Well according to the documentation you should have full support:
Supported models:
ME3000SP - Full support
HYD-xx00-ES - Full support
I made some notes to test the API at Solarman website, can you try and see if you get the output directly from the website, then at least you know the values are available for your MQTT server to extract in JSON format:
If Solarman stops working then try updating the token using below API by following these instructions :
My Information:
#How to refresh the Solarman Token Code if sensors stop getting data:
If the SOFAR sensor data stops working try to refresh the token by following these steps:
- Go to https://reqbin.com/curl and paste in the following curl:
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://api.solarmanpv.com/account/v1.0/token?appId=20211xxxxxxxxxx&language=en&=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"appSecret": "8cb8f0fec435y654ea127eda0c7d9f406e",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "9d564hks8679534kghtd6da660b155cf15872fae88fc365a48683cac720cf18"
NOTE: your Sofarman password has to be hashed using SHA256 Password: SHA256 - Online Tools
- The output should look like this:
"code": null,
"msg": null,
"success": true,
"requestId": "d94127a5000d00ad",
"access_token": "eyJhbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "eyJhbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"expires_in": "5183999",
"scope": null,
"uid": 762072
- copy the ACCESS TOKEN and then enter in to this replacing the previous token after “bearer”:
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://api.solarmanpv.com/device/v1.0/currentData?appId=<appId>&language=en&=' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"deviceSn": "SE1ESxxxxxxxxx"
NOTE: Paste the ACCESS TOKEN in to the Home Assistant CURL .YAML file: /config/packages/systems/sofar_battery_inverter/solarman_sensors.yaml
- This should return values:
Data Recovery from Inverter:
"code": null,
"msg": null,
"success": true,
"requestId": "51fe94ec1aaf79a2",
"deviceSn": "SE1ESxxxxxxxxxx",
"deviceId": 2150xxxxxx,
"deviceType": "INVERTER",
"deviceState": 1,
"dataList": [{
"key": "SN1",
"value": "SE1ESxxxxxxxxx",
"unit": null,
"name": "SN"
}, {
"key": "SS_CY1",
"value": "9",
"unit": null,
"name": "Production Compliance Country"
}, {
"key": "HWv1",
"value": "V100",
"unit": null,
"name": "Hardware Version"
}, {
"key": "SWmai_v1",
"value": "V280",
"unit": null,
"name": "Software Master Version"
}, {
"key": "DSPv1",
"value": "V280",
"unit": null,
"name": "DSP Version"
}, {
"key": "DSPv2",
"value": "V280",
"unit": null,
"name": "Vice DSP Version"
}, {
"key": "DPi_t1",
"value": "5100",
"unit": "W",
"name": "Total DC Input Power"
}, {
"key": "AV1",
"value": "251.80",
"unit": "V",
"name": "AC Voltage R/U/A"
}, {
"key": "AV2",
"value": "0.00",
"unit": "V",
"name": "AC Voltage S/V/B"
}, {
"key": "AV3",
"value": "0.00",
"unit": "V",
"name": "AC Voltage T/W/C"
}, {
"key": "AC1",
"value": "4.79",
"unit": "A",
"name": "AC Current R/U/A"
}, {
"key": "AC2",
"value": "0.10",
"unit": "A",
"name": "AC Current S/V/B"
}, {
"key": "AC3",
"value": "0.08",
"unit": "A",
"name": "AC Current T/W/C"
}, {
"key": "Et_ge0",
"value": "431",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Cumulative Production (Active)"
}, {
"key": "Etdy_ge1",
"value": "8.55",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Daily Production (Active)"
}, {
"key": "ST_PG1",
"value": "Purchasing energy",
"unit": null,
"name": "Grid Status"
}, {
"key": "PG_F1",
"value": "49.97",
"unit": "Hz",
"name": "Grid Frequency"
}, {
"key": "PG_Pt1",
"value": "-10.00",
"unit": "W",
"name": "Total Grid Power"
}, {
"key": "t_gc1",
"value": "174",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Cumulative Grid Feed-in"
}, {
"key": "Et_pu1",
"value": "9",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Cumulative Energy Purchased"
}, {
"key": "t_gc_tdy1",
"value": "0.14",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Daily Grid Feed-in"
}, {
"key": "Etdy_pu1",
"value": "1.09",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Daily Energy Purchased"
}, {
"key": "PG_V1",
"value": "251.80",
"unit": "V",
"name": "Grid Voltage R/U/A"
}, {
"key": "PG_V2",
"value": "0.00",
"unit": "V",
"name": "Grid Voltage S/V/B"
}, {
"key": "PG_V3",
"value": "0.00",
"unit": "V",
"name": "Grid Voltage T/W/C"
}, {
"key": "PG_C1",
"value": "6.50",
"unit": "A",
"name": "Grid Current R/U/A"
}, {
"key": "PG_C2",
"value": "0.00",
"unit": "A",
"name": "Grid Current S/V/B"
}, {
"key": "PG_C3",
"value": "0.00",
"unit": "A",
"name": "Grid Current T/W/C"
}, {
"key": "BUS_V2",
"value": "396.00",
"unit": "V",
"name": "Busbar Voltage"
}, {
"key": "E_Puse_t1",
"value": "3470.00",
"unit": "W",
"name": "Total Consumption Power"
}, {
"key": "Et_use1",
"value": "249",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Cumulative Consumption"
}, {
"key": "Etdy_use1",
"value": "7.26",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Daily Consumption"
}, {
"key": "B_ST1",
"value": "Charging",
"unit": null,
"name": "Battery Status"
}, {
"key": "B_V1",
"value": "50.60",
"unit": "V",
"name": "Battery Voltage"
}, {
"key": "B_C1",
"value": "31.29",
"unit": "A",
"name": "Battery Current"
}, {
"key": "B_P1",
"value": "-1650.00",
"unit": "W",
"name": "Battery Power"
}, {
"key": "GE_C1",
"value": "20.41",
"unit": "A",
"name": "Production Current"
}, {
"key": "Pcg_dcg1",
"value": "1590.00",
"unit": "W",
"name": "Charging/Discharging Power"
}, {
"key": "P_INV1",
"value": "1000.00",
"unit": "W",
"name": "Storage Inverter Power"
}, {
"key": "B_left_cap1",
"value": "71",
"unit": "%",
"name": "SoC"
}, {
"key": "t_cd_cg_n1",
"value": "15",
"unit": null,
"name": "Cumulative Charging/Discharging Time"
}, {
"key": "t_cg_n1",
"value": "80",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Total Charging Energy"
}, {
"key": "t_dcg_n1",
"value": "72",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Total Discharging Energy"
}, {
"key": "Etdy_cg1",
"value": "4.09",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Daily Charging Energy"
}, {
"key": "Etdy_dcg1",
"value": "2.26",
"unit": "kWh",
"name": "Daily Discharging Energy"
}, {
"key": "INV_T0",
"value": "39",
"unit": "℃",
"name": "Temperature- Inverter"
}, {
"key": "B_T1",
"value": "22.00",
"unit": "℃",
"name": "Temperature- Battery"
}, {
"key": "T_RDT1",
"value": "33",
"unit": "℃",
"name": "Radiator Temperature"
}, {
"key": "SYSTIM1",
"value": " 22-05-30 09:54:51",
"unit": null,
"name": "System Time"
}, {
"key": "V_eme_o1",
"value": "251.10",
"unit": "V",
"name": "Emergency Output Voltage"
}, {
"key": "P_eme_o1",
"value": "0.00",
"unit": "W",
"name": "Emergency Output Power"
}, {
"key": "Etdy_ge_hou1",
"value": "3.15",
"unit": "h",
"name": "Daily Production Hour"
}, {
"key": "HR_Ege_t1",
"value": "60",
"unit": "h",
"name": "Total Production Hour"
}, {
"key": "CD_TIM1",
"value": "0.03",
"unit": "s",
"name": "Countdown Time"
}, {
"key": "Buck_C1",
"value": "4.67",
"unit": "A",
"name": "Buck Current"
}, {
"key": "LLC_BUS_V1",
"value": "331.70",
"unit": "V",
"name": "LLC Busbar Voltage"
}, {
"key": "C_Dcp1",
"value": "0.01",
"unit": null,
"name": "DC Component-Current"
}, {
"key": "V_Dcp1",
"value": "-69.00",
"unit": null,
"name": "DC Component-Voltage"
}, {
"key": "INV_ST1",
"value": "Grid connected",
"unit": null,
"name": "Inverter status"