SmartWings motorized shades (FYI: awesome)

Hey Everyone,
Just a quick non-sponsored post/feedback about the SmartWings blinds/cover/shades…

I just receive a blind for our new house (we only ordered 1 as a sample before getting more), my first thoughts:

  • My wife gave it a big thumbs up in terms of design
  • I quickly configured it in Zigbee2MQTT and it was adopted easily and fully working without any issues at all.
  • Noise levels were really low. You could easily have a conversation whilst standing right beside them while they are moving
  • USB-C to charge battery, (USB-C all the things…)
  • The zigbee antenna is hidden behind the cover, but not inside the roll. This is a good thing in terms of reception. Of which the reception LQI looks to be inline with my other devices that are in the same part of the house

Network layout: HA PC ← Z2M RPI ← Zigstar POE gateway ← Blinds


Agreed, these seem pretty nice. I installed two sets of their cellular shades today. Took about a month order-to-door vs their FAQ estimate of 8-12 business days, but this could vary with supply chain blips. Charging is A to C only, C to C didn’t light up the indicator. Battery level isn’t included in Zigbee attributes. I ordered the small solar panels which connect to the C charging port and are supposed to keep the battery topped off. Planning to order some more soon.

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Does home assistant see the status of the blinds? because i am using a treatlife hub and its not seeing if its open or close so i cant use a button to toggle it
i ordered a zigbbe usb but wondering if that will fix it or it just doesn’t work

Did home Assistant see the position? Or state? So if you add it through the ZigBee integration, what entities are excited? Thanks.

Have you reached out to them about that? Do you think they could do a firmware update to fix this? I’m about to place an order. I use graywind blinds (zigbee) for bedrooms, and it does report battery status/level.

How does it show up in HA? Seems battery should be there: Smartwings WM25L-Z control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

Is that not the same product?

I’m running Z-Wave and Zigbee through a Hubitat integration, and their generic Zigbee shade driver doesn’t seem to read the battery level on Smartwings products. ZHA and Z2M might expose it but I haven’t tried.

Ye i added thu zha zigbbe and now they work and home assistant see the state

I have been wanting automated blackout shades for awhile. I was looking at the Eve Motionblinds but they are bit pricier than smartwings. I really need a dark room for the morning. I was considering the dual roller ones but had some questions.

  1. Does HA detect each roller?
  2. Am I better off with the zwave+ or zigbee? I have a lot of zigbee in my house, but it is all through the Hue hub. I had a separate zigbee controller for awhile but found it unreliable. Everything else in my house is zwave+ so I am leaning towards that but am not sure if there are any downsides for the future.

I purchased the Zigbee versions and they are working well, no issues at all.

I do hear that they have a Matter version that is very close to shipping as well…

I think I will wait for the matter version to ship. I can afford to wait a bit. Maybe I will get lucky and catch a sale.

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@Brad_Ford I’m looking to purchase the same version and wanted to see if battery state does report for you? I’d be using zigbee2mqtt, but imagine ZHA would work too.


Hi Sswany,
Yes, I am getting battery % coming through.

I am on a business trip at the moment so cannot send you a screenshot.

Anyone here have an issue with zigbee2mqtt reversing the state? It reports as open when closed and vice verse. Voice control has to be inverted in that you have to ask to close to open and open to close. The invert flag that is exposed as an attribute only changes how the %open value is assessed and does not appear to affect the open/closed state. There is a feature request in z2m to fix leads me to believe i’m not crazy but its been open for a long time and have no indication that it’ll get any attention. Curious if others are dealing with this too. Thank in advance -Mike

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The challenge is that there are 4 different ways the motor can work depending on the blind type.
So they need to add more configuration functions

It looks like their thread version is finally generally available. However, they are charging $100 for the thread integration vs $55 for zwave vs $30 for zigbee. I am wondering if it is even worth it now. I have the Home Assistant Sky Connect with zigbee/thread support which I assume would work ok with the zigbee version. I was bummed that they are charging so much more and am not sure it is even worth it now. They advertise the Thread as apple compatible so I guess they think they can charge the Apple premium to everyone.

I encountered the problem with the Smartwings blinds not displaying battery percentage myself. I’ll start off with mine are the Homekit versions. I was getting fustarted with them on occasion not repsonding or taking long to respond. I saw on Youtube someone flashing them to zigbee. I decided to flash them utilizing their Hub from Terncy. I flashed one and was able to add it to Z2M and got it working with an external converter. They worked and responded instantly thing is battery percentage does not show. I found that the reported name is for the blind is Terncy-RM03 and the other Zigbee blinds are WM25L-Z. I have not flashed anymore till I can get the one converted to Zigbee to display battery percentage.

Update: Since I’m new to Zigbee I was unaware of this. The blinds unfortunately do not have the powerCfg cluster so they will not report the battery percentage. I guess I will not be flashing the rest of my blinds.

Could you share the external converter you got working with this? I am in the same boat with the Homekit BT version shades that I have converted one to Zigbee using the Terncy Hub.

I was able to get the shade to show up using ZHA, but that has the issue that the open/close direction of the control is backwards from what the shade actually does. I tried using the WM25L external converter as a template but have issues where the zigbee2mqtt fails to start with that file as is.

I also had the issue with ZHA that the shade would function inverted so I went back to Zigbee2MQTT.

I had gotten fustrated and even wanted to flash the back to Homekit using the hub. I contacted Smartwings and they said it cant be done.

Below is the external converter. I changed stuff around trying to get the battery percentage to work but never did so I left it as is with the reporting of “STATE”, inversion and open percentage working properly.

const fz = require(‘zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee’);
const tz = require(‘zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee’);
const exposes = require(‘zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes’);
const reporting = require(‘zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/reporting’);
const extend = require(‘zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/extend’);
const utils = require(‘zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/utils’);
const ea = exposes.access;
const e = exposes.presets;

const definition = {
zigbeeModel: [‘Terncy-RM03’],
model: ‘Terncy-RM03’,
vendor: ‘Xaioyan’,
description: ‘Roller shade’,
fromZigbee: [fz.cover_position_tilt, fz.battery],
toZigbee: [tz.cover_state, tz.cover_position_tilt],
meta: {battery: {dontDividePercentage: true}, coverInverted: true},
configure: async (device, coordinatorEndpoint, logger) => {
const endpoint = device.getEndpoint(1);
await reporting.bind(endpoint, coordinatorEndpoint, [‘genPowerCfg’, ‘closuresWindowCovering’]);
device.powerSource = ‘battery’;;
exposes: [e.cover_position(), e.battery()],

module.exports = definition;

I ended up purchasing 8 of the z-wave versions and they all show me the battery percentage as an FYI. Out of those 8, I only had success getting 2 paired with S2 security. The others have no security. Everything seems to work fine now and the blinds respond fairly quickly from HA.