šŸ”¹ slider-entity-row - Add sliders to entities cards

HACS isnā€™t installed.
It is just a basic homeAssistant Core running in a Debianā€¦ (no docker, no hassIO hassOS or whatever)ā€¦

Type ist set to module.

got it :slight_smile:

it seems that I have used the wrong ā€œconfigā€ folderā€¦
I have a config folder within /srv/homeassistant/config
and have created the www folder within this oneā€¦ instead, I should have used /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www

now everything is working just as expected :slight_smile:

does attribute ā€œtiltā€ not work with Homematic IP (HmIP-BROLL) device?

  - entity: cover.rollladen_gross_wohnzimmer
  - entity: cover.rollladen_gross_wohnzimmer
    type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
    attribute: position

Does show the slider
2020-06-27 11_30_50-Ɯbersicht - Home Assistant


  - entity: cover.rollladen_gross_wohnzimmer
  - entity: cover.rollladen_gross_wohnzimmer
    type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
    attribute: tilt

does not show the sliderā€¦
2020-06-27 11_31_51-Ɯbersicht - Home Assistant

yes, I have the same issue, on a Ikea cover. Have tried both

      - type: custom:slider-entity-row
        entity: cover.raamverduistering_stookhok
        hide_state: false
        full_row: true

but when on 0 or 100% this still wonā€™t show the state, but the cover position.Unlike the cover in the second picture on GitHub - thomasloven/lovelace-slider-entity-row: šŸ”¹ Add sliders to entity cards.

anything new on that one? trying to do the same

Is it possible to use this slide for group of covers? as soon as I try to add this type on a entity which is a group i get an exception:

Unsupported entity type: group


Slider-entity-row never guesses, and what if you had a group with two lights, one cover and a temperature sensor? What should it do when you pull the slider to the right?

Try the cover group which exists for exactly this purpose.

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Hi, I am using the cover group but I get no slider. Only when I press on the card and gettin into it. Check my screenshot I must press on the group to discover the sliderā€¦

I was able to do it.

in configuration.yaml I was create the entity:

  - platform: group
    name: All Rollers
      - cover1
      - cover2
      - cover3

then use the slide entity row to control the entity:

 - entity: cover.all_rollers

When rollers are in different positions the reported status cannot be accurate.
But there is no way to report X different positions whit just one slide row!

But please share your screen? You have to press on the raw item right to expose the built in slider right?

No! Slider is always there:

I can see on your screen that you are using groups.
To me, the all_rollers is of type cover (cover.all_rollers) and not the type group

can you share please the card code? (lovelace cardā€™s code)

sure, lets start with a basic config. With this code you are able to move all the shutters with a slider:

  - entity: cover.all_rollers
    toggle: false
    full_row: true
    type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
show_header_toggle: false
type: entities

this generates this output:


If you still interested I can share my entire layout but is makes use of the card type ā€˜custom:vertical-stack-in-cardā€™

Hi @ngmartins, thanks for your explanation but what am I missing here? i still get an exception following your example:

thats my configuration.yml define the group:

and thats definding the card with the exception:

any idea?

So I donā€™t know if this is the reason. But I defined the group in configuration.yaml and if you compare again our configurations yours are missing the line:
- platform: group.

In Lovelace I was referring the entity as a cover not as a group!

- entity: cover.all_rollers

This is the reason for the error!
Please refer to the code I was posted above.

yes but the configuration.yml i used

group: !include groups.yaml

as I thought to define groups inside group.yml file

I managed to do this your way adding everything on configuration.yml. no idea why it didnt work with include. anyway now i cant add name to this global slideā€¦ how you managed to add the "living room rollers label to this global slider?

(adding screenshot:)

OK now that you got it I will share my entire lovelace config.

I am useing the ā€˜custom:vertical-stack-in-cardā€™ and add the cover entity. the code is:

  - entity: cover.all_rollers
    type: entity
  - type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'
  - entities:
      - entity: cover.all_rollers
        full_row: true
        type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
    type: entities
type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'

and the result:


My current code, but when I move the sliders, it updates but if the page refreshes,automatically moves the slider to the max (even though the brightness stays on the level specified)
Also the % , varies but it goes up to 395%.

Hi @thomasloven and thank you for this great custom entity!

My Zigbee covers are identified and managed as lights in Home Assistant.
Iā€™d like to know if it is possible to change the default icon with your custom entity to use the cover icon instead of the light one? Thanks