SOLVED - Z-wave: Node Group Associations - ALL ON / ALL OFF

I was having a problem that 2 of my nodes in Z-wave network was controlling eachother, once again. Last time I deleted z-wave from Hassio and started all over. Z-wave - One device is controlling another

This time I tried to heal, test, stop Z-wave and restart Hassio. Nothing work.

In I found that one node can control another by “Node Group Associations”. And by entering (se below) you can remove the association. But how to implement and know which group? I was lost.

{"association": "remove", "node_id": 3, "group": 1, "target_node_id": 255}

BUT after banging my head at everything and giving myself and my family a headache it finally came to me as I was writing this.


  1. Go to Z-wave controlpanel

  2. Choose one of the Node (my first was Node 7, second was Node 8)

  3. “Node Config Options” and choose “10: Activate / deactivate functions ALL ON/ALL OFF”.
    Note: This may be different depending on what model you z-wave is.

  4. Then choose “ALL ON is not active ALL OFF is not active”

  5. Hit “Set Config Parameters”

Then choose the next node that is misbehaving and repeat 2-5.

I hope someone can find this useful!
Happy Christmas Everyone!

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Thanks, I just had the same problem (with Jeedom), thanks to you, it’s now solved (and I’m not getting crazy anymore :slight_smile: )