[Solved] Lovelace dashboard empty after upgrade to HA 0.106 due to group-card errors

Lovelace dashboard is completely empty after upgrade to Home Assistant 0.106.0. Log files contain group-card related errors that probably cause the issue:

2020-02-26 20:08:06 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202002204] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot add property entities, object is not extensible
2020-02-26 20:08:06 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202002204] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot add property entities, object is not extensible
2020-02-26 20:08:06 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202002204] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot add property entities, object is not extensible

I have several similar cards in ui-lovelace.yaml

          - type: custom:group-card
              type: entities
              title: Kids lights
              show_header_toggle: true
              state_color: true
            group: group.kids_room

Group-card has no newer version in HACS and nothing related in HA release notes also mentioned.
Any idea what has changed and how to fix lovelace dashboard?

Only solution for the time being seems to be using auto-entities plugin instead of group-card. It seemingly is inspired and initially based on group-card so transition should be quite easy plus auto-entities is much more configurable.

All I had to do was to install auto-entities plugin from HACS and convert all group-card cards from:

          - type: custom:group-card
              type: entities
              title: Kids lights
              show_header_toggle: true
              state_color: true
            group: group.kids_room


          - type: custom:auto-entities
              type: entities
              title: Kids lights
              show_header_toggle: false
              state_color: true
                - group: group.kids_room

group-cards can safely be uninstalled after that.

Hope this helps those who are using group-card and will be surprised after upgrading HA in upcoming days.


Thanks, after an hour changing everything it works again!

Thanks for this solution. My lovelace was completely missing after the update but this solution fixed everything.