Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

With the sinope-GT125 custom_components there could be a small delay between the time the data is sent to the thermostat and the update in HA but it is normally less then 1 minute. So I don’t think that the GT125 custom component is the problem. Anyway let me know if it happen again.

I have it set to 60 sec… and generally it is brilliant… I also have the Neviweb set to 500 sec so not to spam them with traffic. So I was waiting much longer like 10 min and seeing Neviweb update and still not seeing GT125 updating this morning. But as of now everything is still fine.

I will keep an eye on it. And if it acts up again i will look at the logs.


Ok fine, let me know if you find something in the log.

J’ai reçu mon SkyConnect et le thermostat fonctionne sans problèmes ! Merci du hint !

Migrer de radio est assez facile, mais pas instantané

Hi guys,

I’m still a HA newbie but I have a question.

I have the zigbee Sedna valve with some zigbee leak detector. They are all connected to my GT130.

Using this integration, I was able to add them to HA without problem. Everything works perfectly.

The problem is, I want to add them to homekit. I have no problem adding the valve but I’m unable to add the leak sensors.

I chose sensor and switch entities for homebridge.

I selected the leak sensors (and the valve).

But after adding the bridge to homekit, I only see the valve. I’m unable to add the sensors. Homekit doesn’t see them at all.

Any idea?


According to Sinopé, only wifi thermostats are compatible with homeKit. Why don’t you connect your sensor directly to the valve. This way you will be still able to see them in HA and they will close the valve in case of leak detection.

I have the zigbee valve. Yoy can’t connect leak sensors to it. You need a gt130 and do the automations there.

To connect the sensors to the valve, you need the wifi model

BTW I do all automations of the valve and sensors in GT130

I just want to have the leak sensors in homekit for better monitoring and having everything in one place, no automation done there.

Also, I have the zigbee sinope thermostats and they work in homekit (via homebridge)

Can you post your homekit configuration in configuration.yaml ?
To add specific devices or to make specific changes for special devices you can use configuration.yaml to make those changes available to homekit.

I will need to look at this because I have nothing about homekit in configuration.yaml. Everything was done using the GUI.

I suppose I will need to make custom configuration for the leak sensors,.

I solved my problem.

Homekit supports only binary sensors for leak.

I created a custom binary sensor using the sinope sensor

- platform: template
      device_class: moisture
      friendly_name: Sinope Leak Toilette RDC
      value_template: "{{ states('sensor.neviweb130_sensor_toilette') in ('water') }}"

Then adding this sensor to homekit solves the problem!

Another question for you Claude, what happens if you set the scan interval lower then 300 seconds?

The connection can get refused?

If you go below scan_interval = 300, Sinopé will detect it and block your access as it is too agressive for them. If you put it greater then 600, your session will expire and you will have to reconnect.
For stat_intervall, I’ve set a 5 minutes delay when HA start and after the statistic are polled every 30 minutes to reduce a little the scan load. anyway the device update that data every 60 minutes. It is the same for the device error scan. It is done every 30 minutes. Like this everybody is happy I hope.

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Too bad Sinopé wants 300s minimum. I need to keep the Neviweb app to have instant alerting of leaks because with 3rd party like HA I need to wait for the next scan. So there is a 5 min maximum delay

You can switch to ZHA with a usb zigbee gateway like the sky connect. That way all your zigbee devices are supported and you get alert instantly to act on your valve. With ZHA you don’t need the other app except if you have old miwi or wifi devices.

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good idea. thanks

Don’t forget that is you are in the Hydro Quebec Eco Sinope you need to keep your thermostats in Neviweb :slight_smile:

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yes, I will probably stay with neviweb and live with the 300s in HA/homekit.

I like to have all my stuff in one place but I’ll keep neviweb for Eco Sinopé and leak alerting.

I would also like to thank for for your amazing work with this intergration

The best is yet to come :slight_smile:


Hello Claude,
I just got 8 of them and I’m willing to test.
Any advice or instructions ?

Sorry, test on what exactly. What device you just got, thermostat zigbee or wifi?
If you are on HA neviweb130 you can test the newest version

Especially for the wifi devices as I don’t have any of them.

To install in HA just follow instruction in the in the link below

Best way is to install the app via HACS component.
Once installed let me know and I’ll guide you if necessary.