SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

Found: My AC units are seen as thermostats, Google Assistant doesn’t support anyhthing else than off/heat/cool.
Google Assistant support AC units 100% so I don’t know where Home Assistant expose “climate” component as thermostats and not AC.
…and I don’t know where to open an issue!

I get invalid config when trying to use my own json.

This is my config:

  update_branch: rc
  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '34:ea:34:88:df:3d'

  - platform: smartir
    name: Office AC
    unique_id: office_ac
    device_code: my-vac-form

This is my json:

Got it working by renaming file and config to 5000.json

Had the same issue with my dumb aircon, my solution is very simple. I have a switch to turn on and off the air conditioner and the climate component to set the temperature. I named both exactly the same on the Google Home app.

If I say turn on or turn off the Air Conditioner, Google knows I’m calling the switch.
If I say set the air conditioner to 27 it knows it has to use the thermostat.
If I say set the air conditioner to cool, it knows it has to change the mode of the thermostat.

So to sum up, all voice command works as expexted seamlessly.

I think the issue is that Google doesn’t support the on/off control for climate component. There’s only idle, the AC modes and the thermostat itself. In my case I need the on and off command for my cheapo wall air conditioner. My aircon uses the same IR code to turn on and off, and then the codes for thermostat control are mixed: it sends fan speed, temperature, mode, etc in one command… each different combination is a different code (and it won’t turn the AC just by sending those thermostat codes, it beeps so it takes the IR code info but it requires a different code to turn it on.

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Hi all, this may have answered (I did search on this and the old Broadlink topic), but given that the RM3 mini (and other devices) have IR receivers (as well as IR emitters), is it possible to get an air conditioner’s internal sensor data on current temperature (and humidity) in the same way that (I presume) Sensibo devices collect this data?
Can this be done with Smart IR? Or is there a way of using the Broadlink component (I know you can read temperature from a Briadlink’s own sensor, where hardware supports this-like the RM2)?
If not, is there any other way to gather that data using an IR receiving device (like the RM mini)?

Don’t believe so, never seen such a thing on the forums. The broadlink component simply supports learning and transmitting. It doesn’t listen for IR emissions.

hopefully @Vassilis will enable support for disabling the “on” state for the component, so it doesn’t confuse google home. My current problem is if the ac_power / aircon is set to “on” then google home hub is no longer able to control the aircon because it doesn’t support “on” mode and it breaks until I change the mode to “heat” or “cool” or “off”.

My current solution is to disable the power sensor
# power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_power

Then I create an automation for the power sensor:

  - alias: "Aircon: To ON or HEAT"
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.ac_power
        to: "on"
      - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
          entity_id: climate.aircon
          hvac_mode: "heat"
  - alias: "Aircon: To OFF"
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.ac_power
        to: "off"
      - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
          entity_id: climate.aircon
          hvac_mode: "off" 

We never use the cool mode, as it never really gets too hot here in New Zealand.

I have a portable gas heater with a very basic remote. The remote only has on, off, up, down buttons with no knowledge of the set temperature. Could I still use the SmartIR climate component for simple on/off control? we never change the temperature setting so only need to be able to turn it on and off, plus have feedback via a power monitoring plug. Does this component allow for a remote control config this basic? How would I arrange the INI file in order to use the INI to JSON converter?


manufacturer: Paloma

model: PG-S71FR





power & modes button don’t show up. Please help


- type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' #
  entity: climate.lounge_ac
  step_size: 1
     - entity: sensor.east_wing_temperature
    heat: 'mdi:weather-sunny'
    cool: 'mdi:snowflake'
    'off': 'mdi:power'
    temperature: true
      name: Cool
      include: true
      icon: mdi:snowflake
      name: Heat
      include: true
      icon: mdi:fire
      name: 'Off'
      include: true
      icon: mdi:power

You might be best to look at the simple-thermostat card for that issue as it’s not a smartir issue. It’s specific to the card. There is a. 26 release you can try

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If you didnt use HA for temperature control, and used ‘off’, and changed ‘on’ to ‘heat’ and just put the same code for every heat temperature I can’t see why not.

  "manufacturer": "Paloma",
  "supportedModels": [
  "supportedController": "Broadlink",
  "commandsEncoding": "Base64",
  "minTemperature": 18.0,
  "maxTemperature": 30.0,
  "precision": 1.0,
  "operationModes": [
  "fanModes": [
  "commands": {
    "heat": {
      "high": {

Hello Chris, did you solve the problem related to siri?
I’ve discovered your identical issue late… I were already on the 0.97.2 with smartir 1.7.1.

I were able to use again SIRI to control the climate entities, downgrading to the version 0.95.4 and smartir 1.5.0.
As you already said everything works fine in the HA interface, but both Siri and Alexa (haaska) couldn’t start the AC after the 0.96.x.

From my experience it seems that when you ask siri to “set 23 degrees COLD on AC” it send the command with “automatic” instead of “cold”, and it’s right the “automatic” button that is not working anymore from SIRI. If you manually use COLD or HEAT or OFF the homekit entities still works

Nope. To be honest, I haven’t looked into it as I haven’t had the time. Thought I would have had a reply sooner from someone, but doesn’t look like it’s much of an issue.

Yes, this has continued to work for me, but I have my A/C set to 23-24 in winter and drop it to 21-22 in summer, and automatic mode works well, especially to keep power costs down.

I’d love to see automatic mode work again, but I don’t know where or how to look into it. Maybe @Vassilis might know what’s going on here?

I can’t help much because I’m not using homekit. Could you try something? Replace all auto key values with heat_cool (not fan modes) in your JSON file and send me your results

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Do you have an example on how you setup your configuration.yaml for having SmartIR and On/Off cause I still have not being able to make it run.

Hmm… I’ve just had another play with it. The component is working as expected. Using all the different options seems to do what I want them to do, but the Auto option in Homekit does nothing.

Previously, using Homekit would set the temp, and either hot, cool, or auto mode, and the fan speed would be determined by what was last set within HA. This worked fine as I only use auto mode.

When I set it up my JSON file, under "auto": { section, I only completed the auto set of codes as I only use auto fan speed. All the others have no codes. Maybe something changed and I need these codes??

are we supposed to see SmartIR in the HACS Community store with 1.7.2?

No. SmartIR is now fully compatible with the last HACS version but You need to add it manually.

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Hello my friend! Nice to see you around. I am new to the whole HACS scene and loving it. Should I just add to the custom repository on settings? Do I need to prepare or do something to the already existing smartir custom component? Thanks!

Hi Antonio. Hope you are well! There is no need for any preparation.

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