SMA Energy Meter in Home Assistant

The same cable should be fine, almost all ethernet gear (defnitely 100mbps+) these days have auto-crossover.

Speedwire uses a multicast address. IGMPv2 needs to be supported.

Some routers also provide isolation between the wireless and wired clients, which will obviously block the communication

The datasheet:

on mqqt explorer i can’t see the SMA EM…
should i enable somewhere any MQTT option e.g. in the SMA EM settings? But there i can’t find anything about it…?

yes it was the same straight through cable no xover
I have the Sunnyboy Trypower 10KW

Are you saying that an Energy Manager is capable of connecting to an MQTT broker and sending messages?

Sorry mate I don’t understand the question.

I thought you posted a question on that, but looking back it was a post from @wunni

@wunni Do have the same problem as @Jack97_13. Check out the reply from Kellerza, If anyone can help you Kellerza’s the one.

Hello @kellerza,
I got the SMA Meter Add On to work, great.
But if I turn it on, the connection from SMA Home Manager 2.0 to both evcc and Sunny Portal is not running any more.
Any idea why?

Hi @Matze4711

The SMA energy meter simply joins the multicast group, so except if there is an issue with your router doing this multicast replication it should not stop multicast to other devices (like the MSA home manager)

SMA Home manage to Sunny Portal should be IP only - do you still see your generated PV stats on Sunny Home manager?

In the addon, on the Configuration tab you have the MQTT settings.

MQTT_HOST: core-mosquitto

Hey all,

has there been any solution on the EM not being recognized?

I have installed MQTT, added a user, added the integration and entered the credentials, tried with and without the Home Manager 2.0 credentials - but it would simply not auto discover the sensors.


And when trying to add the official SMA integration, I getting presented with the question of the owner/installer password which I don’t have. So that integration is not working for me either.

I have a Tripower 10kw, and the the Smart meter 2.0. Both connected via ethernet cable.

I mate I’ve message my password I received from service department.
Try that and see how you go that may help you get the Inverter integration running.

For the Energy meter integration i would start by working out what IP address it is and make sure you can connect to it in a web browser.

So, when I go to the IP of the inverter, I get to this user group and password problem, where I don’t have the password for either the “user” or the “installer”. So I can’t login to the inverter.

When I try to access the ip address of the Home Manager 2.0, I get an error that this page doesn’t work. So there is no way to access it. Read-out of all the data into the app on my phone is no problem though.

I have already sent an Email to the SMA Customer Support, so that they send me the user password for the inverter. But not sure how long that will take.

Edit: after research, it seems I am not even able to use the official SMA integration, because my inverter is not connected via WebConnect.
And I had to disable WebConnect, so I could use the Home Manager 2.0.

Meaning I am back to this MQTT integration, where I am unable to read out the sensors.

Hi everyone,
I would like to thank you all for the suggestions.
I managed to make it work eventually by using the Legacy addon!!
Thanks again to @kellerza and @Nicko1 for your help!!

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Does the SMA Solar integration also manage the SMA Energy Meter?

I wouldn’t say it manages it. But the SMA Solar integration does push out some readings from the SMA Energy Meter.
The SMA Energy Meter Add-on is great because it has 3 different filtered sensors for each reading.

Were you able to add the Home manager 2.0 (connection via ethernet to the home router, as the Inverter) to HA via SMA Solar integration or via the SMA Energy meter add-on?

Mmmm not sure what you mean.
I don’t use the Home Manager 2.0. I use the Energy Meter, so Im properly not the person to ask

I was able to add the Home Manager 2.0 data into HA, using the SMA solar integration. BUT!
You can’t actually connect directly to the Home Manager, but rather, it needs to be linked to an inverter. The integration will then add more sensors from the inverter.