Lots of great info here. Unfortunately I can’t get the mount to work. I followed the ukro’s steps exactly as indicated but the NAS share never mounts. When logged into the root I ran mount -a to try to force it to run and I get this error:
unkown filesystem type ‘cifs’
I get the same error when trying to run “mount -t cifs…” as well. Any thoughts? I’m running HomeAssistant OS as a VM in VMWare on a Windows machine.
sudo modprobe cifs: sudo: not found
modprobe cifs: Module modprobe not found in directory /lib/modules/5.15.72
apt-get install cifs-utils: apt-get: not found
I switched over to Proxmox and I can’t seem to ever see the attached disk using either fdisk -l or lsblk. I followed these exact instructions (104.conf is the file for my Ubuntu VM). Even after rebooting several times I can never see the HA disk. I even tried attaching disks from other VMs - same thing, so I assume this is something specific to my Proxmox install. Just curious if you had to do anything special in order to be able to see the VM in fdisk or lsblk.
When i’m using my image, everything is shown. You can even open gparted gui and check it before running my script. It must work as its over a year and it was always working for me.
I am now working on new automated iso with script that will take fstab file from custom_components folder and copy it to squashedfs Home assistant.
Will updated info here and on github. It will be very easy process. Logging will be also saved to custom_components.
Can confirm this works. Just set up a storage location called “frigate” all in lower case, pointing to your NAS share, and frigate (after a restart) will create recordings and clips folders and use the network storage just fine.
Finally - no more recreating shares after each OS update!
Finally !!! Thank you for confirming. Will wait for some feedback and then move to this update. Please let us know on any issues. After some time will close the FR. <3
Seems to be doing fine so far. You need to remove any existing mounts to the frigate folder, restart, make the storage location in the UI as described and restart Frigate.
Since this feature was introduced (so network drives can now be added natively through the Settings menu in the UI), I still wanted a way to have sensors monitoring the state of the drive, as described by people in this thread.
I believe the command line sensor approach given in this OP doesn’t work for UI-mounted drives (because the drives aren’t mounted into the homeassistant docker container, only the supervisor one).
If anyone is interested in doing this as well, the way I managed to get something reliable working it is documented here:
I hope it can be useful for someone. It gives me sensors in the UI, that can be used for further notifications: