any other zigbee gateway supported by HA.
3- Finaly Sinopé release the wifi thermostats that connect directly to No need for a gateway like the GT130. But the wifi protocole that they use is proprietary and we don’t have access to the code. So for those devices the only way to connect them to HA is to use the neviweb130 custom_components that talk to (HACS sinope neviweb130). I should try to figure out how to talk directly to the wifi thermostats but for now Sinopé didn’t release there protocol for the wifi devices.