Smart Plug RGBW configuration

i bought this smart plug

When searching for flash instructions, i found out, it’s probably this one

I have succesfuly flashed it using tuya-convert with tasmota. I played with several templates, could not find the right one. I decided to swtich to esphome for debuging.

This is my latest config

  dev_name: avatto_plug_rgbw_001

  name: ${dev_name}
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m


# Enable logging
  level: DEBUG
# Enable Home Assistant API


  - platform: gpio
    name: "${dev_name}_relay"
    pin: GPIO15
    id: relay
  - platform: shutdown
    name: "${dev_name}_shutdown"
  - platform: restart
    name: "${dev_name}_restart"

#found - red
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    pin: GPIO05
    frequency: 1000 Hz
    id: output_red
#found - blue
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    pin: GPIO12
    frequency: 1000 Hz
    id: output_blue
#found - white
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    pin: GPIO04
    frequency: 1000 Hz
    id: output_white
#  - platform: esp8266_pwm
#    pin: GPIO14
#    frequency: 1000 Hz
#    id: output_green

#  pin:
#    number: GPIO09
#    inverted: True

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "${dev_name}_led_red"
    output: output_red
  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "${dev_name}_led_blue"
    output: output_blue
  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "${dev_name}_led_white"
    output: output_white
  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "${dev_name}_led5"
    output: output_green

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO13
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    name: "${dev_name}_button"
      - switch.toggle: relay

#  - platform: hlw8012
#    sel_pin: 
#      number: GPIO03
#      inverted: True
#    cf_pin: GPIO02
#    cf1_pin: GPIO14
#    current_resistor: 0.0025
#    voltage_divider: 840
#    current:
#      name: "${dev_name}_current"
#      unit_of_measurement: A
#    voltage:
#      name: "${dev_name}_voltage"
#      unit_of_measurement: V
#    power:
#      name: "${dev_name}_power"
#      id: power
#      unit_of_measurement: W
#    change_mode_every: 1
#    update_interval: 10s
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "${dev_name}_wifi_signal"
    update_interval: 30s
  - platform: uptime
    name: "${dev_name}_uptime"
    update_interval: 120s

  - platform: version
    name: "${dev_name}_version"

I had some boot problems when i was trying GPIO09 as LED PWM pin. But i managed to recover.
Now, it seems to be bricked after trying the same thing with GPIO14. It does not ping.

I also did no manage to find the power monitoring chip, yet.

So i guess, i will have to pry it open. Or is there another way to flash it again using tuya-convert?

So after two days of cutting and prying the outer tranparent ring, i handed it to my wife and she found, that it has hidden screw under the front plate. Thanks.
It has two PCB’s inside, i don’t see any empty pads for RX,TX pins yet.