I am moving from ZHA to zigbee2mqtt. I have most of the devices paired but I am having issues with the Aqara mini switches. The advice is to set legacy to false which I have done in the settings (specific) tab of the device page.
Issue is that when I press the button I do not see a status update in home assistant. When I first attached it, it was working but hasn’t been working since. Same with the other two switches I have.
All were working fine under ZHA.
Any ideas on how I can get these working?
I am using a sonoff zigbee dongle flashed with core-silabs-mulitprotocol.
What I’ve seen with my Aqara switches is that Action populates REALLY fast and rarely displays (especially on my decoupled switches). But, it looks like the logbook is capturing events.
Was hoping to see the actions in the log. The ones displayed are shortly after the switch was attached / connected. I pressed the button since… but nothing in the logs. When I was testing automations no actions were triggered.
Yeah, that’s what I thought. It looks like the button(s) has/have probably dropped off the network. In about 6 hours, it’ll probably go to unavailable in HA (depending on how you have Z2M availability configured). You probably need to re-pair the button again.
Bigger question is how many mains powered devices do you have in your Zigbee mesh?
You are going to want to add some routers… sooner rather than later. Even if you go with some cheap(er) smart plugs or something like that, that’s better than none at all. Depending on how many end devices you have now (and as you add them), you typically want at least one router for every 10 devices (approx).
Oh OK. All the devices I have seem to have pretty good signal strength. They all seemed to work very well under ZHA with my old conbee stick. Wonder if I should revert back.
You could… but as you add devices, you’ll see more and more issues like this under ZHA or Z2M. The software controller kind of matters a bit (Z2M being more sensitive to signal changes and message routing than ZHA, imho), but the number and types of devices matters more.
It’s not a matter of if you’ll have issues, but when.
Thanks… I am also have difficulty pairing my smoke detector and a leak detector into Z2M where they work quite well under ZHA. Changing between them (ZHA / Z2M) is a lot of effort for little gain it seems.
Eh, it all depends on your end goal here. I went with Z2M because I have a LOT of devices and Z2M is usually faster on adopting new devices quickly. I also like having Z2M running on completely different hardware so that if my HA instance should ever go down, my Zigbee devices will continue to function (mostly).
But I do agree that if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. If ZHA is working for you today, leave it as is. If you plan on expanding your devices (or worse, buying a lot of “shiny, new” devices lol), migrate over to Z2M.
Think I’ll head back to ZHA. A few of my devices are either not reporting (ie are N/A) even though they have good signal strength and report as online or simply will not pair at all under z2m where they worked fine over at ZHA.
With multiprotocol, the dongle listens a few microseconds on Zigbee, switches to Thread, listens a few microseconds on Thread, switches to Zigbee, listens a few microseconds to Zigbee, …
Only advisable for small networks, and the latest official documentation already advises not to use it.