🔹 slider-entity-row - Add sliders to entities cards

Amm, no. It doesn’t work for me.
I downloaded to /config/resources directory. I can even show it in VS Code:
Configured it in Lovelace like that:
And am still getting “Custom element doesn’t exist” What Am I doing wrong?
BTW, why is it so complicated that I need to download custom files, configure them manually, then add automations to be able to control fairly simple device as dimmer is. I would expect a kind of dimmer in most systems of ours and yet it has no own integration.

@Sand, not sure if you already figured this out but here’s how I did it:

      type: picture-elements
      image: local/images/controls/color_temp_background.png
        - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
          icon: 'mdi:none'
          name: ' '
          hide_state: true
          full_row: true
          entity: input_number.light_livingroom_color
            left: 50%
            top: 50%
            width: 400px

Basically I’m using a picture elements card and as element I use a slider in full-row mode.
There’s also an automation to set the color-temp of the light once the state of this input slider has been modified.
Picture I use:


If I use “custom: slider-entity-row” in a new card, everything works fine:

type: entities
  - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
    entity: input_number.secondi_accensione_luce_davanti
    name: Secondi accensione
    icon: 'mdi:clock'


but if I use it inside a card where there are already other entities, the right margin of the slide disappears

type: 'custom:mod-card'
style: |
  ha-card {
    border: 1px solid black;
    background: white;
  type: vertical-stack
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      name: Luce davanti
          - font-size: 20px
    - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
      entity: input_number.secondi_accensione_luce_davanti
      name: Secondi accensione
      icon: 'mdi:clock'
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: input_select.modalita_luce_davanti
          icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-on-outline'
          name: sempre_acceso
            action: call-service
            service: input_select.select_option
              entity_id: input_select.modalita_luce_davanti
              option: sempre_acceso
          show_state: false
          show_name: false
            - value: sempre_acceso
              color: 'rgb(5, 147, 255)'
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: input_select.modalita_luce_davanti
          icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
          name: automatico
            action: call-service
            service: input_select.select_option
              entity_id: input_select.modalita_luce_davanti
              option: automatico
          show_state: false
          show_name: false
            - value: automatico
              color: 'rgb(5, 147, 255)'
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: input_select.modalita_luce_davanti
          icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-off-outline'
          name: sempre_spento
            action: call-service
            service: input_select.select_option
              entity_id: input_select.modalita_luce_davanti
              option: sempre_spento
          show_state: false
          show_name: false
            - value: sempre_spento
              color: 'rgb(5, 147, 255)'


Can anyone help me?

1 Like

Hi, sorry daft question but how have people changed the colour of the slider and slider button?

Hi all

I just updated to v.17 and I’m getting error Custom element doesn't exist: slider-entity-row

I’ve already cleared cache, tested on Firefox and Chrome

Core is 2021.3.1 and Supervisor is 2021.03.4

Rolling back to v16 works fine

A sample of my code is

                  - entity: 'light.sala'
                    type: custom:slider-entity-row
                    icon: mdi:lamp

What can I check?


Guys, i did a lot of researching around here and i can’t find a solution for my question:

Can someone tell me how i can put the “Closed” or “Open” in shutters when they are fully opened or closed? when they are fully opened i can see “100%” but when closed it dont shows anything.

Here is the code on this card:

type: entities
  - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
    fullrow: false
    entity: cover.shellyswitch25_68c63afab756
    secondary_info: last-changed
    hide_state: false
  - sensor.shellyswitch25_68c63afab756_power
title: Living Room
state_color: true

thank you all!

Hi, that’s the same for me. Have you solved it yet?

Hello, I just upgraded to new HA version and I am trying to implement this with a ceiling fan. The fan speed has changed to 0-100 values instead of Low/Med/High with latest update. When I just add the fan entity to this card, the slider only goes up to 3. When I change the min/max to 0-100, and step to 1, the fan just turns off any time I change the slider to any value…Any ideas?

Edit: So I assume the 1-2-3 values right represent Lo/Mid/High and the card just doesn’t support the new 1-100 values yet. Thanks

unfortunately not

not yet…

updating to the latest version made it happen:


      - type: custom:slider-entity-row
        entity: cover.rolluik_front_room
        step: 1
        hide_state: false
        secondary_info: last-changed

I confirm, just updated and working


Manuel, can I ask how you add the the wattage on the side? I find this very useful as my dimmers jump to on even when they are off, so I want an indicator to see if it’s actually on or off.

Hi, this looks a littlebit tricky, but is quiet simple.

Here is the (i think) self explaing code:

        - entity: light.bu_licht_dimmer
          secondary_info: last-changed
          toggle: true
          type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
          name: Deckenlicht
        - entity: sensor.bu_deckenlicht_power
          name: []

The icons for the power i set to none in the customize.yaml:

  icon: mdi:none

or you do it here:

Thanks for the response,

I ended up doing this:


but would prefer the slider to be adjacent the toggle rather than below to save space…


Can I use this for a ventilation entity like this:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Mechanische ventilatie
        value_template: >
          {{ states('sensor.mechanische_ventilatie_status') }}
        availability_template: >
          {{ states('sensor.mechanische_ventilatie_status') }}
        percentage_template: >
          {{ state_attr('sensor.mechanische_ventilatie_status', 'percentage') }}
        preset_mode_template: >
          {{ state_attr('sensor.mechanische_ventilatie_status', 'speed') }}
          service: script.ventilation_turn_on_off_dummy
          service: script.ventilation_turn_on_off_dummy
          service: script.ventilation_set_voltage
            voltage: '{{ percentage / 10 }}'
          service: script.ventilation_set_preset_mode
            preset_mode: '{{ preset_mode }}'
          - low
          - medium
          - high
          - max

Where the current percentage is read from percentage_template and the new percentage is set when releasing the slider with set_percentage.


I have the same error on 17.0.1 and it just appeared out of the blue. Everything was working fine prior.

Hi Guys,

I´m very new to Home Assistant and Sonoff, my first setup is an ifan03 and i got it to work with home assistant with the slider-entity-row.

If i set the speed to 15% it shows the speed “low” and the fan is working in low speed, but when i set it to “0” the fan stays in “low” and it doesnt set it to “off”, the only way i found to switch the fan off is with the toggle.

Is the card code missing something?

Can anyone help me?(remember that i just started 4 days ago)

is it possible to change the toggle icon to the like of the “bool Test” icons in the attached image? If so how can it be achieved?
These icons are from HACS front end https://github.com/finity69x2/toggle-control-button-row.
Thank you,

Are you trying to change the left side icon or the right side toggle from the “switch” to the button?