SmartWings motorized shades (FYI: awesome)

HA noob here… and my first post! Because of this thread, I ordered one Z-Wave SmartWings roller shade for my 8ft x 4ft arcade/office window via Amazon on June 6, it arrived with standard shipping to California on June 16. I mounted the shade yesterday and paired the RF remote control. Today I fairly easily adopted the shade via Z-Wave to my HomeAssistant environment. I’m using the Zooz ZST10-700 usb adapter. Everything seems to work flawlessly, including battery level. Now I just gotta figure out how to use the rest of HA!

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I used this and was able to get my setup working. I reached out to both Smartwings and Terncy about getting genPowerCfg added to the API in a future update, and they said their technical team is keeping an eye on it. The performance has been much more responsive using Zigbee2mqtt ->HA->Homekit than it was with just bluetooth. I swapped over all 9 of my shades and they have been working well.

Hopefully they can update and add that cluster config soon.

I purchased and installed 3 of the SmartWings Zebra shades with Zigbee interface. I’m using the ZHA integration. As of this point, I have not been able to get HA to see the ‘tilt’ feature. Anyone had any success with this?

I’m looking to purchase the zigbee version. Their website says a remote is required for initial setup.

Is this the case? The z2m websites te suggests the pairing is done with a button on the motor itself, but then talks about configuring the close limit using the close button which I presume is on the remote.

I would suggest buying a remote for initial setup ( limits etc) and as a failsafe mechanism for control if zigbee is offline. I think it’s $25 for a 15 channel remote, which seems to be a cheap insurance policy


Hi @tombruno I am looking also to purchase the zebra shades, any luck so far with tilting function, or all ZHA can do is simple open and close without setting the position of the “stripes” ?

I do not believe there is native support for SmartWings Zebra shades (and therefore access to the tilt service calls). What I ended up doing is creating a script to open the shades to 4% (cover.set_cover_position). With the script, it was also necessary to issue a cover.stop_cover command after a delay of x seconds – otherwise the state of the shade entity shows ‘opening’.

Anyone has a way to invert the buttons? The standard control, If I press the “Up” (left button) button, that will close the cover. If I press the “Down” button (right button), that will open the cover. How can I change those button action? Up=open, Down=close.


did you ever figure this out? I’m running into this now.

for those looking - you can invert the state of the blinds using the remote

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It’s the other way around. Hold and press up+down, then P. Otherwise, the remote buttons get inverted too, you probably don’t want that. This is explained in the booklet documentation, how to invert for speakers/app.


I’ve been struggling with this Zigbee Smartwings blinds and I can’t get it to do what’s written down in this documentation. The motor jogs when I press Up and Down for 5s but then when I press P behind the remote, it doesn’t jog. It’s been frustrating

Contact support? I found their support is responsive. Hopefully they can help.

Has anyone ordered the Matter versions of these yet and gotten them integrated into Home Assistant? Looking for some outdoor patio roller shades but I can’t find anyone who has the Matter versions of these (or the very similar-looking Yoolax).

Did you end up finding anyone? I am also looking at these. thank you!

I just integrated several matter top down bottom up shades (Levitate) into home assistant using skyconnect. I was previously using the radio version of these shades with a smartlinkpro.
Only a few days into it, so can’t share long term experience, but it was a little finicky to get paired (but once I figured out the first, it was easy for the rest). They seem very responsive and feel much more native vs using the radio ones with smartlink pro and the motion blinds integration.
One nuance is that the TDBU shades show as two shades - one for the top rail and one for the bottom. I just ended up writing a template cover to integrated them to show as one shade in the UI.
So far so good, but will report back as I notice other things with the Matter shades.
Did you have any specific questions?

I was first just looking to see if anyone got the Matter ones really working with HA. Thanks!

How do they perform? Are they relatively quiet? I have some older motorized shades (“dumb” RF ones) that I control with a Broadlink from HA, but they’re very loud (and of course I don’t know their actual state).

Both RF and matter shades are two way communication and provide status and position.
You can see video reviews of smartwings to check on the volume of the shade. In essence the shades across the different motors are the same, it’s just a different controller to control the motor, so no noise difference between the two

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I ran into this issue where I can either get Amazon Alexa to work (open opens and close closes) or get HA to show correctly (Down arrow closes and up arrow opens where it also shows closed as closed and open as open). But not both at the same time.
I did the invert control setup like @HA_n00b mentioned and the works for Amazon Alexa. But it inverts HA wrong.
If I repeat the controller invert setup Amazon Alexa is wrong and HA is right.
Is there a way to get both to report correctly?

Oh BTW I am using zigbee2mqtt and also tried the “invert cover” option under “settings (specific)” but that didn’t seem to do anything