SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

Has anyone converted integrated broadlink cloud with smartIR?

The codes for my A/C are available from broadlink cloud, and I downloaded them by following these instructions:

I have zero experience with IR codes and have been digging for hours on how to integrate this with SmartIR. Any help would really be appreciated.

My A/C manufacturer is Carrier.
The Broadlink cloud remote number is 1200 (printed on the top right of the iOS app). It can be downloaded from
The SmartIR remote code for Carrier A/Cs (1160) does not work.
The SmartIR remote code 1200 does not work either.

Is it possible to convert the broadlink cloud .gz file into something SmartIR can use?
Thank you for your help.

pretty cool, can you explain how to achieve that? I mean I have to expose your smatir climate panel to google assistant?

Other small issue, I have a switch sonoff pow connected to the AC power plug, and I made a binary_sensor for its on/off status, is this a correct way to use the power_sensor ?

I put the below

power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_power

but turning On or OFF the power plug (binary_sensor.ac_power ON/OFF) does not reflect any changes in the climate.air_panel

Is there a way to do 2 climate control?
I tried to do that
But it finds me only the first (office_ac)

my climate.ymal

Has anyone a Xiaomi IR blaster AC running here? mine just won’t show up. Wonderung if somethng is wrong with my config?

  - platform: smartir
    name: Smart IR 
    unique_id: office_ac
    device_code: 1001
    controller_data: remote.remote_bedroom
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature_bedroom
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity_bedroom

Here the entity:


my codes filder has this config:

but never shows up in hass
 no enties in the logs

Please check your controller_data:
It should be like
controller_data: your_irblaster_ip.


My entity for controller data is remote.remote_bedroom. So no IP
 I renamed it. This remote works with smartir mediaplayer but not ac

see my media player config:

  - platform: smartir
    name: Living room TV
    device_code: 1040
    controller_data: remote.remote_living_room
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.tv_state

It just won’t work wit AC platform

controller_data: 192.168.1.___
What is the local up on which your Xiaomi it blaster is connected

You should have errors in logs. Please restart your HA and post your full logs on GitHub

But i don’t have any entity_id with ip as I renamed it. do ihave to put the remote.entity_name or the IP ? Not clear because for the media player it works with my remote.entity_name

What’s would be the logger setting for this component to enable debug?

Don’t enable deeper logging settings. Just send your full logs

2019-06-11 09:43:42 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.smartir.climate] The device Json file is invalid

My Json file is invalid. could you have a loo what i am doing wrong?

The link is broken

my actual Json file is this:

Please remove the comma from heat -> low -> 30

Hi, I need help to configure LG remote AKB73975614. I have tried device_code 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063. And none seem to work.
Could someone please guide me how to edit the file say 1061 or create a new one
I ran Broadlink.learn and got the codes in the link
Please help thanks

Was anything changed in the last release that might affect Google Assistant?

Sometime around both the update for SmartIR and the latest update for HA, my Google Assistant can still change temp/turn on/off, but instead of saying it changed xxx, it comes back and says ‘Sorry I cant control your air conditioner’. Despite it saying this, it still does whatever you asked it to do.

If you are back,
than this is just a reminder request to please provide me IRcodes for Onkyo

Cheers. I am unfortunately still away from home (at work) but will get to it next weekend. I hadn’t forgotten

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How can I use only ac_mode(cool)?

or I want to make a type of switch as Cooler.

Plz help me. thanks.