SlimmeLezer+ no energy data


I received my SlimmeLezer+ recently and I tried to configure it. First steps went well, connected it via USB port in my PC and configured wifi. Then I plugged it into my energy meter which is ISKRA AM550 (I’m from Poland) and actually it doesn’t work. All my energy readings are unknown. Only those like uptime, wifi strength are ok. SliimmeLezer is powered by P1 port so the port doesn’t look like it’s blocked. What can I do to get data? The most important for me is voltage on each phase.
Sorry if there’s not enough info but I’m totally new in HA and I don’t know what you would need to helm me diagnose and solve the problem. If more info is required, please let me know, I’ll try to get it asap.


Are you sure, that your AM550 is using the “old school” ASCII communication protocol (based on IEC1107) on port P1 (on my meter the port is marked as I1)?
Maybe it is using the newer, safer (and encrypted) DLMS/COSEM protocol instead, which Slimmelezer doesn’t support.

I had the same issue and found out, that my AM550 (in Slovenia) uses DLSM/COSEM protocol, which is based on hex code and is also encrypted (you need the decrypt key from your provider to decrypt the messages).
Additionally I found out, that my meter communicates with baudrate 38400 (not 115200 as usual). I solved it by flashing my Slimmelezer with SHRDZM firmware (which unfortunately does not exist on Github anymore, as the author removed it), which uses COSEM and reports the read data over MQTT.

Do you have a copy of the firmware?
I’m facing the same Problem with a Sagemcom T210-D using DLMS/COSEM and the slimmelezer+

Unfortunately I don’t have the one I flashed anymore (after flashing I deleted it, as I falsely assumed I can get a copy anytime at Github again), but someone made a fork of the code (unfortunately without instructions and wiki) just before deletion and it’s here:

You need the bin file from the link, but as there are no instructions available, you’ll have to figure out the system yourself - I can help you with some hints, but my knowledge on the topic is very limited. If you decide to go this way, let me know and I’ll try to help.

Thanks for the link, i’ll have look.

I believe the deleted bin files can be downloaded via here: Releases · saghonfly/shrdzm · GitHub

Can you specify which of the 3 bin files you’ve used and any additional steps to get it working?

Yes, I found the same with archive org, but as there was an active fork, I decided to use the bin file from that one. For my purpose I used SHRDZMDevice.ino.generic.bin, as it suits my needs. In this case the ESP is the gateway and the interface at the same time. The other two are meant for different type of use (if you have more of them and some of them are just gateways and some are interfaces, including separate MQTT).

The tricky part is missing in the archive - that’s the part in the wiki, which explains how to set the ESP after flashing (Integration Style Zero).
After flash you should boot the ESP with GPIO13 connected to GND (GPIO13 is defined as pairing pin by default - you can change that later in the settings) and wait for it to finish the boot. Then you should disconnect GPIO13 from GND for roughly 5 seconds and then again connect GPIO13 to GND for roughly 5 seconds. After that it should start it’s own Access point (don’t remember how it’s called, most likely “SHRDZM something”). Connect to that acces point and in browser visit That brings you to the settings and there you set up WiFi and MQTT options (on Gateway tab) and select and setup appropriate device (in this case IM350/AM550). After reboot it should just work :).

I also have a Slimmeezer and wanted to connect it to ISKRA AM550, but with no success (no data from meter). I found this topic related to alternative firmware. I flashed the Slimmelezer with SHRDZM firmware (using ESPHome-Flasher-1.3.0), but I can’t get the access point broadcasting by flashed Slimmelezer. I exactly followed steps described by you with connecting and disconnecting GPIO13 (D7 pin on D1 mini board), but without success. After powering on, the blue LED on the ESP board flash with period of aprox. 1s, but I can’t see the ESP access point.
What I’m doing wrong? Maybe some step is missing in your description?

Best regards

As far as I can tell, I described the process in all details, which have been necessary to make it work (at least that is, how it worked for me).

If the flash was succesfull (I’m not familiar with the flasher you used) and you then booted Slimmelezer with D7 connected to GND (wait a couple of seconds to boot properly), then disconnect D7 from GND for at least 5 seconds and then connect it again for at least 5 seconds, that should do the trick. Unfortunately those are all details I have.

If you still can’t make it work, you could try to contact the original author, if he is available for help:

Ok, thank you for the answer and explanations. I will try again in the free time. Can you tell me which flasher you use? Maybe “ESPHome-Flasher” isn’t optimal for this purpose… (I used it as one of suggested method by Marcel Zuidwijk - the author of the Slimmelezer).
And if nothing helps, I will try to contact with saghonfly.

Silly me… confused by the name I wrote I’m not familiar with the flasher… but it seems I used the same one, only under different name ( :slight_smile:

Also there is a part of SHRDZM wiki on, if it helps…
Setup Quick Start Test Environment · saghonfly/shrdzm Wiki · GitHub

Where did you get the key for decode?

Hi, Baucek,
this is English speaking forum therefore my answer is in English.

I got it from the provider (energy distributor) in my area.

Thank You
I tried to connect the local provider but they refuse to give me anything :slight_smile:

Well, you can also try directly at manufacturer (Iskraemeco in Kranj, if your meter is from Iskra) - they have the keys also, as they created them for each meter separately :wink:

Yes its a Iskra AM550-TD1.12…
I give a try.
Because El. MB. only give me advice to use the the Moj Elektro app. but its not realtime…
Thank You
Happy New Year :wink:

@AdmiralStipe can you please contact me? I am also from SLovenia and have a few questions about how you managed to get data from AM550.

[email protected]


Which operator are you with? ENEA? PGE? Tauron?

Have you ever resolved this issue?

Have you figured this out? Did you manage to get a key and managed to read the meter?

I figured out why the repo has been removed:

Otherwise, how did you do it? Did you use the SHRDZM to communicate with the meter on the P1 port and then you forwarded the messages by MQTT and decoded with the Gurux DLMS python script?

Wouldn’t be easier just to use Esp-Link and use the same Gurux DLMS python script?

And just out of curiosity, your meter needs only the encryption key, but does not need to authenticate?