[SOLVED] Convert Array to String

A node on one of my flows outputs an array containing entity_id’s for Sono’s speakers active on my network. THis array is then passed to a function node where I wish to convert it to a string. I want to convert the array to a string. I’ve been working on this for some time without success. The array looks like this;

sonos_speaker_list_entity_id: array[4]
0: "media_player.kitchen_sonos"
1: "media_player.breakfast_sonos"
2: "media_player.workshop_sonos"
3: "media_player.livingroom_sonos"

Please let me know how I go about converting the array to a string that looks like;


const joinedArray = sonos_speaker_list_entity_id.join(",");

I believe the join node also works. But if you’re doing things in the function node anyways then use that.

@Kermit , prompt and precise, as usual. Thank you.

I looked at the join node but was unsure how to configure it. I’m building my skills and would like to know what the approach would be. Would you mind sharing?


I have to say I’m defeated.
I can’t do it with the join node, I thought it was possible.

Split node can break up arrays into individual messages.

yes, you can use a change node to make msg.sonos_speaker_list_entity_id => msg.payload.
Then split node to make each sonos a new message, then join them.

But that is too much of a hassle. I was expecting just the join node to be able to join arrays also and not just messages.

Perhaps there is a custom node that can do it.