Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

I think you just need to create an input_boolean
In HA: Settings - Devices & Services - Helpers - Create Helper - Toggle - Name it what you want and create.

or create a template switch, something like this:

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('valve.neviweb130_valve_myvalve', 'open') }}"
          service: valve.open_valve
            entity_id: valve.neviweb130_valve_myvalve
          service: valve.close_valve
            entity_id: valve.neviweb130_valve_myvalve

wow Claude, you’re incredible. Worked on first try!

Merci beaucoup :slight_smile:

Hi @claudegel, I hope things are well on your end!

I am not sure if I’m encountering a bug or what’s happening exactly, but I keep receiving the following messages, several times a day:

Neviweb130 integration 2.8.0
Warning: Neviweb Device update restarted for neviweb130 climate Heat, Sku: TH1124WF

Neviweb130 integration 2.8.0
Warning: Received message from Neviweb, device disconnected... Check your log... Neviweb update will be halted for 20 minutes for neviweb130 climate Heat, Sku: TH1124WF

I don’t really know what’s happening or why it keeps popping up in HAss. Any idea why? Is it a bug/problem, or is this normal behaviour? I would say I receive the messages several times in a day.

I turned on debugging but I only found this in my logs:

2024-08-06 23:42:32.675 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Login response: {'user': {'id': 30033, 'role': 'owner', 'email': 'REDACTED', 'locale': 'en', 'format': {'time': '12', 'temperature': 'c', 'distance': 'km'}, 'initialized': 1, 'dataPolicyConsent': 1}, 'account': {'id': 30249, 'interface': 'neviweb', 'type': 'free', 'category': None, 'betaLevel': None}, 'iat': 1723002048455, 'permissionContext': 'userNeviwebOwner1', 'session': '1d784804509e52732a23d3092a23bda1676b70c18074983a', 'refreshToken': '83fbff4f65e337cbc909eb6d0a4d8f357ffb2e0e604e11d942d9aba9a0c7bd40ce128819429befe78641815d52021316'}
2024-08-06 23:42:32.675 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Successfully logged in to: 30249
2024-08-06 23:42:32.729 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Number of networks found on Neviweb: 1
2024-08-06 23:42:32.730 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] networks: [{'id': 36807, 'account$id': 30249, 'location$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'name': 'Home', 'postalCode': 'M5A2T7', 'address': None, 'mode': 'home', 'icon': 2, 'type': None, 'kwhCost': 0.0885, 'deviceListUpdate': '2024-01-05 13:42:45', 'modified': '2024-01-05 13:04:15', 'created': '2021-08-28 22:41:56'}]
2024-08-06 23:42:32.730 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Selecting Home network among: [{'id': 36807, 'account$id': 30249, 'location$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'name': 'Home', 'postalCode': 'M5A2T7', 'address': None, 'mode': 'home', 'icon': 2, 'type': None, 'kwhCost': 0.0885, 'deviceListUpdate': '2024-01-05 13:42:45', 'modified': '2024-01-05 13:04:15', 'created': '2021-08-28 22:41:56'}]
2024-08-06 23:42:32.787 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Received gateway data: [{'id': 377504, 'identifier': '246f28fffe89948c', 'name': 'Heat', 'family': '1124-WF', 'signature': {'model': 1510, 'modelCfg': 1, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 3}, 'hardRev': 0}, 'location$id': 36807, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': 239287, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1124WF', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': None, 'url_fr': None}]
2024-08-06 23:42:32.787 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Gateway_data : [{'id': 377504, 'identifier': '246f28fffe89948c', 'name': 'Heat', 'family': '1124-WF', 'signature': {'model': 1510, 'modelCfg': 1, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 3}, 'hardRev': 0}, 'location$id': 36807, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': 239287, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1124WF', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': None, 'url_fr': None}]
2024-08-06 23:42:32.846 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Received signature data: {'signature': {'model': 1510, 'modelCfg': 1, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 3}, 'hardRev': 0, 'protocol': 'sinopcom'}}
2024-08-06 23:42:32.847 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Setting scan interval to: 0:06:00
2024-08-06 23:42:32.847 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Setting Homekit mode to: False
2024-08-06 23:42:32.847 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.neviweb130] Setting stat interval to: 1800

I’m not overly robust using HAss, so if you need more info, please instruct me on how to obtain it for you. Thank you!

This message pops when HA receive an error message from Neviweb about unavailable devices. This could be because SinopĂ© is doing an update on Neviweb or on one device model or because you have a network problem and Neviweb is unable to reach one of your device, don’t receive any response when polling one of your device or didn’t receive any update report from one of your device.
When that is detected HA stop polling the device for 20 minutes and retry after. It also issue a notice about that.
You can safely ignore this or check your wifi network for poor connection. It’s better to know the problem them find that some automation didn’t work because the device was unavailable a that moment.

Thanks for getting back to me. It happens so often it’s getting to be annoying. I keep clicking Dismiss. You’re right, it’s better to know the problem.

My Wifi is great. The thermostat is 5ft from the router so it’s not a signal issue, nor am I experiencing any drop in connection on my cell or desktop. So it must be something else.

Is there a way to record in my logs what’s happening with Neviweb to see if it can shine some light on why it keeps having to stop polling?

Do you have activated the log in your configuration.yaml file

Add this:

  default: warning
    homeassistant.custom_components: debug
    custom_components.neviweb130: debug

and restart HA. You should see error code DVCUNVLB from Neviweb on device update. When HA detect this it stop update for 20 minutes and send notification.

As it is a wifi device check you rooter. Some model are prone to drop wifi connection when there are many device connected to the wifi at the same time. There is some documentation on the doc section about that.

Anyone else see an issue with the time on their Sinope thermostats being 4 hours ahead since the latest HA update? Just updated to 2024.8.0 yesterday and everything works fine, but all my Sinope thermostats show the wrong time. When I reset them they show the correct time for a few minutes, but eventually they go back to being 4 hours ahead. My timezone settings are correctly set in HA.

Hi @claudegel! Okay, so I shut my breaker off for a min and turned it back on. I haven’t received any warnings today. I logged into Neviweb and it says I have software version 3.7.3 which is the most current version available for the device (confirmed by sinopetech agent).

Maybe it just needed to be turned on and off to establish a new wifi connection? Maybe it finally updated to this version? I dunno! Either way, it seems to have resolved itself
for now. :slight_smile: Thanks again for your assistance! Cheers!

@gabeguz I noticed the same issue today, after the recent HA update! Resetting / repairing the thermostats does not fix the issue.

1 Like

If your thermostat are on Neviweb then it is Neviweb that is sending the date and time at least once a day. So the bug is on Neviweb. Neviweb130 do not send date/time to the thermostat and do not import that data from Neviweb via the device update. On my system the time is reported correctly.
If your thermostat are on ZHA, then zha is sending the date/time about once per hour. You can also make an automation to send that data to your devices. You need to check that HA report the correct time with the correct timezone.
Unfortunately the bug is on HA/ZHA. All my thermostats on ZHA are 4 hour ahead. Will need to check what is the problem. Look like the timezone is wrong.

@claudegel So I was wrong. The notification has appeared again. I’ve tried to get all the relevant logs for you using the debug function in the integration. Here’s what it shows (I have redacted my email and postal code):

8/9/2024 1:37:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 1:37:45.5	DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (0.742 sec): {'drStatus': {'drActive': 'off', 'optOut': 'off', 'setpoint': 'off', 'powerAbsolute': 'off', 'powerRelative': 'off', 'onOff': 'off'}, 'outputPercentDisplay': {'percent': 0, 'sourceType': 'heating'}, 'roomSetpoint': 14, 'roomTemperatureDisplay': {'status': 'on', 'value': 21}, 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'drSetpoint': {'status': 'off', 'value': None}, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomTemperature': {'error': None, 'value': 20.99}, 'timeFormat': '12h', 'cycleLength': 15, 'loadWattOutput1': 1653, 'loadWatt': {'value': 1653}, 'wifiRssi': -48, 'keyboardLock': 'unlock', 'config2ndDisplay': 'exteriorTemperature', 'occupancyMode': 'home', 'backlightAutoDim': 'alwaysOn', 'earlyStartCfg': 'off', 'roomSetpointAway': 15}
8/9/2024 1:43:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_45) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 1:43:45.4	DEBUG (SyncWorker_45) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (0.646 sec): {'drStatus': {'drActive': 'off', 'optOut': 'off', 'setpoint': 'off', 'powerAbsolute': 'off', 'powerRelative': 'off', 'onOff': 'off'}, 'outputPercentDisplay': {'percent': 0, 'sourceType': 'heating'}, 'roomSetpoint': 14, 'roomTemperatureDisplay': {'status': 'on', 'value': 21}, 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'drSetpoint': {'status': 'off', 'value': None}, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomTemperature': {'error': None, 'value': 21.17}, 'timeFormat': '12h', 'cycleLength': 15, 'loadWattOutput1': 1653, 'loadWatt': {'value': 1653}, 'wifiRssi': -51, 'keyboardLock': 'unlock', 'config2ndDisplay': 'exteriorTemperature', 'occupancyMode': 'home', 'backlightAutoDim': 'alwaysOn', 'earlyStartCfg': 'off', 'roomSetpointAway': 15}
8/9/2024 1:49:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_37) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 1:49:45.7	DEBUG (SyncWorker_37) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (0.88 sec): {'drStatus': {'drActive': 'off', 'optOut': 'off', 'setpoint': 'off', 'powerAbsolute': 'off', 'powerRelative': 'off', 'onOff': 'off'}, 'outputPercentDisplay': {'percent': 0, 'sourceType': 'heating'}, 'roomSetpoint': 14, 'roomTemperatureDisplay': {'status': 'on', 'value': 21}, 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'drSetpoint': {'status': 'off', 'value': None}, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomTemperature': {'error': None, 'value': 20.89}, 'timeFormat': '12h', 'cycleLength': 15, 'loadWattOutput1': 1653, 'loadWatt': {'value': 1653}, 'wifiRssi': -48, 'keyboardLock': 'unlock', 'config2ndDisplay': 'exteriorTemperature', 'occupancyMode': 'home', 'backlightAutoDim': 'alwaysOn', 'earlyStartCfg': 'off', 'roomSetpointAway': 15}
8/9/2024 1:55:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_61) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 1:55:46.1	DEBUG (SyncWorker_61) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (1.305 sec): {'drStatus': {'drActive': 'off', 'optOut': 'off', 'setpoint': 'off', 'powerAbsolute': 'off', 'powerRelative': 'off', 'onOff': 'off'}, 'outputPercentDisplay': {'percent': 0, 'sourceType': 'heating'}, 'roomSetpoint': 14, 'roomTemperatureDisplay': {'status': 'on', 'value': 21}, 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'drSetpoint': {'status': 'off', 'value': None}, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomTemperature': {'error': None, 'value': 21.18}, 'timeFormat': '12h', 'cycleLength': 15, 'loadWattOutput1': 1653, 'loadWatt': {'value': 1653}, 'wifiRssi': -47, 'keyboardLock': 'unlock', 'config2ndDisplay': 'exteriorTemperature', 'occupancyMode': 'home', 'backlightAutoDim': 'alwaysOn', 'earlyStartCfg': 'off', 'roomSetpointAway': 15}
8/9/2024 2:01:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_28) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 2:01:44.9	DEBUG (SyncWorker_28) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (0.09 sec): {'error': {'code': 'DVCUNVLB', 'data': {'identifier': '246f28fffe89948c'}}}
8/9/2024 2:01:44.9	WARNING (SyncWorker_28)[custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Device neviweb130 climate Heat is disconected from Neviweb: DVCUNVLB...(SKU: TH1124WF)
8/9/2024 2:01:44.9	WARNING (SyncWorker_28)[custom_components.neviweb130.climate] This device neviweb130 climate Heat is de-activated and won't be updated for 20 minutes.
8/9/2024 2:01:44.9	WARNING (SyncWorker_28)[custom_components.neviweb130.climate] You can re-activate device neviweb130 climate Heat with service.neviweb130_set_activation or wait 20 minutes for update to restart or just restart HA.
8/9/2024 2:31:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 2:31:44.9	ERROR (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] Session expired. Set a scan_interval lessthan 10 minutes, otherwise the session will end.
8/9/2024 2:31:44.9	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (0.12 sec): {'error': {'code': 'USRSESSEXP'}}
8/9/2024 2:31:44.9	WARNING (SyncWorker_17)[custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Session expired... reconnecting...
8/9/2024 2:31:45.0	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] Login response: {'user': {'id': 30033, 'role': 'owner', 'email': '[email protected]', 'locale': 'en', 'format': {'time': '12', 'temperature': 'c', 'distance': 'km'}, 'initialized': 1, 'dataPolicyConsent': 1}, 'account': {'id': 30249, 'interface': 'neviweb', 'type': 'free', 'category': None, 'betaLevel': None}, 'iat': 1723184999014, 'permissionContext': 'userNeviwebOwner1', 'session': 'f6fc1922ead4aad71618deb11de63afcc957f36d7e288a72', 'refreshToken': '8b0bf7279015ec4baf6304dbdeabd26b6b148f10efe6e9ab1416ec0a92b14e6536e1dd051473fafab97f004b4b29cc1b'}
8/9/2024 2:31:45.0	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] Successfully logged in to: 30249
8/9/2024 2:31:45.1	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] Number of networks found on Neviweb: 1
8/9/2024 2:31:45.1	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] networks: [{'id': 36807, 'account$id': 30249, 'location$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'name': 'Home', 'postalCode': 'A1B2C3', 'address': None, 'mode': 'home', 'icon': 2, 'type': None, 'kwhCost': 0.0885, 'deviceListUpdate': '2024-01-05 13:42:45', 'modified': '2024-01-05 13:04:15', 'created': '2021-08-28 22:41:56'}]
8/9/2024 2:31:45.1	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] Selecting Home network among: [{'id': 36807, 'account$id': 30249, 'location$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'name': 'Home', 'postalCode': 'A1B2C3', 'address': None, 'mode': 'home', 'icon': 2, 'type': None, 'kwhCost': 0.0885, 'deviceListUpdate': '2024-01-05 13:42:45', 'modified': '2024-01-05 13:04:15', 'created': '2021-08-28 22:41:56'}]
8/9/2024 2:31:45.1	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] Received gateway data: [{'id': 377504, 'identifier': '246f28fffe89948c', 'name': 'Heat', 'family': '1124-WF', 'signature': {'model': 1510, 'modelCfg': 1, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 3}, 'hardRev': 0}, 'location$id': 36807, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': 239287, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1124WF', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': None, 'url_fr': None}]
8/9/2024 2:31:45.1	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] Gateway_data : [{'id': 377504, 'identifier': '246f28fffe89948c', 'name': 'Heat', 'family': '1124-WF', 'signature': {'model': 1510, 'modelCfg': 1, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 3}, 'hardRev': 0}, 'location$id': 36807, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': 239287, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1124WF', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': None, 'url_fr': None}]
8/9/2024 2:31:45.2	DEBUG (SyncWorker_17) [custom_components.neviweb130] Received signature data: {'signature': {'model': 1510, 'modelCfg': 1, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 3}, 'hardRev': 0, 'protocol': 'sinopcom'}}
8/9/2024 2:37:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_61) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 2:37:46.2	DEBUG (SyncWorker_61) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (1.452 sec): {'drStatus': {'drActive': 'off', 'optOut': 'off', 'setpoint': 'off', 'powerAbsolute': 'off', 'powerRelative': 'off', 'onOff': 'off'}, 'outputPercentDisplay': {'percent': 0, 'sourceType': 'heating'}, 'roomSetpoint': 14, 'roomTemperatureDisplay': {'status': 'on', 'value': 21}, 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'drSetpoint': {'status': 'off', 'value': None}, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomTemperature': {'error': None, 'value': 20.79}, 'timeFormat': '12h', 'cycleLength': 15, 'loadWattOutput1': 1653, 'loadWatt': {'value': 1653}, 'wifiRssi': -46, 'keyboardLock': 'unlock', 'config2ndDisplay': 'exteriorTemperature', 'occupancyMode': 'home', 'backlightAutoDim': 'alwaysOn', 'earlyStartCfg': 'off', 'roomSetpointAway': 15}
8/9/2024 2:43:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_47) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 2:43:45.6	DEBUG (SyncWorker_47) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (0.834 sec): {'drStatus': {'drActive': 'off', 'optOut': 'off', 'setpoint': 'off', 'powerAbsolute': 'off', 'powerRelative': 'off', 'onOff': 'off'}, 'outputPercentDisplay': {'percent': 0, 'sourceType': 'heating'}, 'roomSetpoint': 14, 'roomTemperatureDisplay': {'status': 'on', 'value': 21}, 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'drSetpoint': {'status': 'off', 'value': None}, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomTemperature': {'error': None, 'value': 21.07}, 'timeFormat': '12h', 'cycleLength': 15, 'loadWattOutput1': 1653, 'loadWatt': {'value': 1653}, 'wifiRssi': -47, 'keyboardLock': 'unlock', 'config2ndDisplay': 'exteriorTemperature', 'occupancyMode': 'home', 'backlightAutoDim': 'alwaysOn', 'earlyStartCfg': 'off', 'roomSetpointAway': 15}
8/9/2024 2:49:44.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_0) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate Heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
8/9/2024 2:49:45.8	DEBUG (SyncWorker_0) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (0.957 sec): {'drStatus': {'drActive': 'off', 'optOut': 'off', 'setpoint': 'off', 'powerAbsolute': 'off', 'powerRelative': 'off', 'onOff': 'off'}, 'outputPercentDisplay': {'percent': 0, 'sourceType': 'heating'}, 'roomSetpoint': 14, 'roomTemperatureDisplay': {'status': 'on', 'value': 21}, 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'drSetpoint': {'status': 'off', 'value': None}, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomTemperature': {'error': None, 'value': 20.83}, 'timeFormat': '12h', 'cycleLength': 15, 'loadWattOutput1': 1653, 'loadWatt': {'value': 1653}, 'wifiRssi': -48, 'keyboardLock': 'unlock', 'config2ndDisplay': 'exteriorTemperature', 'occupancyMode': 'home', 'backlightAutoDim': 'alwaysOn', 'earlyStartCfg': 'off', 'roomSetpointAway': 15}

See my workaround here, until the ZHA bug is fixed: Zigbee Thermostats Incorrect Time Zone - #11 by mshamash

In your log I see USRSESSEXP. This is when your scan intervall is too long. Neviweb will close the session and HA will have to reconnect, which is done automatically. But it is possible that during this period some update are failing.

How do I shorten the scan interval? Is this something in HAss? I checked Neviweb and there’s nothing there that says “scan interval”.

I noticed this line with code DVCUNVLB in it:

8/9/2024 2:01:44.9	DEBUG (SyncWorker_28) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate Heat (0.09 sec): {'error': {'code': 'DVCUNVLB', 'data': {'identifier': '246f28fffe89948c'}}}

Does this mean anything?

It’s in your neviweb130 parameter in configuration.yaml

  username: !secret climate_username
  password: !secret climate_password
  network: !secret climate_gateway130
  scan_interval: 360
  stat_interval: 600

Scan_interval is the number of seconds between each access to Neviweb to update device state. SinopĂ© asked for a minimum of 5 minutes between polling, so you can reduce scan_interval to 300. Don’t go over 600, the session will expire.

As for DVCUNVLB error message this is what give you the notification message about device disconnected. When HA receive that error message from Neviweb it stop polling for 20 minutes then restart automatically to see if connection is back.
Today I got a 2 seconds power lost that freeze the Videotron rooter. That affect the GT130 and Communication was lost with Neviweb so I got plenty of notifications. 20 minutes later everything came back normal. This way I can know the comm lost and check if some automations didn’t succeed.

I see in the documentation file, it shows scan being 360 and stat being 1800. I only copied those settings originally.

So I can change them both to be 300 and 600 as you just outlined?

yes this is what I have

Done. Thank you! Let’s hope this stops the notifications. :slight_smile:

Hi @claudegel! Just following up, and I am not receiving any more notifications (after I downgraded the interaction and then re-upgraded it to the newest release, after I tried changing those settings you mentioned and it not making a difference. But so far so good!

I checked my log and see I am still received a debug warning (no notification about it, just something I can see in the log.

For ‘roomTemperature’, is it supposed to say <‘error’: None>? It’s the only thing I can see might be causing the debug warning.

Here’s the log:

2024-08-13 21:13:52.335 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updated attributes for neviweb130 climate heat: ['drSetpoint', 'drStatus', 'outputPercentDisplay', 'roomSetpoint', 'roomSetpointMax', 'roomSetpointMin', 'roomTemperatureDisplay', 'roomTemperature', 'temperatureFormat', 'timeFormat', 'cycleLength', 'loadWattOutput1', 'loadWatt', 'wifiRssi', 'keyboardLock', 'config2ndDisplay', 'setpointMode', 'occupancyMode', 'backlightAutoDim', 'earlyStartCfg', 'roomSetpointAway']
2024-08-13 21:13:53.077 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [custom_components.neviweb130.climate] Updating neviweb130 climate heat (0.743 sec): {'drStatus': {'drActive': 'off', 'optOut': 'off', 'setpoint': 'off', 'powerAbsolute': 'off', 'powerRelative': 'off', 'onOff': 'off'}, 'outputPercentDisplay': {'percent': 0, 'sourceType': 'heating'}, 'roomSetpoint': 14, 'roomTemperatureDisplay': {'status': 'on', 'value': 21.5}, 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'drSetpoint': {'status': 'off', 'value': None}, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomTemperature': {'error': None, 'value': 21.48}, 'timeFormat': '12h', 'cycleLength': 15, 'loadWattOutput1': 1653, 'loadWatt': {'value': 1653}, 'wifiRssi': -24, 'keyboardLock': 'unlock', 'config2ndDisplay': 'exteriorTemperature', 'occupancyMode': 'home', 'backlightAutoDim': 'alwaysOn', 'earlyStartCfg': 'off', 'roomSetpointAway': 15}

The error: None for roomTemperature is in case the thermostats encounter error with the temperature sensor or bad reading. In that case there will be an error number displayed error: xx.
So error: None is ok and everything is fine.