SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

how can i add fan to lovelace like climate card?

Thank @gurbina93. I can not upgrade hassio to 0.92.1 because it has an issue with broadlink rm mini 3 (
So is there any older version of smartir works with hassio 0.91.3?

I am running 92.1 and its working fine, you just need to use broadlink.send


SmartIR is very interesting to me but do you plan to use any other controller than the Broadlink? I’m thinking also in some DIY device with an infrared emitter for example with an ESP8266 chip. Has someone done such integration with SmartIR?


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You can try this one from a couple of months ago:

You can always looks at previous versions in “History” or commits in top right corner of the files in the GitHub repo and look for previous versions.

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What is ur broadlink model? It seem to affect Mini model but pro model work fine

On 92.1 it works fine with the RM mini. I still have a problem with the IR codes for one device, but TV, as well as climate are working fine.

I have an rm mini as well

@paddy0174 @brent0np could you guys take a look in this topic. Thanks
Can not add Broadlink rm mini 3 to HA 0.92.1

pretty sure there was a fix in the 0.92.1 for the broadlink component…

I don’t recall using my rm mini on 92.0 as I only ran it for 2 days, so it may not have worked. I am sure it works now though on 92.1. When I run into issues like this I try and start again with the device code. Rather than carry code from 91.3 read the readme again and write code from scratch. It always helps me and rarely is it a platform issue.

@brent0np actually i install hassio 0.91.1 on raspberry at first and i got the problem with adding broadlink rm mini 3. Then i have to downgrade hassio to 0.91.3, and the broadlink work fine except the broadlink.send thing.
Anw, i will take a snapshot and try to upgarde to 0.92.1 again. I will let u guys know the result soon. Thanks @brent0np @aidbish1

Does anyone has issue with climate.smartir high cpu usage? I’m running 0.92.1 on RPI 3B and noticed that after enabling climate component and restart the CPU in a few minutes jumps 100% and pretty much stays entire time. Wasn’t the case before recent smartir updates.

check your logs.
I am also using rpi3b+,
but that isnt my issue.
please checkyour logs,
if something is wrong in config, it may use cpu more.

Logs don’t show anything interesting. The component works, however HA is running at 100%. Not sure what to check in config. Disabling updater, smartir and climate.smartir puts CPU back to normal 4-8% range. Either of those components enable -> CPU 100.

Don’t enable updater and check once again.

I use this smartir component which works perfectly , i face one strange issue when using this with emulated hue , when i ask alexa to turn on or off , it does not respond to that , but for changing tempreture it works while ac is on , the strange thing if i ask alexa to turn off the group that ac component in it turns off with other ac in that group , any recommendation to make it work for on and off commands through alexa

just to understand clearly what you did:
1- you created a script for every channel you frequently use
2- you exposed the scripts to google assistant (it should see them as scenes)
3- you configured a routine in the google home app with matching key words to activate the specific scene

Did I got it right?

I try a fresh install 0.92.1 today but still can not get my broadlink recognized by hassio, please help. @brent0np @aidbish

can you see the broadlink.send service under developer console.

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