Sinope TH1300ZB E16 Troubleshooting

I recently bought a TH2300ZB floor thermostat because it was zigbee and local control. I hooked it up and before integrating into my zigbee network, about 10 minutes, I got an E16 error and the reset light on the side is illuminated. Sinope’s support page said to powercycle, which let it work for a bit longer but eventually ended in the e16. I’ve eliminated the temperature sensor (swapped with a known good and also tried flipping it to air sensor). I did email Sinope support via email but I was told they can’t diagnose without it connected to Neviweb. The thermostat replaced a working FlexTherm thermostat (PB112-120GA), but I wanted to modernize and automate with my Home Assistant install. I’d prefer to keep it local and I’d be willing to buy their gateway…but I’m concerned that I’d be wasting my money if the floor heating system is not compatible.

So I guess I have three questions:

  1. Does anyone have any experience with this e16 error and has any troubleshooting steps I might be missing?

  2. Is there a way to retrieve any logs from the thermostats using zigbee to assist in troubleshooting?

  3. Does it look like I’m dealing with a defective TB1300ZB?

Thanks in advance for any help!

I don’t know the answer, but you will be more likely to have one here

Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats - #1730 by augustose

Thanks for the reply. Through all my searching did not stumble upon that thread. I guess my GoogleFu is slipping!

I’ve decided the best way to deal with this is to return the thermostat. I’ll likely just stick with my old “dumb” Flextherm thermostat.