SOLVED: Found this “How do I configure ASA blinds”
and changed from 071a0000 to 071a0300
Mabye im missing something.
I bought a RFXtrx433XL to control my blinds, Its ASA blinds. when I use RFXmngr I program my RFY blind and I can control it from the computer via RFXmngr.
But when I connect it to my RPI and Hassio and make a cover entity nothing happens.
I have no idea what to do.
I have put this in hassio.
device: /dev/ttyUSB2
- platform: rfxtrx
071a0000051F1201: # RFY
name: Markis
I get the cover.markis entity, but nothing happens when I try to use it. Really hope someone can help!