Smappee sensors no longer working

Awesome. Thank you for your clarifications

how do you like the gas and water integration? I plan to get one of those little devices soon

@david1, in version 0.113.3 I have the following:
Home Assistant - Smappee - Water en Gas

Can you change the gas type to be in therms? 2. how is the water measured?

@david1, didnā€™t see your reply. I only get an email if you use @evb in your message.

The values come directly from the smappee cloud. I configured the smappee sensor device directly with the smappee app. See for more information and configuration.
What do you mean by ā€˜thermsā€™?

therms is how my bill gets calculated


i have also an older legacy smappee, HA detected it trough local IP
but i only see 2 sensors being created , like total consumption and total production
i also have the water meter ā€¦ dont see it at all

what am i missing?

would be nice to see more , especially with the new energy in 2021.8
prefer to not use mqtt (if possible)

Hi, I donā€™t see my solar production in the new energy integration that was recently added to HA. Any chance of looking in to this?

there is a PR, Extract smappee switch energy attributes into sensors by bsmappee Ā· Pull Request #54329 Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub

I am getting the following error:

2021-11-12 18:13:26 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] The custom integration ā€˜smappeeā€™ does not have a version key in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See Custom integration changes | Home Assistant Developer Docs for more details

Does anyone else have this problem and if so can the owner of the integration please make the necessary adjustment?