Hi guys, I keep getting this error after updating Proxmox which had to be rebooted (new kernel)
HA was running fine, nothing changed there except reconfiguring the Tuya integration.
Invalid config for [knx]: required key not provided @ data[‘knx’][‘sensor’][2][‘type’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 43). Please check the docs at KNX - Home Assistant
I have restarted HA numerous times but without any improvement.
Any help is highly appreciated!
The last two entries in that file are missing the type attribute. But as you can see in the documentation (linked also in the error message from HA), that attribute is required.
binary is not a valid sensor type. This is only valid in the expose: config context.
Use a binary_sensor instead. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/knx/#binary-sensor
With your separated file structure this would mean an additional !include and yaml file.