Solcast Global Solar Power Forecast Integration

Is this going to trigger HA to show there’s an update?

Or do I need to update manually? Reinstall.

I installed via HACS.

HACS only checks for updates, im not sure when exactly

but if you click the integration in the HACS window… click the 3 vertical dots in the top right and then select ‘update information’ HACS should then show there is an update

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Thanks. Just updated to 3.0.33 and can now see the data D3-D7. Thanks a lot - that works great!

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I installed Home Assistant this morning and this is my first Integration. I think this might have been a steep learning curve right off the bad.

Anyway, I have it working and data is coming in, but when I try and add it to the Energy Dashboard I am cutting this error - You don’t seem to be in control of any dashboard, please take control first. Am I just being impatient?

You need to set a solar PV energy production sensor.

That will be from whatever Home Assistant integration you use for monitoring your solar PV system.

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I have a LuxPowerTek Hybrid Inverter and I can’t find an integration for that. I just wanted to get the solar forecast stats and graph into the Home Assistant

Have a look here, someone’s got a custom component that works with Lux inverters, think you need to email them to get access:

I ran out of API calls this morning as well. I only set this up yesterday. I have now turned off auto API polling. Does this mean it will only run at sunrise? I am using the default YAML automation

As free user, we only has 10 API calls per day. So, it is up to you how do you call the API. For me, I use the below automation. Basically, I call the API exactly at specific times. I have 2 sites in 1 account, so 1 call would count 2. Therefore I call 5 times a day. It’s good enough for me.

# Update Solcast forecast at specific time
- alias: solcast_update
  description: New API call Solcast
    platform: time
    - '07:00'
    - '09:00'
    - '11:00'
    - '13:00'
    - '15:30'
  condition: []
    service: solcast_solar.update_forecasts
    data: {}
  mode: single

Thanks for the response. That makes sense. I am new to HA and I assumed the default was to run at Sunrise which would be once? Where does the auto API polling come into play? Sorry for the noob questions.

Has the name changed for this? I can’t seem to find anything when I search for “Solcast” in HACS…

You won’t find it in HACS.
It’s in the official integrations.

Sorry, should have mentioned, I tried official first.

These are all the “sol*” integrations I see. Any idea why that’s missing for me?

Pretty sure Solcast is a custom integration

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Is there a way to integrate the forecast-line (as shown in the energy-sashboard) as entity-card in lovelace?

So basically what I want is something like this:

Yeah, that’s what I thought. The github page suggests it should be available through HACS though, right?

It is available through HACS, you need to add it as custom repository.

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Ah, of course - had forgotten about custom repositories!

Got it now. Thanks very much.

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There’s a file called solcast.json in the config folder. If you know how to parse it, you can plot it.